^I have no idea... 5/10?
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^I have no idea... 5/10?
^ Love it. Absolutely. The sig more or less explains itself, so I will just leave it at that.
8.997653427282974 / 10
Ain't nothing like miniature animations. Neo Necron approves.
Baby looks like he's in pain. Is he trying to push something out? Don't quite get it, but it's still funny as hell!
7/10 Rock on Sir Necron!
^Quote is funny as hell, and i am a fan of Vgcats, but the image didnt take well to resize, 6/10
Edit~ i sent you a PM in regards to that.
^ Stupid emos.
Indeed you did. Not sure what that is coming out of Cait Sith though...Quote:
Originally Posted by Cyanide
Anyways, MJ, your sig is looking great as usual. What else can I say? I hope you don't run out of good ideas any time soon!
Lestat, I absolutely LOVE that issue of VGCats. And, because I don't want to do a silly number-ranking system, I'll award you with the following:
Mostly Awesome out of Very Awesome.
(psst, the random signature quotes have returned!)
Strange, not too keen on that pic to be honest though! Sorry!
Alright out of Very Awesome
But the quote!
Very Awesome out of Very Awesome
Which evens out to -
Reasonably Awesome out of Very Awesome
your sig is cool as hell. funny to. and i could use a few beers as well.
Dont get it...
So you get a WTF? out of WHAT IN THE SHIT?
I don't think we need to exchange any words regarding your signature, Cy.
...but, for the sake of the thread, IF YOU DON'T LOVE THAT BANNER, I'M GOING TO KILL MYSELF!!! Heh, fun times with the bad soup, eh?
Haha the Quote is funny as hell, but i wondor how many people know that image is a link.
As such i rate it highly, for the sake of the thread 10/10
The banner is pretty funny indeed and the link fairs alright as well.
Nice pic, writing hurts my brains though
I know I'm going to regret this, but what in the hell is a beer hawk? Probably an inside joke but whatever. I like the beer portion of the banner so it kicks ass.
The grandma eating foot is equally badass.
Badass, that is all.
My real life name is Cy so that was weird to read. =PQuote:
Originally Posted by LocoColt04
BTW Cyanide, 3/5.
I like the banner from Metal Gear, it is visually pleasing and not too big, not too small.
Anyways for the person who posts for my sig I just added the words in Red, do you like the quote? It is from Primus' song Shake Hands with Beef.
^that... Green thing... it drills into my soul and rips out rthe last remians of humanity.
That green thing is flippy from http://www.happytreefriends.com
Anyways I like your siggy. The pic is from Advent Childen, right? The arabic is an interesting touch and your name is cool. Ctrl-Alt-Del is a funny ass cartoon and I've never seen or heard of Kanji.
You get 8/10 from me.
Haha, I say what I said before for your sig, plus much more. It's most awesome. Gotta love flippy!
I was going to add you to myspace, but your page didn't agree with me and i found very little of common interest besides FF on your interests.
Especially since you are a [disillusional] Christian.
Plus i want you to cry so i didn't add you.
A link to the new members club, you have still not found me a member to adopt though.
An intriguing little bit of literature there. Although very good, quite a contrast to the usual rubbish i read (a mate of mine thinks he can write poetry) on the whole, marvellous
8/10 (it is abit plain!)
"Happiness is mandatory" if there is something wrong with your life don't prey or wish for it to be better, get up and do something, make it better yourself.
Your message is short and probably dumb to most, but i like it, has Satanic meaning behind it.
My signiture is not meant to be extravagent, it is meant to be 'plain' and blunt, it says what it needs to nothing more.
Bit big, and I don't particularly care for reading it. Mainly because I can glance at it and instantly know the subject matter. I never found the whole Satanic theme that appealing; its been done to death.
Useless information.
PS my sig is the same size as yours :D
ps no it isn't ^_^
^ One of the best sigs I've ever seen in my entire career as a sig seer. That's right. It's orgasmic. 300/10.
I hope that frog gets squished. I keep clicking on him but he won't die!
you get a 9/10 because I heart Katamari!