Your banned becouse I mock FF IX!
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Your banned becouse I mock FF IX!
You're banned because you got a picture of Sephiroth in your signature. O.o
You're banned because Freya (Valkyrie Profile) > Freya (Final Fantasy IX)!
Ah, screw the second link; it's not working to the page where I want it to!
Your banned because your my worst enemy
Banned because Fate used to be my worst enemy, but now we're bros!
Your banned for being his bro
banned for not being his bro
Your banned for having a cool avatar!
you're banned for envying him
You banned because you commented today at today, 04:09 AM
You sir are banned for banning him over a non-offensive comment.
You are banned because I'm evil enough to bann you.
Your banned because you double type "N" in the word ban
You're banned for pointing out other peoples' typos
You are banned for being the Lego king.
You're banned for having a lot of links in your signature.
Banned for mistaking "a lot" with " a couple."
You're banned because "a couple" means two, and I really should have used "a few" instead.
Your banned for using a giant Cat in the process of that banning.
Uhm... You're banned because it's Meier who has the cat, not me.
Your banned for posting before I posted after Link!
You're banned for simply being too slow in your post. Three minutes too late, might I add.
You are banned for being slow in general.
You are banned because that's obviously not true: I can outrun mostly all of the kids my age, I am quite intelligent, I posted before that person above, and somehow, I am using different meanings of the word "slow" in my proof.
You are banned because it still took you 4 minutes to ban me for baning you. My ban on you only took 3, and I smoked a cigerette before doing so.
You're banned because I have some things to do before posting a banning, thus making my time more than yours.
Banned for banning so quickly!
You're banned because that was directed at Meier, not me!
Banned for assuming that your time is more valuble then mine. Ass out of U&me = assume.
Your banned because you have a scary looking sig
*Wait can't you ban us all really :D*