You are banned because you opened a rift in the space time continuum, and that my friend is hacking.
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You are banned because you opened a rift in the space time continuum, and that my friend is hacking.
your banned for having a wierd reason
Your banned for being to SEXY Lol
You're banned for incorrectly spelling the first word of your post.
Your banned for being a werdo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're banned for having only 1 HP!
Your banned for drinking to many potions to bring up your own HP!
You're banned because you can't use potions to raise your HP here!
your banned for havig to mutch hp and only 3 exp
You're banned because I have more HP than you and Ralz combined!^^
your banned for banning somone
You're banned for having no arcade high scores.
Your banned because your location is too god damn long!
You're banned because Axel does not have blue hair.
You are banned because you don't think it's cool :D
You're banned because Roxas > Axel ten million times.
Your banned because you like star ocean... Yeah I went there
*gasp* Don't you dare! Star Ocean is the best RPG series ever made! You're banned for probably not even playing it yet!
Your banned for talking about Star Ocean on theAnd I have played some they are pretty good except one but it can't compete with final fantasy :P
You're banned for limiting my expression of Star Ocean love! (I have an account on a Star Ocean forum...)
Your banned for going on another forum
Your banned for being in the organization 13
you're banned for accusing him of being in organization 13 which is just an avatar of one of the members
Your banned cos I'm stressed
You're banned because I say so.
Your banned because your avatar wears thongs,
But he is still awesome :D
your baned just becuz i said so
Your banned because of saying you said so :)
Banned because my DMC3 doesn't work anymore!!!
Your banned because I laugh at your DMC3 not working