Wow!! New banner!! I really like it, Nicely done Lily ;)
However, I'll give you 9/10 just because it not like this :D
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Wow!! New banner!! I really like it, Nicely done Lily ;)
However, I'll give you 9/10 just because it not like this :D
'F you did the avatar the same way I might use it... Undecided as yet. ><
I love it. The colours are great and it's well set out. Godsmack's awesome, too. =D 10/10
i like it, simplistic and yet effective. 8.7 out-o 10
Looks good. The only quip I have is that the text's a little blurred on the banner, but that's about it. ^^ 8/10
Whoa! Back into the Laguna goodness, eh? Well, you do have the banner for best sig, so who am I to say otherwise?
9.5/10 (Blue is nice ^^)
PS: DO NOT judge my sig!!! It is uber ugly!
It's cluttered feeling, but so is my apartment.
Cluttered is what I'm comfortable in.
Your signature... is comfortable...
8/10 :D
A person diving into a toilet??? That is just awesome! The only weird thing is that there is a stain on the bowl....O_o
I likes the banner too.
9/10 only because I can't read thing over your family area.
I'm in there! Can I join the cult, too? :D
8/10 :p
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice me is liking muchly, blue niiiice the fading niiiiiice
8/10 niiiice
Was talking to you as you made it. Looks great - love the effect on the text. The best thing about the re-vampedness is that it's centered. :D 9/10
As the award you bare states, it's the best...
10/10. :D
But seriously, great combo
I don't get it.
Is it an inside joke and have I been forcefully shoved onto the outside?
This... this must change!
Never in my life have I been more angry. Everything, everything that lives and breathes, everything that is and will be- all of it shall perish at my hands. I shall cause the most cataclysmic chain reaction that has ever been experienced. From this moment on, I am no longer Momo Mastermind Memory Miser, I will now be Eva Braun's sunglasses!
.... -sips some coffee- 8/10
[[Eva Braun was Adolf Hitler's wife.]]
That toilet has always made me giggle. But every graphic design major I know has a prejudice against papyrus so I can't see it without laughing now. I like the font you used for "Momo," though. Not as overdone.
8/10, I think.
I'm a little insecure about how big my signature is, but I just made a new banner so here goes nothing. :P
To be honest, its scary. But in a good way, not in the dracula...i bite you and you die kinda way....which actually...isn't scary? Its very artistic and it just shows everyone how talented you are in making those kinds of signatures. I do love your signatures and enjoy every new one.
I like the border, and especially your name. Its written in such a wicked font, its gold to the eye.
I like how you made your name with oranges.?
I can't watch your AMV becuase I have no bandwidth right now =(.
Although it's just white text, it's uncluttered and fairly well structured.
The girl kinda reminds me of you, Froggie, minus the blood and stuff :p. Whoever that is, she's very pretty, I especially like the eyes. 8/10
scary 6/10
4/10 kinda small
I liked Vampire Hunter D a while ago, but I haven't seen it lately. I did like how Carmilla [sp?] was just a phantom in the castle, hanging onto the walls [save for her bloody corpse in the tomb] and such. Meier's head was split in half but surprisingly he put it back together...
It was a sad love story between a vampire, a mortal, and wolf/spirit creatures. I do, however, enjoy a good glass of chocolate soy milk here and there.
As for your "Reach for the stars and shake the heavens." scrolling text, it's very imaginative. I like it, although it is a bit powerful.
All in all, I give your signature nine dead mermaids out of ten.
hah, lol real funny i like it alot
simplistic yet effective could use a little work 6/10
lettering is pretty cool 7/10
small, but cool, i like it, kinda small.....
I agree with Meier Link
simplistic yet effective could use a little work
cool, 8/10 for me, i liked iy
.hack stuff, awesome, but could use a nice banner or something ^^
by the way, if you have any good links for me to watch some of it, please send.(via private message of course) I remember watching some .hack//sign when I was younger, but it sorta dissappeared on me. ^^
Er, that's rather off topic. Could you please rate the above sig, at least?
Anyway, it could really use some work. Change of font, image, embedded video instead of links, maybe? Centering? Formatting really couldn't go amiss here. 4/10, sorry.
Awesome! One of your greatest signatures so far :D 10/10