Banned cause I said that I like ya Fate! (although I might love ya if you were a chick!)
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Banned cause I said that I like ya Fate! (although I might love ya if you were a chick!)
Banned for creeping me out with that ban....
Your not banned because I agree.... Ewwww
Banned because I just saw Fate creepily walking towards Rebellion with a kitchen knife... *psycho music starts playing...*
You're banned for spying on my killing...
Your banned for killing members of the forum...
You're banned for being obvious about it!
You're banned because your post is obviously stating the truth.
Your banned because your post is obviously stating the truth about the obvious.
You're banned because you're being more random than usual, Vivi!
banned because now I am eating a crab rangoon!
Your banned because I don't know what that is...
You're banned for not knowing what a rangoon is.
You're banned for knowing whatever TNG was on about...
I ban you for .... Nothing
I ban you coz you got a spiky blue hair.
Banned for having many classic animie characters in your sig.
Banned because you have the ending to FF9 as your sig.
you is bannd cuz i is a lolcatz
Your banned because I hate lolcatz
You're banned for changing you avatar back. Nothing wrong with that, it's just, that was a sudden change...
You're banned because this thread isn't what it was like twelves months ago...
Your banned because I spilled coke down my shirt >:
Vivi, you're banned for being careless! Fate, what do you mean?
You're banned because if you look back at the posts from July of 2008, you'll see huge difference.
Your banned because I noticed the difference.
You're all banned because that was a time when people had time to post in length.
You're banned because I need to ban someone.
You're banned for banning me!