You get a Potion, another one comes out, you get two, another, they start spewing out, you take as many as you can and leave.
*Inserts coin*
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You get a Potion, another one comes out, you get two, another, they start spewing out, you take as many as you can and leave.
*Inserts coin*
you get a bronze bangle!!!!
*inserts coin*
you get a shiny gunblade. It's shiny, so Bleachfangirl comes by and mugs you.
*inserts coin*
*you receive Zell's tattoo... or more a peice of Zell's facial skin... the peice that has the tattoo on it*
*inserts coin*
you get a giant book that describes how disgusting and wrong yaoi is ^^
*inserts coin*
you get hentai.....yaoi hentai...
*inserts coin*
you get everything everyone ever got in this word game piled on top of you
heh, you won't survive that
*inserts a capitol one credit card*
You get expensive credit card charges! With insane interest rates! Yaaaay!!!!!!!!!
*Inserts a wolf*
you get a the same wolf with it's fangs and claws in your back. Ouch, you didn't think that would work did you?
*Inserts monopoly money*
you get a "get out of Jail Free" card.
Inserts the tree game discs of FFVII into machine (someone has to bring this back to FF)
you get knights of the round materia
inserts greatsword
You get a better sword, which is covered in blood, no idea why.
*Inserts bug*
you get a giant insect that is now attacking you!
*inserts someone else's hp bar*
you get sprayed with the red liquid inside the HP bars. xD
*inserts glob of dirt*
you get tidus' underpants...covered in white stuff....hmmmm.....
inserts macaroni
Gets a macroshai Cloud and Areis portrait.
*Inserts portrait*
you get .0000001 gil
*inserts coin*
You get a chocobo egg.
*Inserts coin*
you get a mop, and since your avatar is cid apparently you can put it to good use lmfao
*inserts coin*
you get a shoe horn. Since you are a wolf, you don't need this and give it to charity.
Inserts coin
You get a key, you can give it to Sora since your avitar is Kairi.
*Inserts coin*
you get a keychain, with dozens of keys on it, now I summon sora and he chases after you to try to obtain the keys and use them as weapons, good thing you have a mop and know how to use it
*inserts coin*
Gets another mop, double mop action, Sora doesn't stand a chance with his keys.
*Inserts Sora's dead body*
you get Riku's Soul Eater ^^
*inserts Cid's final spear*
You get Riku holding MY final spear, he demands his Soul Eater, other wise we will fight, so we trade.
*Inserts the giant steam of crap that Riku left*
YOU get the crap back, with a sign taht says "if you look through all this crap with your mouth, you'll get your Highwind Mach II back.
Inserts keys to Highwind Mach II
You get a tissue.
*Inserts Mazda 2*
you get the Shera, which is a much better version of the Highwind (it's in DoC at least)
*inserts coin*
I want the Highwind Mach II!!!
Keys suddenly appear as the vending machine was frightened. I Win!
*Inserts coin*
you get a giant coin
*inserts pocket lint*