Now isn't your sig cute XD, 9/10
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Now isn't your sig cute XD, 9/10
Your siggy is very red!
It also looks like it was hard to make O_O!
I like it!
Sort of simple with a lot of text and just 2 pics. Its good in a way. Its very purple and yellow... Nice. 7/10
I love that song so much!
A Rather simple sig but still goes quite well 8/10
ps this is my first photoshop job
I love it. I like the egg thing! An the interest is quite cool on the god's^^. I would give it a 10/10. Very clear in "who you are".
Ok some of the images arent working, but I remeber you had some dood ones of Tifa. You've used a balance of text and images which is good, but since its not all working i'll have to give 7/10. Its still high!
you hava a nice combination of pictures and words nice job
The lyrics are really sweet and sad, every time I post with you on the same page I have to stop and read it all again. :)
I like the title. Simplistic, an neat. I give 7/10
Is Tifa smuggling watermelons out of the country?
:P Very... interesting.
10/10 if just for the OMGWTF!! factor! :D
Ha ha ha! That made me laugh! First I was like "F***ing POPUP!" Then it was... oh! Its his sig! Ha ha ha! "Install teh spyware!! Yay!"
OMFG you liek get 10/10 innit!
^ Awesome ... The noob tag is killer. 1000/1000
Blue is awesmoe. welcome to the lococolt04 is a noob semi-clan thing, or, whatever. 8/10
^ cool picture and you personalised it with "LocoColt04 is a noob". It could be improved by using some artsy photoshop/paintshop pro 8 thing though. Good Advent Children quote thing too! 7/10.
Very cool. I like the Franz Ferdinand parody.
The "e89" are a little hard to make out on the top image though, but maybe that's just my screen brighness. Very random though which is fun!
:D 9/10
nice verry good.
Pretty dull and boring. Nothing special. Google search much? Uh. 3/10, because you have three pictures in there, I guess. Who knows.
That's what I was thinking, lol. But stick figure sigs are always the best, it's like the love from old black and white movies. Anyway, that's an awesome sig, especially with Loco so small (Implying anything, much? :P), 9/10
awesome. I love the redness, and it looks violent. I love it..1000909/1000909
Who can't give Tifa a 10?!
^ Best Banner EVER!!! I am so jealous... 97/10
mega man!
8/10 just cause 311 if not there then 10/10
^ Mediocre. 3 images, which are of good quality, but could be lined up better, sized to fit together on merged, as it is a wee bit unorganised. I am unsure of where the quote is from, but I assume it's from a song. 5/10.
The Sex Pistols suck(ed).
7/10, because I am a nice guy and probably want to jump your bones.
because he expresses his antisemitism in his sig, wich i think is primitive...
nice banner though...
Very...very blue lol. I guess u like blue and green which are good colors by the way. I like Cloud cause he was awesome in the FF Advent Children movie. I like magic so I guess I'll give you a plus for the magician you got there. I like the fact that you support the "LocoColt noob thing" which many of the people in here already have it but any****. The banner of Cloud is very big for the Hope is an.... text. Anyway a 9/10
I'm Jewish, you ninny.Quote:
Originally Posted by RagnaToad
I liked you better when you supported homosexuality. Now you just support bad music. 3/10
ow sry
but why the confusing "**** jew" sig then?
and the hitler shit...
anyways, 7/10 :)
Hahaha, who doesnt love Sponge Bob. I like your signature better now. Really cute and with your name on it makes it better. Keep it nice 10/10