your banned, cos yes i can with my super mind powers! :D
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your banned, cos yes i can with my super mind powers! :D
You're banned for using the word "cos."
you're banned for living in a circumpolar region
Your banned for using he word polar!
You're banned because what you said reminds me of polar bears! XD
You're banned for thinking of polar bears immediately after hearing the word 'polar.'
Crazy Range. I was already banned multiple times. :pQuote:
Originally Posted by Please Smoke Up
You're banned for banning her just because she posted here :P
You're banned for banning him for banning me for posting in this ban thread. That's the whole point. ;!
That's exactly what we're doing! :lol: You're banned for being redundant.
>.O You're supposed to do the banning. *points as eye twitches* You're banned for not doing it!
You're banned for not giving any reason why.'re banned for making me smirk so many times today.
Yay! Banishment for the both of us! Let me just ban you again anyway to make sure you stay banned. :p
You're banned because you think it's bad to drink bleach. Bleach is freaking delicious!
your banned for trying to start a bleach drinking trend
You're banned because a bleach drinking cpntest is the perfect way to get rid of idiots
your banned cos you are right - perfect way to get rid of idiots, lol!
You're banned because I'm bored and I want to XD
You're banned for not having a significant reason for banishing Please Smoke Up.
Your banned because you acknowledged that Please Smoke Up didn't have a banning-wise reason to ban so now I'm banning you off the fact that your banishment is unreasonable also :D!
You're banned for overcomplicating the ban of Bleachfangirl! HA!
i ban you for laughing while banning others
You're banned but not only do I ban you I force you to watch over 20 hours of public information films
i ban you for making him watch public information films! :P
I ban you for failing to notice there was no stated reason for him being banned
your banned cos I DID see that, and just thought i'd be extra! :P
your banned for i dont know why, still lost after 20 hrs of infomercials
your banned for actually watching them!
your banned for ummm..... not having loner-kid in your family!
you're banned for thinking my sig is a picture of crono when its actually a picture of randi from secret of mana.