You are banned coz you like to confuse ppl.
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You are banned coz you like to confuse ppl.
You're banned for discrimination against men.
ok its time to rock the boat for a minute::humps::, your banned for sticking up for men
You're banned for BEING one. D=
your banned because you think cid is sexi and because the x files movie has no sculder secks =O
You're banned for reminding me. ;-;
EDIT:: And because I laaaarve rap music.
You're banned for loving rap music :D
You're banned because I don't - I just have to say I do twice a day.
time to rock the boat again ::humps:: you're banned for saying that you have to do anything
I ban you for not posting in multiple colours!
Your banned for posting in multiple colors!!..That's pretty...shitty!
your banned cause
You're banned for banning me.
your ree banned
lololololollololllolo0oololllol9ooololollloooo999l lamalolzmegareroflamomgftwwtfbbqsauceys
WTF WAS THAT???!!!!!!Quote:
lololololollololllolo0oololllol9ooololollloooo999l lamalolzmegareroflamomgftwwtfbbqsauceys
You are banned for posting such a thing!
You're banned becuz this thread has been a tad bit unactive since Thursday. :D
lololololollololllolo0oololllol9ooololollloooo999l lamalolzmegareroflamomgftwwtfbbqsauceys
ok here we go
your banned cause it means
laughing out loud on lima out lid on lime other large liam on large onion like little love over loud oblongs 0 odd oozing limps like literal ozzy lumberjack 9 oooo 999 limp laughing my ass off laughing out loud zily mega red edible right over flam oh my god for the win what the fuck BBQ sauceys
your banned cause i made it up on teh spot but now just to anoy you i'm going to get pople to use it whenevar possible
How are they going to remember it? It doesn't even make sense. It's a whole bunch of sentence fragments thrown together into one statement.
Anyway, you're banned for doing something or other.
You're banned for not stating specifically what you were banning the above person for.
Your banned cos im tired and want to go back to bed
your banned for getting out of bed. im still in bed typing this.
Your banned cos you got to stay in bed later than me :(
you'er banned....Just coz..Dammit!! I don't have a reason to ban're banned for posting in this thread.
You're banned for having a sig that made me laugh! :lol:
Your banned cos dark squall's sig made me laugh aswell
You're banned because... because... I confused you the other day!
You're banned coz you laughed on my sig...Plz, I'm little sensitive about my sig >.>
You're banned because I want to rock the boat and ban you for no other reason