you get a lighter.
*puts muffin in*
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you get a lighter.
*puts muffin in*
Yazoo gets a message from me telling him to go kick a LV99 Bahamut Syn. He goes and does it, realize in the heat of battle that he's only on LV10...
robo kirby gets some mentos
*i steal my gift back and trick the vending machine into thinking I've inserted a coin*
you get choclate cupcake
*insert robo kirby*
you get some soda and a shoe...
*wiggles from the inside and makes the machine think I put a coin in*
you get a thing that lets you send tons of messages in FFIII
*inserts Yazoo's Shadow*
The manchice Says "Fv<K this, I ain't giving you Shi^ for this!"
*I pound on the side of the machine to make it think i've put something in*
You don't fool it.
*inserts coin*
You get a slip of paper saying you should get me out of the machine...
*kicks the machine again from the inside*
i thought you were out....*pulls everyone out*
*inserts coin*
You get a hug from me and i give you some gold for helping me get out
*inserts coin*
You get a hyperlink. Here it is:
*inserts coin*
LOL thats what you get and This hyperlink
*inserts coin*
you get.......cookies!!
*inserts coin*
You get a rabbit's foot, (apparantly it's lucky)
*inserts coin*
You got some cheese
*Inserts coin*
you get a 16 leaf clover!
*inserts pocket link*
It shoots out some type of gem
*inserts firaga mote*
you get...a pile o dirt
*inserts coin*
you get chocolet flan (a new breed)
*inserts coin*
You get a ticket for putting in a fake coin and police arrest you and i point and laugh.
*inserts real coin*
i run away from the cops then knock you out and stuff you in the vender
You get nothing for that cause i'm always in it
but i give you 10 gold
(iv noticed) *pours gas all over the vender and shoots it with a flaming arrow, then morns for 3 seconds, buys a new vender, and puts coin in*
poor'll be ok. Larick, you being mean. lol!!!!
*inserts........a whale*
*shoots Lareck in the head for killing my cuz*
now let's get back on track
you get nothing cus the whale doesn't fit
*inserts coin and cleans up bloody vending machine*
you get a sword with a bent edge
*inserts coin*
yazoo's still dead.....*revives Yazoo*
you get a signed copy of the story im writing
*inserts coin*
ALRIGHT!!! you recive me( yes i mean that sexually)
*inserts coin*
you get
*inserts dvd*
Spits it out and turns you into a pex dispensre
*inserts the bloody dvd*