It looks like a normal picture with text and a glow effect. And then some really difficult words to read on the TFF Dark layout. Not great, but not terrible. 5/10. Half score because I'm nice today.
Printable View
It looks like a normal picture with text and a glow effect. And then some really difficult words to read on the TFF Dark layout. Not great, but not terrible. 5/10. Half score because I'm nice today.
To bunny I give 9/10. Thou has done good my Archenemy:D
I really don't under stand why you have only text on your body really doesn't read opinion...5/10
add one picture and text little bit lesser would be good...
One picture>a milion words
Whell my words can not be explained in pictures!!
V for Vendeta... good
Words from a song... medium
6/10 (read the words it will do thou good)
Beowulf...not bad...
ashes to ashes, dust to dust...
Hm, very simple. Just a picture and your name. THought I like it because the picture of the faces looking at each other looks cool. 5/10
Umm the pictures Iduno who those people are hahah ^^ I like the poem thing though on the bottom ^^ 6/10 ^.^
I like it. Photos are good. Subtle, yet refined. 9.4/10
I like your Megaman (if I remember right) theme...It's isn't made by you but I don't remember who done it...but it's cool...
It's cool to have friends/homies...I have while ago all so they in my sig but I removed the same time my friend list get smaller...
I don't get it what it that 'Got Natsog?'...anyone can tell me...?
awsome I give you a 7/10.I like the Vendeta stuff even though I never saw the movie^^. I like the red stuff too.An the phrase is kick butt
Okay. Umm..I like your Sailor Moon
thing going, Natsog ^_^ , Nice quoting,
Cesar........I'll give you a 8/10 ^^ Its a
little bright tho
Hmmm, pretty unorganised. It seems like you just jumbled a couple images into your signature (no wait, seems is an understatement; you simply DID it).
Try to get it to look more balanced and coherent themes couldn't hurt either. It seems like they have no connection to eachother.
Don't see this as negative criticism persay...I'm just trying to help you so you know what to fix and not. 4/10
Ok. Lets see....I guess i'll just give ya a perfect
10. Not complex and not too simple. Everything
is in place with that matching text at the bottom
nicely done ^^
Aww. That's purdy. Everyone peacefully chillin'.
Blow me that I still don't know about Natsog, but heck, you have a nice siggie so have yourself the number 9. There.
5/10 nice words in the pic and nice black and white.
I don't like it at isn't organized and FF 7 stuff comes out off my ears...I don't like it...3/10
Much better looking than the pre-sig, nice them going on and looks quite good. Nightwish is a great band, (Tarja is hot!) 10/10
Okay still pretty sweet from last time i saw it. I really like the cool little scorpion pet though. So because of that Im gonna give ya a 7/10. Woot Go Odin.
I think it all looks cute^^. the first one gives me a warm an fuzzy feeling. The last one makes me feel at hime:).10/10
Pure 10. I like the words. By the way my zodiac sign is a Scorpian:)
I have only read a little bit of Beowulf. I want to read the rest, but I didn't actually have the time. Maybe someday.
6/10 because it is only words and I am a visual person.
That's the cutest damn bunny in the world. Not only that, but he's a fucking bunny. I mean, COME ON. He's a fucking bunny!
As for the choice of music... APC three times in a row?
I don't know if I could do that myself, to be honest. My brain could implode.
You get a holy bunny droppings, Batman! out of 10.
AO online, okay thats working for me. Although I heard the admin was an ass..Hmm lets see, then we have the Bottom sig. Not bad, Works for ya. The Master and the Mistress eh? I have wondered about this slightly. I like the photoshop background, totally think i used the same render for mine below. Just slightly different.
Hmmm, I give it 8 carrots out of 10
I like the two banners, the text showing u have brothers and specially the banner on the bottom.... shiny purple =)
A little too emo for me but the little guys in the cartoon are so cute.
So yeah, I like it 9/10
^ I like it. Simple. Quote-worthy. Basic. 9/10
I like the fact that I am in your sig. I give you a 4 for that. I love the ninja turtles. 2 for that. 1 for the quote, and -1 because tou have some other women on there! 6?10
JK 10/10. I love you PA^^. you knew I would coem here so you could set me up
You seriously need to get photoshop or something, lol. But it's a good attempt, rather long but a good set of pics, basic texts, just need a few tricks such as erasing and feathering XD, I'll give it a 7/10
I <3 the picture! Awesome!, the quotes are weird but not bad, but the picture gives you lots of points. Also I see you are another person from the Brotherhood of Doom. 10/10
That artwork...I've seen it before. What was that thing about it? Hmm.
Lyrics...ah evil wuv. Hate.
I heart the bottom pic. The fairy girl. Aww. 8.932/10