I like Cathrine Tate, she is so funny :D 10/10
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I like Cathrine Tate, she is so funny :D 10/10
Never watched One Tree Hill, but it looks nice.
Yours always look nice and really well made. Just thought I'd take this opportunity to tell you that. I loved your Blackadder series!
The cat is ace. I giggle every time I see it =P.
Sharon = WIN!!
10/10 :D
Signature owns.
I like, especially the quote, it has real meaning that alot of people can relate to.
Not a fan of One Tree Hill
But it is a nice sig
9.8 outta 10 muffins (Chocolate Chip)
Is good. I like the clipping mask on the dude in the sig. If you used a clipping mask. If you didn't, it seems like it. xD I don't like the stretched moon though, or the slightly pixelly word at the top. But it's definitely my favourite banner from you. 9.5/10.
Yeah I gotta change the font at the top....
And the moon isn't stretched that how the picture was were I got it from lol.
But yours is odd... Nice but odd.
9.8/10 Muffins (Blueberry)
EDIT: Fixed thy font issue. And changed Rocco's score.
Me likey muchly.
I love it. It has a real rustic theme which I love and there is overall no flaws in it.
10/10 (Chocchipbannablueberryraspberry Muffin)
Can't see it because the hosting sites are blocked where I am.
You lose.
Mot sure what I think about it 6-10
time to put up the new one.
It's only been up for two days...
It's very "eh" with me.... Not sure you got me cuffuddled
Ummmmmmmm 8.6 (White chocalte muffin)
Nice Effects! 10/10
The banner's good, but it would be better if it was actually showing ;! haha.
I love the text and the colours. Everything seems to come together beautifully. 10/10.
Whee! New sig in honour of Heroes. I thought Elle was going to die last night, and my banner would have R.I.P. underneath. xD But she lives, so I can instead have a quote. =D
You poo head. ;_;
Eh. Trees are good, but a bit plain. Some of the effects spice it up! 9/10
Is nice, just the image played up around the text. Sooo... 8.9/10.
<3 Ten.
Hello thar Doctar. Vincent is win.
there getting even better :D
Eh. It's text. I don't like it. Your banners are much better. Why'd you stop using them? Hate to say it, but 3/10. Get a banner NAO!
is is getting a bannar, just takes time =D
Hmm... it's okay, better than just the words. It looks like it took a lot of work. Are the words 'Run from me baby' from Avenged Sevenfold's 'Scream' by any chance? Haha.
It's my favourite one of yours 100/10 its so beautiful
cool...but add some lil design...(9/10)