You're banned for having more Gil than me!
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You're banned for having more Gil than me!
Your banned for contradicting yourself because you have more Gil than me!!
Fate is banned for gambling, AGAIN. And Viviv is banned for having two emoticons right next to each other in his sig.
Your banned for misspelling Vivi
Banned for pointing out my error!;!
You're banned because... wait, I can't think of any good reason now but anyway you're banned.
Your banned because your a red mage...
And you're banned because you're a Black Mage.
You're banned for banning a black mage.
you're banned for banning people for silly reasons
You're banned for not banning people for silly reasons.
Banned because I'm sorry you died in FF Betrayal.
I'm banning you because I'm in a mood to ban someone today.
You're banned for having only 111.95 Gil.
You're banned because he doesn't know that you're suppose to play games with a jackpot!:P
Your banned because your controlling
Fate, you're banned because not only have you been gambling... you know... AGAIN, but forget that you can also buy things at the shop with your Gil! And Vivi, you're banned because... uh... you have exactly 100 posts! Congratulations! :D
Your... Banned for... congragulating me ?
you are banned because i am too fricken cool for this thread ;D
You're banned because freaking Faiter's peanut butter cheesecakes will rule this world!:D
Banned because you didn't help alexander in the FF Summon elimination!
Your banned because I have eaten a chicken burger and it was undercooked...
I BLAME YOU! *Points to Destroyer and Fate*
You're banned because "you" refers to only a single person, yet you intended to ban two people.
Well.... I ban you for correcting my error.
You're banned for having an error.
You're banned for being a Registered User.
You're banned for having one warning.
Your banned for not having a warning...
Banned because we do exist.
Your banned because how do you know that we exist...