Actually made me laugh!
Nicely set out and I like hand drawn pictures
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Actually made me laugh!
Nicely set out and I like hand drawn pictures
Scream meets south park, at least half of it I like.
Anyway it looks kinda funny and stuff so I think I can give you like a 7/10?
If I'm not supposed to post in here slap me...
This is the rate the above signature thread. Close, but not quite. =p Since you don't have a sig, I'll put myself up to be rated next. -gulp-
Hah! You don't have anything to worry about...because that little man from Canadia has my empathy...there isn't anything wrong with saying Canadia...even if Canada is right.
10/10! XP
ummm not bad not good 5/10
Sort of messy. Sorry. 4/10
organized and fun! cant find anything bad about it 8.5/10
Looks nice. The text in your banner's a little blurred, and maybe you could take the marquee off your quote. But other than that, I can't see anything wrong with it. =p 8/10
You again, good lord Tiger lily, I'm beginning to feel like im stalking you... Obviously I'm not though... You just post in the same place as me.
Once again, I love the pic's. The joke I need to have explained to me though. Am I dumb?
8/10 for sig too.
Yeah. I wuvs this thread. =p
You're not dumb! It's just an inside joke for the people who've been around TFF longer. Nick loves Canada. Celtic bags him for it. And I give people cookies. Like now! -gives cookie-
It's nice, but you could do with getting a banner for it. It'd look really good! Regrettably, 5/10.
10/10, because you listened to me.
My signiature will not make sense to those that don't watch Avatar. So try to pretend you get it if you're one of those people. :P
10/10, because it's just plain funny. Avatar ftw!
You know I love this. Funny as shit XD. 10/10.
very scary avatar, great job 9/10
Er, wrong thread.
It's average. Nice song on the video, mind. 7/10
I WUV IT MAKES ME FEEL like theres pancakes inside of my belly
I like it...
It looks good and it's not centred or nothing... :D
And hell, it made me curious enough to see the Epic Race thread...
Oh fook it, 10/10. :D
YAY thats what me and some guy want, when i get my game back im gunna do another post, STAY IN TOUCH
Celtic i like yours the colour scheme fits i like the pic
10 outta bloody 10
It's quite well done, actually. Not too complex, not too simple. I'd recommend centering it, mind. ^^ 8/10
I don't quite get it, but it is cute.
But still, like your avatar, it's time for you to get a new one. XD
Lmfao! I love the chef's hat. Kekekekekekeke.
It reminds me of when I was an elderly old man...
kind of makes me feel dirty! but other then that i like it.
No idea who it is, but 'e looks cool.
The sigs nicely made, and matches your avatar, too.
8/10. :3
Yeah, I've been thinking about making a new set, but I'm not quite sure what to put on it. Suggestions? =P
EDIT:: Got one! =D
LMAO at the banner, but your family's a little too big now. Might want to condense it a little? 7.8/10
I saw that before and kind of giggled at it. I didn't know the meaning behind Canadia. So I talked to Lily about it. Pretty funny. ^^
9/10. I like the comic panel style.
Wow, it looks great! It's not big and in-your-face, but it's certainly effective. You gets bonus since I'm in your family. =D 9.5/10
It's a little too fady for my taste. I like a bit more robust colour. Laguna is pretty cool though. 7.5/10.
It's hilarious and well set out. 9.5/10
It gives me that warm fuzzy feeling :D
and its cool! :woot:
- 10/10
When I first looked at it I didn't like it, but it's really quite clever. Kudos to you. 9/10