like the first banner, drawing-ish lol 2nd looks like ICP throw up, sorry 8/10
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like the first banner, drawing-ish lol 2nd looks like ICP throw up, sorry 8/10
Great banners. Love them all. 9.7/10
I can't really see what's going on in it. No, that's not entirely true, I can tell it's another Naruto Banner. ~_~
Sorry, 6/10. You get points for actually making a sig though, instead of being lazy and grabbing a picture you find humourous from the web when a perfectly good version of Photoshop hasn't been used in months like some people. Not naming names...Jin. :P
It looks nice, with the centering and the text not exceeding the length of the picture by too much. Neat and effective, even if you didn't use Photoshop. XP 8/10
Should have had a border, lighting effects or something but it's nice enough even though it could use a little more work. If you use PS I recommend some C4D's for effects, that will rock your sig to another level.
It's a little too wide for my liking, and the banners could do with a little spacing, but it's not bad and it's not messy. 7/10
This thread hasn't been active, so I'm bringing it back..
OMG, Lily, your sig is soo awesome! I love how you drew that and what an awesome family you have. 100/10. Whoops, extra 0, but you deserve it. ;!
... Explosion of vain randomosity.. ;!
Well, I'm not sure if the comics yours or not but I like it, it's funny! ^.^
8.0125/10 (Does that even exist??? lol)
Yeah, it's mine. =P
I like yours, but it could be better if it was centered. And I think you spelled 'awesome' wrong.. Hehe. ;! But yeah, it's nice. 7/10
I like it........IS THIS NICK! IT SUPPOSED TO BE :LOL: 8.8/10
Dragons, warriors and an elf- all things I love! Its a really cool picture 10/10
A nice pic, on a very interesting Bleach character.
And the text, a lighter blue, goes well with the darker blues in your pic. :D
And fully centred as always... Hmmm... 9.95/10
Links, quotes and a demonic fiery eye! =D 9/10
lol funny comic 9/10
this one was just done, the fur and glow are both something new I've tried and I look forward to having it rated xD
You finally got the glow! =D Hehe...anyway...I still think your sig as a whole is really long....but the banner is pretty good. The fur looks a little matted in places, but hey, first attempt (?) so its good. ^^ Yay!
Love the colour scheme. It matches throughout, it's centered ... And I'm there! =D 10/10
*glomps Lily and her sig* Chibi daddy and chibi celtic!!!! So kawaaiiiii!! Your sig rocks. I loves it!!!
Canadia ftw!!!
10/10 on your sig xeim. The colors blend very nicely xD
ah, the wonders of photoshop. I JUST finished this signature totally. The glow is perfect and the fur is all redone by me. I love how this one turned out and I think this is my best work so far. My last one seems so horrible comparing, but hey, a little more work and I finally got it xD
It's awesome! I love the outline and glow. Maybe a titch too big, though? 8.9/10
funny comic like the drawing 10/10
dark and eerie pretty cool 8/10
A mess. 3/10.
Very true Damn people and there bothering tendencies
Eh, you're meant to rate the above signature..
Yours is nice, although a little text and centering wouldn't go amiss. 8.4/10
hilarious 9/10
It's a bit messy.. You could do with some centering, and some consistency with fonts and colours. Or ones that compliment each other. Sorry, 4/10
Speaking as a Canadian, I can tell you, it's Canadia, not Canada. ;)
Only 1 request, please ditch the scroll bar. I feel like I should watch for a weather warning when looking at it.
It's nice and simple, centered, neat and ties in with your avatar. 8.7/10
I actually 'lolled' >.<
I liked the red one better, although this one's definitely more artistic, and probably suits the lyrics more. But the red made a bigger statement. Anyways.
It's looking good, though that period (did I really say that? o-0) in your review link might possibly be better with the rest of the sentence. =P