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  1. View Conversation
    I think you and Tele should co-op the final obliteration in the member elimination. I have no done enough lately to even think about taking the final kill.
  2. View Conversation
    YOU HAVE P3P AND YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED IT YET??? Run, not walk to the game and open it up/start playing now....

    Seriously though, you should. I don't have it actually (I have P3:FES on the PS2, well actually its a borrowed copy from a good friend), but I'll end up picking it up sooner or later just to give me something to do on long trips.

    If you end up liking it let me know, I got some other Atlus recommendations for ya.
  3. View Conversation
    You're always online when I'm on, Dodie. I think you secretly live in my part of the world, and are pretending to be American.

    If that's true, then your deceitfulness is painful.

    If that's not, then go to bed!
  4. View Conversation
    I never did get the chance to play MML2 before. Its too expensive to buy as well, people offer it for 50-60 dollars. there is this one guy who is offering it for 10 but he lives really far away so i'm resorting to emulation.

    i need to get my internal clock back in order as well, been going to sleep around 12:50 to 1.
  5. View Conversation
    No problem. I'm currently enjoying a 1st playthrough of megaman legends 2 and parasite eve on it atm.

    so how is your day today?
  6. View Conversation
    yeah, don't use that one, next time use the emulator pSX. It runs better, uses only the bios plugin, and you can freely adjust the screen size.
  7. View Conversation
    which emulator did you use? ePSXe?
  8. View Conversation
    New topic: have you ever thought about looking into psx emulation? I got back into it and its working out pretty nicely for me. I found an emulator that only needed one plugin thing and then all i had to do was get the games, pretty simple from my view.
  9. View Conversation
    N64 emulators suck. Good job at getting close to the end of BBS which i assume thats the one you're almost done with.

    I'm selling my PS2 slim with games and stuff, i offered it all together for 100 and i'm also willing to trade it for an N64 with games (which is the main reason I put it up for an offer)

    Been watching more and more of that reborn anime, episode 15 of that made me lol. It gets crazier as the episodes progress.
  10. View Conversation
    Thank you for the birthday wishes! *hugs*
  11. View Conversation
    New topic: Hows KH going? I started playing Megaman Legends 64 but I had to stop because the emulator made my game idle after I had gained some hard earned money to buy some neat weapon upgrades >.>.

    I'm also doing a craigslist sell or trade. You would probably think i'm outta my mind if you hear what i'm offering and what i'm offering it for.
  12. View Conversation
    Thanks for the support. I really need a job and I really hate statistics, oh heres something a little extra, i'm planning to move to Orlando in the future, just gotta make plenty of money first. More stuff to do there, more job opportunities and thats where alot of my friends ended up at.

    Won't happen for quite sometime though, gonna be a few years before that actually comes to pass.

    EDIT: dang, almost forgot, I made a new picture edit recently and i got 2 other pictures i just have captions for.
  13. View Conversation
    I've played Persona 4 and loved it. I have around 118 hours if not more on my file. I'm pretty far into the story, I would say almost done, and I don't have that much farther with getting the Personae I want. I do have Persona 3 - my girlfriend got me it, but I think I want to play the Persona 3 Portable version because that has the option to manually control all the characters in battle and I liked that in Persona 4. My friend was really into Persona 3 so I got to see the game quite a bit and in a SMT game I would prefer if I control my characters. What sucks though is, as I said, my girlfriend got me Persona 3 so it kind of leaves me in a bind. I could probably work something out so that she won't mind.
  14. View Conversation
    There are a few things I have to list out, I'll categorize them to make this interesting.

    Called up manager at Crispers for an opening and he basically said that they just hired and the people are currently going through training and he added that he'll look at the application i turned in with the stuff that i clipped to it and if he needs me he'll call me back. Sounded promising to me.

    I finally, finally got through the final worksheet I had to do for statistics and now I can take a test on it tomorrow to see if I pass.

    I set up a meeting with my VR counselor for this friday.

    I've been doing some exercising and getting stronger.

    I have also been going outside and getting some sun and I listen to music while I'm at it.

    Been playing lots and lots of Sim City trying to make a successful city without the money cheat (i've already restarted like 9 times.

    Started an LP with classicgamer on maniac mansion (don't know if you heard of that game)

    Last of all, I recently stumbled across a unlabeled disc i created 4 years back that had a random list of music. Songs included: megaman 7 intro stage, mega man 8 intro, mute city, port town, fire field, powerful infant, chop chop master onion, song about baking seafood cake, and a fanfare song from MMX command mission. I have to question my taste in music from back then hahaha
  15. View Conversation
    I restart my console FFs with Final Fantasy VII. However I may start that soon since I don't think I'll be done with FFXII anytime soon. I just got done with the events at Mt. Bur-Omisace and am heading to Archades now; I have like 82 hours logged. Before I do that there is a lot of stuff that I'll be doing or at least attempting. I did the Antlion elite hunt earlier and got the Formalhaut (best gun) in the treasure chest after the fight.

    I'm going to try to get some of the heavy armour "Maximillians" in the Necrohol of Nabudis from the monster Elvoret but there is an easy way to get the max battle chain level in Sochen Cave and then travel all the way to the Necrohol without resetting the battle chain; I saw how via a youtube video showing how to get the Maximillian in a 122333 run. I may try to get Exodus, Zeromus, & maybe Chaos before Archades as well.

    As for Espers, I decided to use Adrammelech against Mateus whom is weak against lightning. Adrammelech is weak to ice, but with the proper buffs and spells an Esper can be pretty powerful. Anyhuma Adrammelech took down Mateus and its minions easily. Then for the Judge Bergan fight I used Penelo and Cuchulainn - which is a very easy Esper to use; you will need an Opal Ring (spells don't bounce from Reflect) for Cuchulainn but those can be acquired in the Zertinan Caverns from Grenades as a rare steal. All I need to make my use of Espers most optimal is to get the spell "Syphon"; Espers don't use MP so after summoning the caster can just syphon mp from the Esper to regain their mp back; that is a basic strategy for using the more powerful Espers. Then cast any buffs they need which I like to use Gambits for since it is faster than manually putting them in. Finally go to town.

    As for handheld FFs: I started Final Fantasy, beat Garland and haven't played since. Final Fantasy XII has been taking a lot of my time. I do want to work on my RPGs outside of FF but there is only so much time I have for videogames and I like to focus on replaying FFs. It may seem strange since I've already beaten them that I should play something that I haven't, but the FF series has a special place in my RPG heart as does Dragon Quest. Which brings up the point that I need to play Dragon Quest IX for some reason I just haven't been playing it or wanting to. I don't find it too be bad I'm just in a DQ funk - I guess. I was kind of like that when I first got Final Fantasy IX. I didn't play it till a few weeks after getting the game. I wanted to but then I would stop myself. Perhaps it has something to do with the number IX.
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About Dodie16
I like to sing-ah, about the moon-ah and the June-ah and the spring-ah.
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VII and XII all the way, baby.
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