your banned for banning me 3 minutes after banning unknown entity
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your banned for banning me 3 minutes after banning unknown entity
Your banned because my computer can't keep up with yours!!! :blowtop::shake:>.<
your banned because i dont own a computer dun dun dunnnn !
your banned for caring about pokemans
your banned for absolutly no reason... thats my reason... :P
Your banned for revealing the porthole of your intelligence. As I see, you using that banning reason as throwoff of your real reason and you'll someday be crushed under your own genius. Therefore, killing yourself.
your banned for random babble which institutes the all powerful ban stick!
YOU ARE BANNED!!! *pokes with ban stick* :D
You're banned because you dare to touch my beloved ban stick. BAN!
You're banned for even having a ban stick in the first place... ITS MINE!! GIVE IT BACK NOW!!! >.<
Your banned for squabiling over the ban stick which is the Masamune from FFIV here and it only accepts it's power over to ninja's (which is me :D!!!).
Your banned cos i am also a ninja, a bigger an better one so that makes the masamune mine all mine hahahahahaha
You're banned cos chibbi ninjas don't count
your banned for callin me a chibi ninja
your banned cos there is nothing wrong with being a chibi ninja! :P
You're all banned for even saying things that there is a chibi ninja!
you're banned for being no fun
your banned for implying that Athna Loveil is no fun! :P
Your banned because I am a Fuma Ninja and I am the respectable owner of the Masamune foolish shinobi's!!! :shake:
Your banned for not worshiping the true chibis
your banned cos i love that chibi pic and i want it, gimmie gimmie
You're banned because you want that picture :P
your banned for not sayin how cute it is lol, its like lil cloud babies
your banned cos i too think its cute! :)
your banned cos im guna make u help me steal the cute chibi pic lol
You're banned for thinking of stealing a picture.
You are banned, beyond all banning, banned to the true, most extreme banning possible, simply because, I said so.
You're banned for thinking you have absolute power in a democratic society.
Your banned for not seeing through the TRUE POWER :shake: :shake: :shake:!!!
your banned for rambling on about "true power"