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    It's interesting that a Conservative governement would want to encourage alcohol

    But anyway, I'm astounded that the government has that much power, seriously being able to pass an act like that is the loophole that gave Hitler the power to do everything.

    Sure, the Earthquake bill seems like a good idea, but the fact that it exposes what your government can do is astounding, I mean I actually can't believe it. My mouth has not closed since I started typing this VM.

    So which constitutional acts are immune to this new act? Human Rights? Whatever it is it seems that they could easily bypass it if someone was evil enough.

    Hate to tell you this Alpha, but WW3 is going to be against New Zealand.

    And yeah, the matters concerning 'The Hobbit', have been in the news occassionally, mostly because production could move to Ireland or the UK. It seems a shame that Warner Brothers could be moving elsewhere, but I think they do have the right to do what is most conveniant for them. I guess since it's such a huge production there's going to be some upset about it.

    Of course, in my opinion, changing the law is no way to go about it. Yes, it would result in more people taking NZ as a 'cheap option' but it's at the expense of people's incomes etc.. I can't say I'm surprised, it's the same with every right-winged party in the world.

    Don't worry, your blowing off steam isn't bothering me.
  2. View Conversation
    Hey a sport Scotland is actually qualified for! Yipee! Though it's quite ironic that this seems to be 'Six-Nations' plus a few other teams which play rugby.

    I am surprised that the Americans have a team. I'd think that there would be no Americans interested with their own brand of 'football' overshadowing rugby.

    What sort of legislation are they introducing, and why are you against it?
  3. View Conversation
    Aw... That sucks. I suppose the best thing to do would be just to wait, since it says that the service is temporarily unavailable, though I'm using it right what's up with that.

    I wish I could be of more help.
  4. View Conversation
    Oh wow... That's really odd. I wish I did have some tips to help you, but I'm really not so good at stuff like that.

    Does the sign in window pop up at all? Is it telling you that you're putting in an incorrect username/password or anything?
  5. View Conversation
    That's sort of a bitter sweet article, we've been playing 'Flower of Scotland' for years at most sporting events, and even sung it in schools, it's just still not official.

    Oh well, I'm sure when it comes round to Glasgow 2014 we'll have sorted something out. It would be ironic if the host country had no official anthem.

    EDIT: Strangely enough, the official page, puts us above you since we won more gold. That's good enough for me.
  6. View Conversation
    Orange or no orange? I still need to do the stars on the fingertips and the highlights on the hands if you want the orange; oh and the highlight on the hair.

    PS I like the orange, but I thought I'd ask if you want anything specific.

  7. View Conversation
    I've not really caught a lot of the games thus far, they're on during mid-morning so I don't really get much of an opportunity to watch the live events.

    I'm also too upset that countries like Nigeria, Malaysia (and even that hick-country, New Zealand ) have earned more medals than Team Scotland.

    If only there were a pie-eating contest. *Sigh*
  8. View Conversation
    Hehe... That would be awesome if it was true, but alas, it's not. I just have a very sporadic sleep schedule (especially here lately), and like to log on to the site at different times of the day. I suppose many of those times coincide with when you log on as well.

    Nice to know you're keeping tabs on that kind of thing though. (you stalker).

  9. View Conversation
    Oh it's one of there favourite subjects. About half an hour ago, BBC Scotland proudly announced that the Scottish team were now all in Dehli, but cleaned up the mess themselves.

    I can understand why the athletes are upset about the state of the 'luxury' apartments though, Delhi has had nine years or something to build and perfect the accomodation and it's turned out looking like the scabby end of the slums of London. I think that it would be nice to have flushing toilets after nine years building.

    Honestly, India should never have been given the games, all of the things you've said has cleared up that they can't take care of their own - let alone guests. The money spent could definetly be put to better use.

    The poor get poorer...
  10. View Conversation
    I did a breif skim of the OP and yeah I agree that it could use a little work, not much though. I already stickied the thread before you could even type up your VM haha, just happened to be at work a few minutes early.

    Anyways I will give more feed back later this evening when I have a few more minutes to think about it. So far looks good!
  11. View Conversation
    Gandalf, what is friend in elvish?
  12. View Conversation
    You make more than I do lol. Hell, your minimum wage is higher than my current wage. And I'm not even a cashier anymore, that's after the raise I got for becoming a photo tech and getting a raise every year. I also see my state listed as one of the many with the lowest possible minimum, which I'm sure my company loves. Ugh. I can't wait to be out of this job.

    And no, it's not realistic at all. Which I think is also wrong. Minimum wage should be the absolute lowest amount a person can live off of, not the lowest amount they can get away with. This kind of b.s. is why a lot of people in this area don't even bother working, they just live off of state/government handouts. Make more that way. The system is profoundly broken.

    I mean, I'm barely scraping by and I work full time, I live by myself (and pay low rent because I'm 'renting' half the house from my mom and stepfather, can't afford a real apartment), I have no kids and the government is paying for my college education.
  13. View Conversation
    I don't know about that. I don't work for WalMart. Sometimes I wish I did, as sad as that sounds. They pay better.
  14. View Conversation
    All the pictures had come from a Banksy website, so I'm assuming so (I double checked them before posting to make sure I wasn't talking rubbish) . The copy cats aren't bad, and I do like their work too, but a couple end up in his name... which isn't very nice. They should come up with their own pseudonyms.
  15. View Conversation
    A lot of his work is in London. Things pop up of his in other places too (some done by Banksy wannabes though), but usually in London. I think all the pictures in my post are ones in London - actually, I'm pretty sure.
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