I likey Vincent, so i likey your sig 10/10
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I likey Vincent, so i likey your sig 10/10
Yours don't "sux"
:p @ Cha0s
Wow... seriously: WORST. SIGNATURE. EVER.
not a fan of it
sorry UE
I like it. There isn't much going on, but I do like it. It's better than the one of the Japanese girl that you had =P.
I like yours. It's of uh.. Sweeny Todd, right? Pretty ironic, that it's a family setting and he's like, some sort of serial killer, right? XD;
Yours looks very groovy. I like the purple, and it's very Halloweeny =P.
Mrs Lovett :D Sweeny Todd was a brilliant film 20/10
Heeey Halie, no fair. You changed the sig I rated and now my post doesn't make sense. >_<
Well, I like the new one anyway. It looks better than the last.
Also, winterborn, I like yours too. Cute anime girls are always a plus.
Purple... puuurrrrtttty... O_O
god, my eyes are burning, can't even stand to look at it
Fix yer code. Lowers the ambience of the sig. Not that there was much of that in the first place.
Like I said before, very lovely siggy ^^.
Corpse Bride! I always did like Emily.
I has a love for it. You has a ten.
Absolutely terrible.
I give it :woot: / :above::cool:
And what's wrong with my code?
I don't really like it. Maybe if you centered the signature?
#include stdio.h
int main () {
printf("Smashing Pumpkins Into Small Piles Of Putrid Debris\n");
return 0; }
^ That's what's wrong with it.
Me likey, of course, Craven xD
Wow, this signature is even more terrible the 2nd time I look at it.
I give it -399683 / :):)
You didn't point out what's wrong with it.
And I hope my lack of centering burns out your eyes, Craven. :woot:
[ center ] (sig things here) [ / center ]
In your sig section.
Without the spaces of course.
Honestly? I like it. But try to center it.. it'll look more kempt.
I aim to displease.
Nice Corpse Bride sig.
I give it :smash: / ;D
I likes Jack Sparrows!!!!!!
EDIT: That equates to three thumbs up.
I likie. Its very well done, so...
or 20 raving rabbits outta 10. You pick! :D
=D. I've already rated it, but I didn't say about the quote... I love the quote. It matches with the picture of the girl with the really blue eyes. <3
I've not rated this one yet, and I prefer it... Ms Lovett lol... coolness... 10/10
Joor best yet. As I've said, also my favourite from you. 9.5/10.
Hmm.. I think it could do without the Mulan title. Replace the Mulan with the Rocco(and mayhaps make the Rocco a tad bigger?). And what's with the non-Halloween theme?! GET SOME HALLOWEEN IN THAR!~
I hate you, Ann. xD