^ Very cool words, not exactly poetry and all that but I like it 9/10
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^ Very cool words, not exactly poetry and all that but I like it 9/10
It's okay. Nothing bad but not either good.
Vincent sig's are trendy, but I believe Griffith made it so -- 8.5/10 =)
Yes Griffith made it. It reads in sig...
But yours is really good. I like it.
I like it. Nice and red! Plus credits are given to the maker sooo.. a grand 9/10
valentine89 hmmm The Vincent Sig I think is really good..did you make it yourself?? I like the blue very nice.
LOL! the cows with the milk hehe I think is really funny! like it!
Chav??? is that anouther word for Gangasta???:confused: or Townie..cause I think Townies are meanies! and you must have an higher than average intelligence hehe
Very nice and unquie - 9/10!!
Open person intresting but i can't really tell
hope thats ok if not then feel the end of my blade
OneWinged Angel (Sephiroth)
Well it's a pretty basic Sephiroth sig so I guess it's at least worth 6.5/10
Yes I made it myself! ^_^ Glad you like it!Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady Advent
Yeah, Chavs are townies and theyre taking over the whole of the UK! No matter where you go, theyre there glaring at you, so i came up with that as a witty quip about them. I actually thought up of it in the bath! XDQuote:
Originally Posted by Lady Advent
Anyway, Samurai Kenji has an interesting signature, with the main red colouration and the layers and depth put into it. 9/10.
Well, it is pretty cool even though I dont get it very well. It is funny in a way which is a puls. Lets say a 10/10
^ i've never seen queer as folk... some of those quotes are alright - but visually pleasing
It's funny in it's own way. :eek:
Oh, I see you have a new banner. Sort of good but simple, lets say a 7.5/10
Not bad but a bit to much for my likeing.
I dont get it very well, it is sort of simple. Nice picture though. 7/10
Queer as Folk?!?!?! Sry, 4/10 cause it's a little funny but sickening.
^ Is that latin? Hmm... I like it. 6752/7421
Ninja Turtles!!! I used to love those, wait I still do! Though Rapheal or however you spell it was not my favorite so... 9.9999/10.
I like the blue picture, though it is not that exciting. 7.5/10
Yeah the blue sig is a bit dull. But not bad entirely. As for yours...well...QAF I've never seen and I assume that's where all of it is, and I doubt I'll ever watch it. First one seems...well they're both pretty basic. Anyone can throw a bunch of scenes together or paint a black backround and put people in it. 6/10.
I dont understand what you really mean in your signature, yours is sort of simple too, the text is weird in a way. I like the picture though 4.5/10
lol, simple? Do you understand Photoshop at all? Some of that shit looks easy but it isn't. As for the quote in my sig it's from a band called X-Japan, good stuff ^_^
Ye this stuff isn't easy at all but it could be better. The white strokes above the text are lil overdone. You left a lot of empty space left to the text.
In general the effects and the picture are very nice, the font is cool as well, just a little small in proportion to the signature size.
The quote in your sig is very cool. X-japan rulz. Why to hide it? ^^;
4/10 could be better, just looks like text over an image, sorry =/
Whoa, now thats what Im talking about. A combination of Black and red looks awesome, the picture is really good. The text is sort of weird but I like the picture a LOT. 10/10
Yeah, but I did not want to spoil the backround either so I tried to balance both the backround, picture, and I didn't want much text XD. Never do really. That red sig though looks cool. 8/10Quote:
Originally Posted by Serra
EDIT: I'm also still working on the sigs and shit so thanks for the heads up, I'll see if I can make it better. Though I like how I kind of blended the character and the backround together rather well.
You know? If you want to post a comment or something you should send it by PM or something, I think it is against something about the rules isnt it? I think I read it once.
Off-topic: Are you attacking me now cause of what I said in the gay thread? Seriously, cause I do know the rules better than you. My post was on topic and I just added a comment, there is nothing wrong with that. In fact you could've PMed THAT to me.
On-Topic: I already gave my 2 cents about your sigs.
Thankies ^_^Quote:
Originally Posted by Kinney
Umm devill
10/10 - Very well organized and original. I like it. :D
Lets try and keep this thread on topic, please? Everyone hug and make out.. er.. hug and make up. ..make up. That's what I ment.