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  1. The best part is that one of them said that they have that huge military so that other countries don't have to, like it's altruistic. They're quite happy to pay for wars in other countries, but not to pay for medicine for their own people? I don't get it. Best part is that they think we want their damn military. The biggest protests in the entire history of the UK took place against Iraq. We didn't want it, it happened anyway, and Labour have been ruined because of it. Que sera sera. I guess it's idiosyncrasies like that that make America fascinating.

    Your arguments are also very good. Fight the hegemony indeed. It's nice to have you and Ragna around, liberals who venture into ID were scarce before you two.
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    Alpha I appreciate this comment. Thank you very much. It does rub me the wrong way when people, esspecially people that live here, denounce this country. I'm just very proud of our history and I love living here, and I'm glad that you understand that.

    But hey, what about LOST. That show kicks some serious ass, and I can't wait for January. You have any thoughts on it? Theories? Are you going to watch FlashForward?
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    ahahah!!! hope you don't hate me now
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    I was waiting for the right time to surprise everyone hehe I was gonna say it of course
  5. View Conversation
    ahahah!!! good timing right??
  6. View Conversation
    Damn, I'm extremely late. =P Hey again! =] You know, I've read some of your posts in ID. Much better than the ones I leave there. =P *thumbs up*
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    I'm glad you realise you're being a communist here.

    But society should be fair. Not shared property. From the moment you have a free society, you're gonna get people who are more wealthy than other people. And their kids will have a better future etc.
    But you can't reset society every few generations. That's just not fair.

    I'm a socialist, but I don't have a problem with people doing what they want to earn money. They're working for it. And if they're so selfish to not support any charities or anything, that's harsh, but it's their choice...
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    Haha yeah I noticed that. Was kind of suprising there for a few minutes but then I remembered that school has officially restarted so the forum activity is going to slow down a bit.
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    Doing good, just staying busy with life and all that jazz. Been pretty crazy around here as of late. Haven't had much time to my self also. Sucks that is part of being a "grown up" I guess haha.
  10. View Conversation
    Whats up boss, it has been a while. How have you been?
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    I respect your opinion and your view on how society should earn money etc.

    But you should respect their opinions too though. Some people simply work/live for money to spend... That's their right.
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    Hehehhee, I'll send you a PM, as I don't want everybody to know who stumbles onto your profile. xP
  13. View Conversation
    "You say it is non-Christian to pray to Mary. How so?"
    -Praying to Mary is useless. She has no divine power, no influence, and there is no more reason to pray to Mary than there is to pray to a dead relative.

    "Catholics do not worship Mary, they venerate Mary."
    Origin: 1615–25; < L venerātus, ptp. of venerārī to solicit the goodwill of (a god), worship, revere ...

    Mary has no power, no authority, no point in praying to her. She can do absolutely nothing for you. According to the Bible -- you know, the Holy Book of Christianity -- praying to God through Jesus is the only way to have your prayers heard, and praying to anybody else is blasphemy.

    So believing that Mary has some sort of "divine power" when she hasn't been used by God since Jesus was born, or paying to Mary instead of to God through Jesus like the Bible says, is against Christianity. It may be fine to do in Catholicism, but not in Christianity.
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    we're the only ones online
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    I think... I can live with that. Let's also say that discussion is a topic that has many aspects you have to take into consideration. That would sum up everything we talked about.

    I totally agree with you on that. Throughout the week I now play a game on DS in which I can save anytime I like to. =) So it is quite easy for me to save after playing for 10 minutes before going to bed. :3
    Especially FF has looong story sections. I never dare to look at my watch before and after a scene, but some really take TOO long. For example in FFVII when you got into Cloud's mind - I was stuck there for 30 minutes, if I remember correctly. x.x

    You're getting nearer.
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