you're banned for wanting to be smart
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you're banned for wanting to be smart
you banned cos he IS smart!
Your banned for being smart also! ;)
your banned cos i'm thankful for you calling me smart! :D
SuperSabin2005 is banned for not detecting our genius! :woot:
your banned for involving SuperSabin2005 in your post!
you're banned for [insert reason here]
you're banned cause you're a loser
You're banned because he's a loner, not a loser.
banned for having less credits thanj me.
your banned for being metal572... hehe... :D
Your banned because you have a marginally smaller TFF family than me!
You're banned for continuously posting in these spam threads. Honestly, I see you in here as much as I come in here. It's scary. (:lol:)
EDIT: OUT POSTED?!?! You're banned, Doc Rocco for out posting me....
Your banned for being too slow! :P
You're banned for pointing out my retardedly slow pace of posting! *cries in a corner*
Your banned cause you typed too much and it made no sense!
You're banned because you didn't obey the rules of this thread!
You're banned for...obeying rules....
your banned for suggesting we shouldn't...
you're banned for banning nick
your banned for putting a pimp (crono) in your sig
You're banned because I say so!
your banned for having a custom user title
Yeah, well following that logic, you should be banned too. :P
So, you're banned for ALSO having a Custom User Title!
your banned forgetting to ban the previous poster who in turned has already banned you for a different reason....
i bann you b/c i want to
your banned because i just gave you positive REP!!!!
your banned cos your banning her over rep!
You're banned because I just want to and I'll see what ppl can do about it :P
your banned because "ppl" can do nothing about it