your banned because in your previous bannage you was nioce to me! :D
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your banned because in your previous bannage you was nioce to me! :D
Your banned punch babies?(sry mind was blank)
your banned because you deserve it!
Your banned because babies don't deserve it!
You ate all the damn cookie's!!!
*Yurn's into a tiger* give em' up, or I'll cut you open!!!
You banned for eatting all the cookie's that were shape as Ralz! EVIL!!! Those were speical cookie's...
your banned for nothinG
You're banned because my name is Rebellion!
O.o Your banned for saying she's banned because of your name O.o
Banned 'cause your name doesn't match your banner.
Banned for using pure red on your sig. REEED, WHY REEEEED, OUT OF ALL COLORS. jkjk, but I still think you should've picked a different color. Like, eeeer, something darker.
your banned for hating red and for not having the dasada demo i do!
Banned because Meigumi's right, I need something... darker...
Banned for needing something darker.
Banned for making an empty threat!!!!
Banned for telling me that my banner doesnt fit my Username. I had the banner before i changed my name... And i dont want to bother Adnromeda just over the stupid name -_-' She's very busy being a mod and i dont want to bother her!!!
Banned 'cause I can fix it!
Banned for having an insanely huge sig.
your banned for not being in a tff family
I ban you because I can! :D
Yer banned fer nuthin'.
'Cho, man, you is bann'd 'cause, bra, I MEAN IT! Word.
You're banned for talking a lot of nonsense. Word.
You're banned because you're right! :D
You're banned for ending your ban with an emoticon. ;)
You're banned for being a hypocrite! :lol:
You are banned because I knew you were going to say that, and also because you use contractions in your posts.
You're banned for calling me out on my actions!
You arenotbanned.
Your banned for being able to be called out!
You are banned for being slow at banning.