You fixed it, woo. Ten for joo.
I've got a new set now, again. Personally, I hate it. What does everyone else think?
Printable View
You fixed it, woo. Ten for joo.
I've got a new set now, again. Personally, I hate it. What does everyone else think?
Its really really pretty 20/10
Woo, thank you.
It's set out nicely, but I *do* wish you'd downsize the font on your family. It'd look so much neaterrrr. Though I can't say I like Supernatural, the banner is well made. Nice merging. I haven't been able to merge for about a year, since PhotoImpact died. ;_;
Eight, as the banner is a liiiittle too tall for my liking, and the size of the font.
I have seen better, but I'll agree with winterborn with how pretty it is. And it is pretty! Well done!
i love it
lily, your one caught my and i think it ****in rocks!!
A lot of text, but I like it. Maybe you could put the text in a pic? That would look pretty good, espec if you able to get the text to move from the bottom up... Wow... Yarp.
Ooooh... it's changed o.o haha.
I like. The red font looks good, fits better than the white font did. Yeah, I prefer it like that... it looks groovier. ^^
It's good, the reds and oranges gives a fiery feel to it 10/10
ok just because my wife loves that show and if I didnt give it this she would kill me 9.5/10.
Time to put Rocco's sig pic up for debate.
It is made by Rocco and therefore awesome.
I am truly in love with your sig. You did a marvelous job Lily. :D
*BEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPP*ing AWESOME! Very... er, blue, but still!
Hmm... it's a little fuzzy by the writing (I hate it when that happens! lol), but I do like it. It looks really cool ^^. And the quote above fits well with it, too.
Haha. The funny thing is, I am listening to Memories right now. xD
Anyway, Although I don't really like the font you used [Times New Roman right?], I think you did a nice job. I really like it. ^^ The colors go extremely well btw.
Sharon is <3.
10/10 I love the blue colors. They're cool
**FIXED!** (bad photobucket link, but I put in a new one and it works just fine now! lol)
Yeah, I know, it hate it. But no fonts will upload into my fonts folder, so I'm stuck with shitty ones. Bar the Evanescence and Paramore fonts of course <3 haha.Quote:
Although I don't really like the font you used
Anyhooooo... back to my dearest Ramen lover. XD
I like it, but I think you'd be better off with a border and if the outline of the text was white instead of red. The red clashes with the background a bit... ^^;;
But other than that, it's fine.
Me likey, the words are really lovely 10/10
Is goooood. Me likes. 9.5/10.
New set. Not sure if I like it yet. So don't kill me if it fails. XD
I like it. I like the font. I want the font. You will send me the font. KTHXBAI!
Ten. =D
my favourite sig by you
Boring. 1/10
Pretteh and Lileh. 10.
I makey. =D
EDIT:: I no makey, but still ten. =D
Oooh, I like. But how are you doing all these swirly things? I like ze swirly things.
Anyhoo. 10/10.
She be using Miko Brushes. They be here for downloadin'.
Though WHY you need them with a banner like that, I'm not sure. BRILL, that is. 10/10.
I can honestly say I was expecting much more from you.... 3/10
I dunno. I'm halfway between liking it and disliking it. I'm not sure what I don't like about it, because it looks good and I can't see anything technically wrong with it, haha. So.. I'll say I like it =D.
I like it a lot. The white butterflies set a really calming mood, and it's a nice size, too. The only thing wrong with it would be the white writing, 'cause you can't really see the 'me' very well. But I don't think there's much you can do about that, it would've looked odd if you had it any other colour. I dunno, maybe you could've put it a bit lower or summin'?
Oh, and it says my name in the front row, so that's a bonus ;! haha. I'm kidding.
I miss Amy Lee...
Kidding! Nice, and well done and 10/10 for youps!
It's nice and you chose a good section to crop. One tiny, miniscule problem in that the area around her mouth where the text is has fuzzied. Don't you just hate that? 9.5/10.