Banned for watching people's spelling.
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Banned for watching people's spelling.
Your banned for being Yuna!
Banned for banning yourself ^^
Oh... Wait!!! Thats me!!! >>DAMN<<
Banned for banning yourself!
You're banned for being a rebel!
Your banned for living in Light and darkness ^^
Which mean's there's a moon and a sun... Or something like that...
lol what?? you're banned for throwing me off with the "DAMN it OBAMA!" LOL
Your banned for be banned ^^ ... Wait!!! hold on!!!
*get's a paper and pencil* Yes! Yes!!! YES!!!
Your banned for Starting 5 day's ago and already having 140 post count ^^
Your banned for changing your name
Im proud of my 140 post count ^^ and it went by so quick too i didnt even know i had that many
but you're banned because your cool?? lol
Banned for being cool!
me?aww thx Arch! Banned for being sweet!
your banned cus i am dying and i can barely move =[
your banned because I am becoming worried about u.
Your banned for not healing him!!!
Silver dragoon spirt! heal what ever his name is!
Ops... Killed him... *Pushes over to Wolfie's feet* WOLFIE YOU KILLED HIM!!!
Wolfie your sig and avatar are awesome,awesome job raider
THE REQUEST FORUM IS NOT ACTIVE!! no one responds to my request lol
and you're banned because your silver
Banned for trying to redifine the way Ark is pronounced.
Banned because you live in Broken arrow and your name is Meier Link and link is nothing with out a good arrow
random coincidence 0.o
oh well rock on:woot:
You're banned for having Zack in your signature.
Banned for having the same sig for over a year.
Banned for running scissor's... AGAIN!!!
What have we told yoU? Those scissor's are sharp and could hurt or even kill you!!!
Silver dragoon
healing anyone who need's it O.o
Banned for not spacing "silver" and "dragoon."
You're banned for not centering your banner.
You're banned for having a f***-up signature.
Banned for saying i have to space my username -_-' Any way I like it like this...
Mi oh!
Banned for having two warnings.
hm... Seem's like im not the only one with a warning -_-'
Banned for banning me for have 2 warining's when you have one yourself... ^^
Banned because..IDK!My brain hurts.*headaches*
Right once again I have to ban you!
Right your banned for 3 reasons.
1. Trying to ban Me, Ralz or Fate is a Federal Offence and will be taken up in court.
2. You ate all the cookies from the cookie jar .
3. You selfish to other members because you didn't in fact share the cookies with anyone.
Your banned for stalking me.