Your banned because Zack is actually cool, unlike Garnet!!!
No, but you are really banned because your location still does not reveal where you are,therefore it confuses me
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Your banned because Zack is actually cool, unlike Garnet!!!
No, but you are really banned because your location still does not reveal where you are,therefore it confuses me
Why do you want to know where i live??? ARE YOU A STOKER??? HELP HELP HELP!!! STOKER STOKER STOKER!!! MEIER? ANDRO? SHEENA? HELP!!!
Your banned for being a stoker!!!
Banned for screaming for a mod / s-mod to do your banning for you.
banned for becoming a mod and making me feel insignificant
Banned for being obscure.
You are banned because yours was an incomplete sentence, since it had no subject.
Your banned for being such a smarty pants.
You are banned because your sig says that you are Yuna, and I don't like Yuna.
youre banned because your name is Dodie
Banned for having a decieving Sig and attempting to lie about your join date.
Banned for running with scissors,cuz its really dangerous!
banned for making a funny ^^
Banned for being your fav character
Your banned for waiting for someone!!!
Your banned for being the big kitty.
Your banned because you have childish arguments with other members!
You're banned for having less than 1000 Gil!
You're banned for pointing out that he's not very good at gambling.:P
Your banned because you say the main ingredient in oreo cream is dog milk :P
You're banned for not believing me when I'm obviously telling the truth.
i believe you it just seems very far fetched
anyway you're banned because....idk
couldnt think of anything
you're banned because you cant think.
Your banned because you wont let anyone hug you ^^
And you're banned because you want to hug me.
Your banned for thinking I want to hug you ^^ AND I DONT!!!
You're banned because you're cruel.
Your banned because your calling people names
which i do on a daily basis anyway ^^ but i swear im a nice person
your banned for saying he calls people names
yor banned for having the longest signitur out of 2 people
Do I have to ban you again...
Okay your banned for spelling your wrong!