Your banned for being confused
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Your banned for being confused
your banned cos im always confused
Your banned cos so am i most of the time :D
lol your banned cos you made me lol
Your banned cos my damn internet is goin soooooooooooooooooo slowly
NOOO IM BANNING YOUR INTERNETT be banned winterborn's internett 0o0
Your banned for banning my internet and for making me laugh :D
You're banned cuz I thought the Unicorn sig was better.
you banned cos i can
You're banned cuz so can I!
you just banned
Your banned cos i can smell something yummy *sniff sniff* but i dont know what it is *sniff sniff* but i want it :D
You're banned because that smell you are sniffing is me! Now get off me!
You're banned for telling winter to get off!
Your banned cos meier link smells nice lol, you sniff to, everybody sniff meier link :D
your banned because that yummy smell you can smell is my pizza
Your banned cos i bloody god sniffer (nose) on me
loll your banned cos i need something to doo
your banned so get out of here and go find something to "doo"
your banned cos i cant spell
your banned for having "Gaze Rock Isn't Dead" 3 times in your last post.
yes well your band because GAZE ROCK ISNT DEAD
You're banned because I'm STILL hungry!
your banned cos yay i aint talked to you in a while ^^
You're banned because Gaze Rock should be dead
~Kaiser Dragoon
your banned cause i seem to agree with you
You're banned because my ear hurts! ;_;
You're banned. I don't need to give you a reason.
You're banned cuz I feel like it.
Banned for having one of those lame "Japanese-esque" smilies in your location information. Weeaboo.