You're banned because you mighta actually gotten along with Nin when he was here.
~Kaiser Dragoon
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You're banned because you mighta actually gotten along with Nin when he was here.
~Kaiser Dragoon
Not banned, I am interested, who is this Nin person you speak of?
Actually, banned anyway.
You're banned for not knowing. Actually, neither do I. Who is Nin? I mean, don't be nosy JC!
Banned for trying to tell me what to do.
Banned for not listening!
Banned for trying to make me listen.
Banned for being mean to me in the dreams of death thread!
Banned for not having thicker skin, I wasn't mean.
Banned for lying. You weren't being mean, just really sarcastic, right?
Banned because I wasn't trying to be either.
Banned cuz you were!
Banned for needing to grow a pair.
Banned cuz I can!
Banned for using exclamation points too much.
your banned for ... being here ! ha
Your banned cos i sat on my cheese sandwich :(
you banned for sitting on something as goood as a cheeese sandwich shame on you ):
your banned for shaming others and not shaming yourself
You're banned due to your level-headed approach to this situation.
your banned cos i duno what you just said :D
ahhh there it is again, you're banned for that smiley!
your banned cos i like this smiley :D:D:D (but im only aloud 3 in my posts and i spent aages typing loadss )
You're banned for failing to abide by my previous ban, now out you go don't make me break out the ban stick.
LOL your bannd cos ... well ..... *pauses* *thinks * *hrts brain* *starts drooling from brain overload* *just ... dies* and ... :D
You're banned because I strictly believe that your real name is Ivan.
my names not ivan o-0 Whos ivan Your banned for calling me Ivaan :D
You're banned because he thought I was Ivan a long list of posts ago lol!
your banned cos your youtubes blocked and someone set fire to my flowers
::hides matches behind back:: You're banned for thinking someone else burned your flowers!