Actually I had this signature before it turned evil and tried to take over the forums.
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Actually I had this signature before it turned evil and tried to take over the forums.
Firstly, Mike. Your signature is back to its near-original state, so I don't really have anything new to say; however, it has lost none of its kickassness, so I'm giving it a 9/10 for re-hashed yet still fresh goodness.
BAD. I have yet to see the image in your signature a SINGLE time, but if you're putting a wallpaper in your signature, I can tell you right now that you're breaking the signature size limits. Plus, you're illegally leeching from another website, which is why it isn't showing properly to begin with. I'm going to ask you once and only once to remove it, as well as lower the size of the text in your signature.Quote:
Originally Posted by animaobli
And don't tell me that I can't tell you to do that, because I can. ;)
I like Loco's Sig It's down to the point, and does the job. Pretty dinky slick! *nod*
^ uhhh... its grainy. And stuff....
^ I like the animated gif, but it needs more than two frames. It gets too repetitive too quick. And I don't really care for myspace, so I won't even click on your link.
Who's Jack?
Not a fan, although all I see is boxes where I assume japanese writing would be. Need to upgrade my computer.
Does anyone actually know the two guys in mine?
8/10 I don't know who those two guys are but I like the sepia color tint and the looks on their faces makes me wonder what tey are doing.
I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.Quote:
Originally Posted by らぐなろけ
For the last time watch Fight Club!
In the book it was Joe, not Jack.
For the last time, read Fight Club.
=P Bitch.
Well, considering I can't read it... at all... whatsoever...
For all I know, you could be flaming everyone with your signature.
I'll have to give you an I Could Care Less out of I Don't Give A Fuck.
As for my signature, I decided to bring back one of my older banners.
Above average. Very nice. I like it alot.
O_o;; Yes, a large part of that text is a huge insult aimed at all of the members of this forum.
I ran it through a translator. While the translation may not have been precise, I got enough out of it to get a laugh. At least it's merely an insult, and not a flame. I don't have to make you change it now. For the foreignization of your opinion, I give you a 7/10. Half of those points come from the fact that your banner is pretty nifty, and the other half comes from making me chuckle.Quote:
Originally Posted by らぐなろけ
Old School Style!
I have not seen a better banner with sprites than this one, it is very well done indeed.
I would give it a 9/10
10/10 just for the animation! Ctrl-Alt-Del is my favorite online comic too.
Well, you droped the black background, and thats god, because it looked awkward on the TFFDark template, or, to me it did, anyways, the green bugger still gives me nightmares... so 9/10
^ Rockin sig. I have 2 cats myself so thats hilarious. 14/10
That one with the DJ-cat is so awesome dude---9/10
Simply, classic, two thumbs in the bum! 10/10
I still think the guy on the left is making a funny face. I imagine that he farted and just smelled it as the picture was taken.
^ Yay. Super tree friends little guy. I think. 9/10
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats the best sig ever. LOL.
Original. Sezzeh. I likeh.
^ MG is always good. 27/36
Creative but not of my taste....I like it and everything but not very much. It is good though :) 7/10
A little too emo for my taste but good none the less.
Here is my new baner. I was watching Phantom of the opera today and started taking screenshots. What do you think of it?
Like I wrote before, I dont like The Phantom of the opera that much, I liked the other stuff that is on it...so now the score is... 8/10
Interesting. I don't use razorblades though... I'm so goth my wrists slit themselves.
I like the picture but not the lyrics. The sink makes me think of bloody cracked teeth for some reason. 6/10
Whoever is rating mine, please either rate the two pictures as seperate banners or just pick one or the other.
I like it. second one 9/10
Eerr. Looks weird 6/10
nice, good colours and picture,i like it 9/10
Very emo and persusive 9/10
(I like mine so I won't be changing it for a while)