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Thread: Character Statistics.

  1. #571
    Morning Always Comes Character Statistics. Xeim's Avatar
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    A character I'll be using for writer's academy.

    Name: Luedeth Dwin’nddare

    Age: 16 (appear); 150

    Species: elf

    Sex: female

    Height: 5'5"

    Weight: 120 lbs

    Eye color: violet

    Hair: silver. Has short, 'gravity-defying' bangs on either side of her face, but the rest of her hair falls to her waist.

    Skin tone: chocolate

    Appearance: Luedeth wears long black pants, and a sleeveless, midriff bearing purple shirt. Her long, cedar staff hangs across her back. She has long, pointed ears which are unadorned, and a dark black runic tattoo on her left shoulder that extends down her upper arm. Her violet eyes burn with life, and her desire to become strong.

    Weapon: Staff; wind spells

    Gale: gives her staff the power of wind for a short period of time, allowing for long range attacks.

    Gusty Wave: Luedeth raises a large 'wave' of wind. Directional attack.

    Repulsed breeze: a small breeze forces opponent backwards slightly. Short Range.

    Handles her staff with inhuman (inelven?) ease. She is quite the acrobat, and sometimes uses her feet in conjunction with her staff, as she flips around the battlefield.

    Bio: Luedeth was born into a family of magically gifted elves. Delighting in the thought of gaining great magical power, Luedeth left the comforts of her home at a young age. For the past few years she has been working to master the art of the staff as well as wind elemental magic.

  2. #572
    Name:Zaku the Firebrand
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human

    Appearance: Zaku is 5'8'' and weighs 165 pounds. Like most Firebenders, he has short, black hair, amber eyes and light skin. He has a medium body build and highly toned muscles. His Fire Nation clothes are tight fitting and contour his physique nicely. He wears a dark red sleeved kimono with black trim (representing his status as a member of the military) and the same for his pants and shoes. On his back is a emblem of a sword bathed in fire. On both his arms he has gold armor. Engraved on the shoulders are Fire Nation emblems. Like Prince Zuko, Zaku wields twin broadswords sheathed on his back.

    About: Zaku is know as a Firebender. A highly skilled one at that. Born in the Capital City, at a very young age Zaku was trained in the arts of Firebending and warfare. His father was a Colonel in the military, and was able to train Zaku well. His mother was skilled at the sword and showed him how to make and wield his broadswords. Like Prince Zuko, Zaku uses Firebending in tandem with his swords, thus he earned the title of Firebrand amoung the people of the Firenation and the world.

  3. #573
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Yes, I'm aware that ranged weapons are not allowed in normal battle, but it is being allowed in the particular match I am entering with this character.

    Name: Nesrin
    Gender: Female
    Race: Sevaar

    Physical Data:

    Age: 27
    Height: 4' 10”
    Weight: 105 lbs
    Hair: Tawny Gold
    Eyes: Amber

    The sevaar are a fierce, mostly feral race of humanoids with heavy feline characteristics. Most of them dwell in the harsh borderlands, well beyond the reach of the civilized world. Contact with outsiders is rare, as they do not tolerate strangers and tend to kill kin who defy their laws. It's a brutal society built on blood.

    Nesrin is one of the few known to wander outside the sevaar lands. She is quite possibly the only sevaar who can speak common, though with a heavy accent. For fifteen years she's made a living doing what sevaar do best: hunting and killing. She's renowned as one of the best mercenaries, and also one of the most expensive. She'll do anything from collecting bounties to thievery to assassinations, as long as her price is paid.

    Despite her reputation and violent temper, she has many friends and allies, often in strange places. A strict moral code, self-imposed and the meaning unknown to any but herself, makes her completely trustworthy and reliable; something few mercenaries can say.

    Combat Data and Abilities:

    Nesrin carries a longbow on her back and a quiver containing 20 bodkin arrows on her belt. Her aim is excellent, but because arrows are hard to replace she uses them sparingly. She keeps a small pouch of bodkin tips and fletchings to repair damaged arrows or make new ones.

    When it comes to combat, Nesrin prefers her twin scimitars. They don't have individual names but together she refers to them as the Wild Thorns (a mocking imitation of her name, as Nesrin means “wild rose”). They are perfectly suited to her fighting style, which stresses speed and agility over power. She is a cunning, ruthless opponent.

    Nesrin does not possess any magic of her own, but she can sense the use of it from as far as half a league away, depending on the strength of the spell.


  4. #574
    Name: Carrion Deathbird
    Type: Bird, necromantic

    Overall length: 10 ft.
    Wingspan: 20 ft.
    Standing height: 8 ft.
    Weight: 400 lbs.

    (all measurements are approximations)

    Description: With each beat of its colossal wings, this flying corpse of a carrion bird wafts its foul scent of decay below. Feeding indiscriminately upon the living and the dead, the Deathbird itself is being consumed by a host of writhing maggots burrowing through it. The regenerative, necromantic magicks that animate this abominable bird reject nature's will to return it to dirt and dust and so it wears a living shroud of endlessly buzzing and crawling flies--themselves seemingly loyal to their home.

    Having been reanimated shortly after its death, save for the visible fatal wounds inflicted upon it in life the Deathbird's basic physical features remain in tact--black feathers with white markings on the undersides of its wings, flesh covered feet and head of a red hue and a sharp, hooked beak ideal for rending and tearing flesh.

    While in life the bird was ruled by its instincts for self-preservation, in its un-life it has become mindlessly destructive and unpredictable. While solely governed by its need to feed in order to sustain its constant regeneration, perhaps the damage to its mind or the trauma of being raised as an undead is the cause of its unnerving ability to vomit its innards as projectiles or to ensnare its victims in a tangle of its intestines.

    Last edited by sneakyonfoota; 01-16-2008 at 10:46 PM. Reason: Additional paragraph inserted.

  5. #575
    HRH Albha Character Statistics. Aerif's Avatar
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    Name: Gabrielle Coulter XXII
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Height: 169cm (5ft 6in)
    Weight: 60kg
    Race: Angellus
    Class: Light Weilder

    Hair: A darker blonde that manages to shine in every light, it sometimes has an appearance of a silverly blonde or a dirty blonde, it all depends upon who is observing and how pure their intentions are.
    Eyes: Light blue, they tend to pierce those who do not wish to look out for the best intentions of other people.

    Appearance: Wears a white dress that conceals her feet, however is at the correct length so that it never drags across the ground. She wears sandals on her feet which are rarely seen due to the length of the dress. If one where to look at her unconcealed back (which is always covered by the dress) they would see carefully folded angelic wings, which are only brought out in order to even out the competition. Her fingernails seem to sparkle indefinetly and can leave a trail of glittering light behind them, this can be used to an advantage or a disadvantage.

    A blade that shall not shed blood, it is extremely difficult to wield and can cut metal as easily as butter if their is a lot of light in the area. It has long range and can stretch or contract to Gabrielle's wishes. It is unknown where Gabrielle keeps this weapon as when she choses to weild it, it seems as though it was always there. It is believed to be made entirely of light.

    Crystal Bow
    A bow that can fire arrows of pure light, it's usually only used for Gabrielle to announce her presence however has been taken into combat on more than one occasion.

    Ceremonial Golden Staff
    A staff with magical properties, it can be used to give an edge in casting magic which increases the power and the effects of a magical arsenal. As with all of Gabrielle's weapons it seems to materialise from light.


    Optical Light Control:
    The abillity to control the way in which people see light, it can be used to create mirages, optical illusions and can sometimes be powerful enough to trick the brain into believing that it is in a situation when it actually isn't.

    Holy Beam:
    Simply put, a beam of pure light that can harm an opponent. It can be controlled to form orbs of light and is maily created through hand gestures.

    Angellic Radiance:
    The abillity to summon the sun has become a traditional skill to be used by the Angellus. Basically either the light of the sun fills the area or the actual sun hangs over the area that Gabrielle is occuppying.

    Defensive / Supportive:

    Almighty Protection:
    An innate abillity that is always being used, it protects Gabrielle from corruption and from potentially harmful attacks such as clouding of the vision or illusions.

    The abillity to negate or cancel out harmful effects, however it may also be used to cancel aiding effects of the enemy.

    Divine Healing:
    Used to heal injuries, however is rarely used upon oneself, instead may be used out of courtesy against greatly damaging blows to one's opponent.
    Last edited by Aerif; 02-23-2008 at 06:00 AM.

  6. #576
    Sir Prize Character Statistics. Sinister's Avatar
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    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
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    Name: The Late Jafar Kruol

    Race: Vampire

    Class: Dark Knight

    Description: Jafar has long flowing golden hair and a pale fair complexion. His eyes are a dark red. His features were sharp and handsome and his build was thin before he was bit, his recent status as a vampire merely accented these features. The most noticeable thing about his facial features are his long thin eyebrows. His fingers are spidery long with sharp fingernails. He wears a great victorian shirt, black pants, leather flexable shoes and a purple long coat with gold-trim and deep pockets. During daylight hours he wears a wide-brim hat and sunglasses. Having been a beggar most of his like he likes to dress eloquent now.

    Since his trauma, Jafar tends towards silence and speaks reservedly. He has a dark sense of humor and something of a temper but, because he is so often tired, neither has much of a chance to manifest outside of a light chuckle or a hardened glare. In his energetic state he is quite dry and occasionally prone to heavy sarcasm. He is predisposed to long periods of sleep and lethargy; tires easily unless he has fed. If he goes unfed for too long (a decade) he will disintegrate to dust and must be resurrected in the proper manner. Too ashamed to carry on any remaining life he might be entitled to, his only hope resides in the GS…


    The only single weapon he possesses on his person is a long thin stiletto sword which he had stolen ages ago in his childhood. He keeps it with him, calling it his lucky memento. He named it woundlicker because he had cut himself on it when he was young. It’s hilt is silver and slightly jeweled.

    Breaking Down:
    Flashes behind opponent and slips their weapon away from them and tosses it out of reach.

    Vampire's Death:
    If he disables an enemy he can feed off them and turn them into a vampire or kill him. This is never ever used by Jafar.

    Partisan Gore:
    Jafar stabs the ground, draining all of the surrounding life, he forms a blast of energy and discharges it from the tip of Woundlicker. The move is effective in how fast it can be executed.

    Beggar’s Ballestra:
    Using unreal speed, Jafar vaults forward a few feet in a charged blast, his Woundlicker extended, in an attempt to spear his opponent on his stiletto blade.

    The only offensive move that he can muster with his current curse. He engages in frenzied stabbing and slashing combination with Woundlicker. Each inflicted blow replenishes a small amount of his health.

    Unarmed Combat:
    If pressed and disarmed he can turn into many varieties of the more wicked forms of wildlife or lengthen his fingernails into sharp knife-like melee weapons.

    Sin Bathing:
    The greatest attack that Jafar knows of. Drains the life out of nearby creatures such as trees, grass, wildlife and some from his opponent, the result is improved speed, strength, defense, reaction time and magical ability. Lasts only a about quarter of an hour and greatly exhausts Jafar when his rampage is through. Cannot use while cursed. Has to have fed recently to use.

    Non battle-related Abilities:

    The ability to transform into a disarming form as camouflage. Jafar developed this ability to survive and avoid an attacker. Not battle related. Cannot use during the day.

    Transformation: The ability to transform in a wolf, dog, bat or mist. Must have fed recently in order to use. Cannot use during the day.

    The ability to speak the particular language that allows conversation with slain creatures and dark natured beings.


    Jafar was the son of a rich aristocratic politician. His father, though influential, was indebted heavily by proxy to a lobbyist named Aster Volataire. A person to whom he had never met and when the debts were called(when Jafar was twelve), his inability to produce the debts resulted in his death and the burning of his manor. As Jafar escaped the manor he caught a glimpse of a piece of paper tacked onto their immolating door. The note was on expensive paper and it read simply, “Debt collected” and was signed “A.V.” at the bottom.

    Jafar was now left a poor Village waif, a mere pickpocket urchin. He grew up not knowing any comforts but those he stole from others. It was one day when he was eighteen that he spied a great carriage rolling down the dour city cobblestone causeways. Gold glinted off of every angle of it down to the gold-gilded wheels.

    He slipped his knife from his sleeve and quietly stalked the carriage until it finally stopped outside of a townhouse far from the city. He began to cleave shavings of the wheels and stuff them into his pockets.

    It was that day that he was bit. When a beautiful woman stretched out of the inner-carriage. She had long blonde hair and red lips that were curled into a grim smile. She grabbed him by the neck and heaved him into midair. She inspected him through red eyes.

    “So you live on the wealth of others, child?” She had said. She pursed her lips sympathetically. She drew him into the carriage. He could not see because of the heavy drapes of the carriage. He felt a sting to his neck, he tried to cry out but was surprised when breath to scream was denied him. He died that day in the act of doing something selfish. But the evil owner of the Carriage was not content to mar his existence, but cursed him as well.

    She proclaimed that he would ever “give what he once took.” Always existing to serve others. “That way, if we ever meet again,” she whispered “you might be of some use to me, instead of trying to rob me.” She tossed him out of the carriage. The driver walked back out to the carriage and it took off. Jafar saw on the back of the carriage, for the first time, the initials "A.V."

    She cursed Jafar by burying his selfishness. The result is that Jafar is selfless to the point of danger to himself, and he can no longer self-sustain. He devoted himself to reading scripture and reciting litanies. Studying all the pure magical arts in hope of being able to cure his cursed condition but is frustrated by his inability to use them. It was vital to him as he could not provide his own needed sustenance due to his curse. He is on his quest to drag himself to the gates of God’s Sanctuary to beg help against his curse.
    Last edited by Sinister; 02-18-2008 at 10:12 PM.

  7. #577
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Name: Ghen of the Darklit Void
    Gender: Male (or so appearances would lead one to believe)
    Race: Chaos Avatar
    Age: Ghen appears to be in his mid 20s
    Height: 6'2"
    Weight: 98 Kilograms
    Eyes: Dark gray with flecks of red and pupils as empty as the void
    Hair: A shimmering black colour, long and unruly at times held back by a plain black ring of leather
    Class: Chaos Knight

    A Chaos Knight is born when an avatar of chaos has been materialised for too long a period of time and begins to conform to the rules of the plane he now inhabits. They lose both their complete insanity and also their unlimited power. A Chaos Knight is characterised by being very chaotic in nature (that is not being all that predictable most of the time) and by still remembering the powers of the void well enough to call on superhuman feats of strength and agility once needed. They lose the ability to manipulate anything outside of their own body's strengths and weaknesses and tend to keep the one form all of the time. A Chaos Knight as an individual often possesses cosmetic features not seen on anyone else in the area and tends to think as a minority of his/her adopted plane do.

    Ghen looks like a larger sized human male, with odd eyes and unruly black hair. He is broad and muscular from keeping up with his often overly demanding innate abilities. Ghen wears tattered black trousers with much evidence of self repair due to damage they've sustained as well as a lot of bandaging from both inflicted wounds and injuries as a result of not conforming to his new body's limits. He looks somewhat frenzied the vast majority of the time, and the dark patches of skin around his eyes further illustrate this. Apart from the trousers and bandaging, all that Ghen wears is a gray studded black belt holding onto an empty looking scabbard.


    Void (The Consumer)
    Void is a part of Ghen moreso than his physical body. It is not only a weapon, but also that which identifies Ghen as being a Chaos Avatar. Void appears to be a large oversized sword made of the absence of everything. It is essentially a manifestation of the Void itself. Void appears as a limitless hole when looked at closely, but from a distance appears to be the darkest of blacks. Void stands at around 12 feet long being around 4 feet at it's widest. Void appears to be double-edged, yet when seen in battle, even the flat of the blade seems able to cut.Void appears to absorb the atmosphere directly around it. This however seems to be purely a cosmetic thing, as it has no noticeable effect in battle. As a part of Ghen, he can return Void to nothingness temporarily or summon it directly to his hands at any time.

    Questioner (Law Bane)
    Questioner is a scimitar Ghen can summon temporarily. It appears in Ghen's scabbard, but drains him of energy when materialised. Questioner is rarely used by Ghen but it's effect is invaluable. While it can parry a weapon it will pass through an opponent's flesh as if that opponent was a ghost. Questioner attacks Ghen's opponent's mind directly, causing them to question what they know as being true. This ability can also be double-edged at times depending on the person...

    Offensive abilities/skills:

    Innate: Increased Strength and Endurance
    This is due mainly to Ghen's adapted body and also to his inability at times to accept his body's limits. Essentially he can carry many times more than most humans and can show more endurance than would leave most people dead. His limbs are also much more powerful than those of most humans.

    Innate: Chaos Tongue
    Allows Ghen to speak and understand any language once so much of a word of it is heard. Provided by the Void originally to negate any possibility of an inability of an Avatar to communicate with the beings it needs to. Dialects and gestures are also picked up.

    Ability: Chaos Break
    Ghen can send any non-living material into the Void if it is directly surrounding him. This uses can use up some energy if used too often and leaves Ghen immobile as the material is sent to the void. The larger the object, the longer it takes to recover. This ability does not work on living creatures as it is within the Void's best interest to keep such beings alive for the sake of the greater chaos.

    Ability: Void Song
    This ability is triggered when Ghen's mental state changes greatly in some way. Ghen remembers true chaos, causing a hairline crack of the Void to appear granting Ghen further (and greatly) improved speed and strength. This ability allows Ghen to temporarily speed up to a point where he is barely visible, but on the downside, the end of this ability leaves Ghen temporarily out of breath. This is all accompanied by a whistling of the void, almost like an eerie song.

    Defensive abilities/skills:

    Void Sword Skill: Void Absorption
    This ability is triggered when an attack of either energy in a pure or electrical form or an attack involving light, darkness, earth, air, water or fire is used. Ghen's sword Void absorbs these attacks/abilities sending them to the Void itself for the Void's later use. Ghen cannot use any of the absorbed energy himself in any way. This ability does not block attacks of electricity, earth, air, water or fire from close combat weapons that make it past Ghen's sword Void.


    Ghen was sent by the Void to try to convert as many people of a mostly lawful world to the side of chaos as possible. While originally a true Chaos Avatar, Ghen stayed on the world too long due to the sheer number of people he had to try to convert and developed more of a self awareness as well as knowledge of how things should interact as imposed by the laws of the plane he now inhabited. In other words he fell to being a Chaos Knight. Ghen serves the chaos faithfully, but may never again be a true part of the Void.

    After several years of being a Chaos Knight, Ghen decided to take up the cause of 'good'. He decided this as humans are inherently chaotic creatures and as such they should be aided and protected in order for chaos to spread. Though 'evil' often conflicts with 'good' for chaos' benefit, in the end a greater number of living humans creates enough smaller conflict between individuals to effectively provide more chaos. Ghen focuses solely on fighting and keeping himself alive to fight again nowadays. He works with others at times to try to eliminate 'evil' (beings wanting to cause mass destruction) and seems more and more human with every passing moment.

  8. #578
    Name: Donkere (Don-care)

    Age: -?-

    Species: Dark Form

    Sex: -?-

    Height: 6'9"

    Weight: Indefinite

    Eye color: Red

    Hair: -n/a-

    Bio: The Donkere is an enormous purple-grey creature of the nether-world. It's eyes are enormous and glow an orangish-yellow hue, the pupil filling almost the entire visible surface area of the eye. It's lipless mouth is lined with two rows of razor-sharp, off-white teeth. A bed of hair-like spikes (made up of the same type of bone tissue as it's teeth) surround a large portion of the creatures neck like a mane, cutting off to expose the front of the Donkeres neck.
    It stalks the outskirts surrounding the Valley of Lost Souls aimlessly, hoping to feast on any stray undead who haven't found their way into the Valley yet. It stands in a hunch, yet still towers at 6'9". Were it's spine to be straightened out it would measure up to almost 9 feet long. It walks like a giant ape, it's claws dragging on the ground, yet it's physical build is similar to that of an amphibian. Soft, smooth looking skin and a thin midsection distinguish this feature quite well, especially when combined with it's lanky arms and legs. It displays incredible strength and agility when motivated, and can run at speeds of up to 60 km/h. It is rumoured that it can disappear into any solid surface and reappear out of another, but there is no living or unliving* proof of this phenomenon.

    *Unliving (unlife)- One's existence in the afterlife.

    The Donkere's weapons are mainly it's teeth, claws, and it's powerful physical form.
    It's speed and agility allow it to fully utilize every part of it's body to it's full, horrifying, ruthless potential in hunting and in battle.
    Aside from that it has an interesting ability to protrude and retract very long, sharpened bones from it's palms. The bones are immensely sturdy, allowing them to penetrate almost any object.

    The Donkere wears a matching breastplate, headplate, wrist guards, shin guards, and back armour. The armour is a dark brown colour and is inscribed with strange tribal patterns. These patterns are outlined in gold.
    Aside from it's armour, the Donkeres 'wreath' of spikes around it's neck provide ample protection of it's throat.

    Presence in the RPB forum: Recently the Donkere has been seen outside of the Valley of Lost Souls. Multiple deaths have been recorded from across the universe at the hands of this powerful creature. This phenomenon may have been the cause of the rumour pertaining to the Donkere's ability to teleport*.
    How has it escaped the netherworld? Is it traveling across time and space, or are there multiple creature's to the Donkere population? Is it on a ruthless tyrannical prey-hunt or is it being employed by a higher power?
    Can it be stopped?
    You may just have to face it yourself to find out....

    *Or travel through realms (As mentioned above).

  9. #579
    The joke is far too true Character Statistics. loner-kid's Avatar
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    This is my first time so if i do something wrong tell me.

    Name: Erika
    Race: Angel (I'd just like to point out that I'm not godmoding and the fact that she [I]was[I] an angel will be a major weakness)
    Height: 5'5
    Eyes: Green

    Aperance: An intricately inscribed sheet plate helmet covering only the forehead and crown rests easily on her head latched on only by its smug fit, the back is open allowing her long Blond hair to sweep down to her shoulders. She wears a pure white battle dress , the sheet plate armour latched over the top, a breast plate with thigh guards left hanging. From the back the armour seems a pointless dead weight, with two dangling plate guards, the dress too is odd as two gaping cuts run from the hem of the garment right up to the shoulder blades.

    Bio: Erika is a fallen angel, before her fall she was the seal of the etheral plane, it was her job to safe guard this world from the void. After 3 cycles she was called on to deal with an unjust human war blown out of proportion. The war had ended before Erika could deal with the conflict by a magic driven war machine known as GOLEM. After such a sharp end to the fighting Erika decided to stay on the physical plane to be sure that no new conflicts would be started. Over the years many had deserted the two armies, as the realization of why the war was fought surpassed their blind devotion, the most notorious of which being the young general Boln Sefk who deserted with his entire regiment, he and his men founded a small city named Lambrin far away from the fighting. After the war the conquering army turned its ugly head towards the city of traitors and unleashed their GOLEM. Boln had foreseen that the end of the war would also mean the end of Lambrin and had fortified it against attack by normal soldiers, but the GOLEM would make short work of his fortifications. Knowing the desperateness of their situation Boln gathered his men and planned out a suicidal direct attack on the GOLEM itself to give the women and children time to escape. Erika disgusted by how far humanity had fallen released the void on the brutal army and their precious GOLEM before Bolns' men had even drawn their swords. Her job done Erika would have withdrawn back into the etheral plane but it was obvious from the confusion of Bolns' men that she would have to stay longer, she strode over to the young general and told him what had happened. Pain welled up in Bolns' eyes, although the army had intended to kill them he was still horrified by the amount of death he had witnessed. Erika was intrigued by Boln, and slowly but surely she fell in love with him. Eventually she had to return to the etheral plane but she did it with great reluctance and unknowingly bearing Bolns child with her. Time in the etheral plane travels swifter than in the physical one and it wasn't long before the baby was born, the other angels took note of this and discovered the child's origins. The child was destroyed, Boln was infused with the void and Erika was stripped of her divinity, her wing clipped and exiled to the human world.

    Lancier A long lance imbued with holy power, it can be split into two separate lances and a sword

    Sigil a sigil or glyth is a magical symbol that can be drawn onto paper, earth or even the air depending on the competency of the spell caster. Sigils are magical buffs momentarily increasing aspects of the character such as strength, speed or defence.
    Shattering Slight (only usable when lancier is complete) The lancier is magically replicated allowing a temporary barrage of attacks.
    Etheral Shift Erika shifts into the etheral plane, this puts tremendous stress on her mortal body and is used primarily as an escape mechanism
    Energy Blast Duh

  10. #580
    Character Statistics. Anomaly's Avatar
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    Hellish Heaven

    Hallelujah of the Beast

    Name: Dreizehn
    Gender: Male
    Age: 6 years (but seems to occupy the body of a 23 yearold)
    Race: Human?
    Class: Berserker

    Physical Description:
    Dreizehn is a fairly tall, extremely pale young man who's body is covered from head to toe in scars. The most notable is a large scar over his heart, a XIII that has been gouged into his left arm, and a scar over his right eye that looks severe enough to blind him. Despite this road map of past suffering, most of the major scars are as faded as distant memories. His pale grey eyes see perfectly, better than human, and his body is in incredible condition. His hair is long, dirty ivory and unkempt, decorated with several black spiked bangles in his mane-like tresses.

    He wears very little clothing, only a thick black belt around his waist, white robes both front and back, and white bandages wrapped around his upper legs, ankles, and groin area (to protect his extremities). On each wrist, ankle, and his tail are black spiked bangles. The tail itself is long, scarred and furless save the tip which has a thick shock of white fur.

    This is not the only animal-like trait of this young man, as he also possess thick black claws on both his hands and feet and sharp fangs between his black lips. Indeed, Dreizehn appears at times not to be human at all, shifting between a solid human-like entity and a more ethereal beast.

    Personality: Very aloof and to himself. He is very wise and sage-like, but he is also given to a certain bloody-minded savagery. Though he has only good and justice in mind, it is the savage justice of nature and only the good of himself and those he cares for. Having said which, he rarely cares about anyone save as his next meal and he is not adverse to consuming the flesh of humans or other sentient beings.

    Souls Sting~ A long sickle with a large spike both at the top of the black handle and opposite to the curved blade. A long black chain extends from the bottom of the handle and connects to a bladed, weighted mace.
    The sickle has a strange effect to which it sentence's any who feels its bite to a slow, agonizing death within thirty minutes of piercing their flesh. This isn't a poison, but a part of the blade that strikes at the enemies soul, removing it from this plane of existence.
    The chain of the weapon is just as deadly, as it can pass through all physical objects. This would not be so terrifying in and of itself, but it has on more than one occasion ripped out the souls of an entire swath of living forest, cursing the wood to instant death. As a side effect, the chains can be used to bind souls, spirits, demons, and other such ethereal entities with little difficulty.
    While both of these aspects of this weapon deliver cruel, yet peaceful death, the mace has a much different effect. Whatever it lands on instantly explodes with earth shattering force, regardless of its physical make up. This can be used to easily decimate any foe or turn anything from a tiny insect to a large bolder into an instant bomb.

    Other Weapons/Armor:
    Bangles: The bangles act as both weapons and defensive gear. They can be used as easily as Dreizehn's own claws. Defensively, they are made from a thick armored ore that repels all piercing strikes, if positioned correctly. However, his wrists, ankles, and tail can all still break, and his limbs and hair be cut.

    White Ankh~ A strange one winged white ankh hangs from a silver chain in Dreizehn's left ear. He doesn't seem to be able to remove it so he's pretty much forgotten about it's existence. Randomly, the item has sometimes saved him from status effects and magic that would otherwise prove fatal. the effect IS extremely randomized, however, and he has learned not to rely upon it.

    Dreizehn's magic is so underdeveloped as to be almost non-existent. When in dire straights holy light pours from his eyes and mouth and explodes from his body...but he has only the barest amount of control over this power and it can result in more harm to him than those who have pushed him to such limits.

    Gryphon (giant griffin): Ele Wind
    Soul Wyrm (giant wraith worm): Ele Ghost, causes status effects
    Eclipse (holy beast): Ele Holy

    Special Tech:
    Phase Shift - as has been mentioned Dreizehn can pass in and out of a semi-were state, growing long fur, teeth and claws dependent on his mood. In more severe cases he will lose himself to the beast and enters a total berserk state...his power and speed nearly unmatched by anything living or dead.

    Soul Separation - A beast soul, Dreizehn's soul, leaps from his body. Its fangs can't harm flesh, but cut to the soul. Likewise, it cannot be harmed by physical attacks but it is vulnerable to magic. During this time the human body can still move and is invulnerable to magic. If anything happens to the other, the body or soul will feel it as well.

    The Call - Howling loudly he calls any beasts or birds in the area to his aid. the problem is they MUST be in the area...they cannot simply be summoned.

    The Howling - Dreizehn can perform several sonic attacks by howling. They are more powerful at close range.

    Limit Breaks:
    "Howling Anguish"- All the anguish and pain Dreizehn feels rips forth from his throat in a massive sonic blast. It causes damage dependent on how close the enemy is, but will always cause confusion and paralysis if applicable.
    "Soulful Dirge"- Dreizehn's hair begins to glow white hot and dance as flame. Empowered by spirit energy the hair can melt through anything, regardless of its natural resistance to flame. This attacks time is extremely limited.

    "Call of the Wild"- Howling in strange tones, Dreizehn's body is completely healed and he becomes temporarily invincible. During this time a pack of spectral wolves will appear and attack any enemy present. This lasts for a very limited amount of time.
    "Soulless Requiem"- Dreizehn's body sinks into the earth to heal as his soul rises into the air and turns into a ball of spiritual flame that seeks to smash into the opposition and engulf them in holy fire. This lasts for a moderate amount of time. Even if the enemy is immune to such blazing soul energy, it grants Dreizehn a brief respite from the rages of battle.

    "Death Howl"- Arching his back, Dreizehn transforms...but this time three holy angelic wings spread on his back. The chain of his weapon wraps around his own body forming a black cloak that repels all magic. The sickle extends into a Scythe that can cause instant death if it pierces its enemies flesh and destroys all matter and energy. A third eye opens on his forehead and all three burn with holy light. In this form he knows advanced blood kant*. This lasts for a moderate length of time.

    "Soul Seekers Ballad"- With a soft howl Dreizehn's body blurs...a human soul blurred with a wolfs stands in his place. This is his true form. In this form he can leap inside his opponents body and for a very limited time control his enemies actions or the actions of another creature. This limit break is useless unless used in close proximity to an enemy. It can be break, easily, by the enemy injuring themselves, but this would require a massive amount of will power on their part.

    "Beneath the Howling Stars"- Giving a final howl, a holy light shines down, scathing the landscape with righteous judgement...banishing all evil and undead from the land.

    "Hallelujah of the Beast"- Dreizehn's entire body goes through reverse reincarnation. His body becomes a total wolf, one eyed, and with many bleeding scars. Gigantic by wolf standards three angel wings adorn his back, and his entire body glows the white of the Soulful Dirge. Only the bangles remain of his former outfit, but all the scars are the same.

    A light Fragment of the being known as the Anomaly. Pulled from an older, more primal universe, Dreizehn remembers very little of how he came to be who he is now. His 'new name' was given to him by a group of villagers whom he later killed for food in a place known in the common tongue as 'The Black Forest'. From them he learned a smattering of language, but more importantly he learned that even in this world he would be a creature misunderstood and hunted. The law, the same here as there...kill or be killed.

    Glimmers of a former life ever haunt him, flashing through his brain. Running through blood stained snow...a black shadow stalking his heels...pain and hunger. Then release...and oblivion.

    He only knows two things in this new existence. Old wounds never heal...and revenge is ever sweet. The black wolf of his shattered memories, his brother...if Dreizehn were alive again, he would be as well. So this creature, neither beast nor human, neither living nor dead sets out on the hunt.

    *Blood Kant is a system of magics using the blood of yourself or a sacrifice to invoke spirits, cast offensive and protective spells, and manipulate life blood itself to the users bidding. The deadliest use of this art can turn the very life flowing through an adversaries body against them.

  11. #581
    Character Statistics. Anomaly's Avatar
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    Feb 2006
    Hellish Heaven

    Kuro Akumu

    Name: General Fou-Lu
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown
    Race: Human?-Cyborg
    Class: Assassin

    Physical Description:
    From head to foot he's clothed in a solid black body armor that seems to cling tightly to the his muscles, belying a lithe but well toned body. He wears a black reflective helmet, with no seems to disturb the image of his victims surprised faces. The same reflective armor adorns his forearms, lower legs, shoulders, back and chest, but are far duller than the helm. The only real adornment he seems to wear is around his shoulders. A thick, black feathered collar...each individual feather seeming to move even when he is perfectly still and there is not a breath of wind.

    A very closed off individual. He gets the job done and then moves on. However, if you rile him up he's sarcastic and extremely sadistic. He likes to play with his prey sometimes, wanting to push their life to the limit...before he ends it. Even so, he can be extremely cold...ending the life of a child as swiftly as that of any other living being.

    Thanatos- A famous Gun-Spear. The first blade of the spear is extremely long and ornate...almost like an ax, with black thorns and flowers decorating it. The back side of the spear has a long and delicately curved scythe blade with the same black rose motif. The blade on the very tip of the spear seems incredibly thin compared to the other two, but just as long and vicious, straight as an arrow.
    It fires several different kinds of ammo, including explosive and magical rounds. It is also collapsible into a small sickle variant, and extends, providing it an incredibly long reach.

    Other Weapons:
    Concealed inside of Fou-Lu's cybernetic suit are several throwing knives, saw blades, grenades, micro missiles, and proximity mines. Basically any weapon you might imagine for a stealth kill and a few that could actively be used to decimate a small army.

    ONLINE- Iron Behemoth~
    Magitek armor specifically created for the battle demands and all terrain requirements of The Masters. It is massive, shaped in the form of an ancient legendary beast. It travels mostly on ground but can launch itself into the air for short flights and is completely submersible. This solid black mobile armor is capable of routing power directly from the pilot and amplifying it to devastating levels. It is also stocked with laser arrays, smart bombs, sonic weapons, ion cannons, and a scythe like scorpion tail blade. Fou-Lu can use his armor to control ONLINE remotely.

    Cyber Suit - His cybernetic body suit is a triumph of modern technology. It makes him faster, stronger, and able to stay awake for days without sleeping to track his prey. Full of hidden compartments and weapons, the suit is a perfect offensive and defensive weapon. It is bullet proof, resistant to most magics, and resistant to most piercing attacks (though it has its weak points obviously). The suit can allow the wearer to become entirely invisible by bending both light and darkness. It absorbs the powers of darkness and can partially shield the wearer from the power of light. A passive ability, the armor can also be used to interface with most technologies, even those that are not of this world.

    He uses shadow magic, which is made up mainly of illusion techniques he learned in his training. However, he CAN melt into the shadow plane at times, using it for the purpose of both travel and sneak attacks. He can also use shadow puppets to attack, but the skill is one that is hard to use even for one advanced in the art, and typically such shadows pose no real threat.

    Abaddon- (chief angel of the pit) Ele Darkness/Fire; immune to fire
    Shadow Beast- (symbiotic anti-GEAR weapon) Ele Shadow
    Wyrmcubi- (beautiful worm demon) Ele Blood; demonic, enchants characters with its beauty to lure them to their death

    Special Tech:
    Shadow Dance- Red eyes dance among a wall of shadows around the enemy, then close in to try and suffocate the enemy with a crushing atmosphere of darkness.

    Dragoon Buster- Launching himself high in the air, Fou-Lu can come back down with enough force to cause low yield earthquakes. If he fires his gun at the same time it will shatter the surrounding earth into quick sand and mud, threatening to topple any structure and swallow the lives of any enemy on the ground.

    Limit Breaks:
    "Kuro Inabikari"- A massive explosion of electric darkness explodes from the Thanatos' muzzle. Even if it misses, it has a chance to blind the enemy.
    "Upgrade Type I"- Fou-Lu's suit temporarily utilizes jet packs to increase his speed. In this form he moves so fast that it constantly creates sonic booms, which he can use to his advantage to attack or disorient his enemies. This lasts for a moderate amount of time.

    "Kuro Shuurai"- Moving with the speed of darkness augmented by science, Fou-Lu thrusts his spear deep into the heart of his enemy. If he hits it will cause massive damage and temporarily paralyze his victim. If it misses, it will still cause a dark explosive wave to spread out in a destructive ring around the spear.
    "Upgrade Type II"- Fou-Lu's suit temporarily utilizes a heavy assault form, thick armor spreading over his entire body. Massive laser swords ignite across his body, bending over its curvature along his limbs. In this form he loses his normal speed but moves about as fast as a normal human. To counterbalance this, he attains the ability to fly, twisting membranous black wings, like a dragon flies spreading from his back. This lasts for a moderate amount of time.

    "Kuro Ryuujin" - Fou-Lu's body twists into the form of a black oriental style demonic twin headed dragon. One head is the typical of a more demonic dragon, while the other is purely cybernetic in nature. The beast uses Shadow breath and Nuke breath and can attack with its wings and claws.
    "Upgrade Type III"- Fou-lu's armor takes on a heavy armor upgrade. He loses his speed entirely but gains a massive ion cannon in the form of a cybernetic dragons head connected to his left arm. His right arm becomes a massive drill sword, and his lower body is encased in a mobile, tank treaded vehicle. His head and vital organs are under thick layers of armor in this mode. This mode doesn't last very long as it drains power.

    "Kuro"- Darkness spreads throughout the world as a massive red eye opens. Fou-lu stands atop it as a wave of darkness fires from it, engulfing his enemies in the flames of the underworld.
    "Upgrade Type Omega"- Fou-Lu enters into a upgraded state that comprises the best aspects of all three upgrade types. Its power is nearly limitless, but Fou-Lu must attain the first three upgrades before he can coax his suits system into changing quickly between each.

    Fou-lu is a former general with the Masters. It is rumored many have worn the mask, but the recent incarnation seems to be a man with darkness in his soul and shadows in his past. He's a merc for hire who relishes killing. It is said most of his weaponry is actually stolen from The Masters, or more precisely, the entity known as Anomaly. Despite this, he has never actively attacked The Masters, and this is attributed to there being a connection between the shadowy assassin and the clans leader.
    Last edited by Anomaly; 02-26-2008 at 03:12 AM.

  12. #582
    Right then. Let's try this.

    Name: La Vente d'Hiver (Vent (en francais, s'il te plait ) for short).

    Age: Physical, 42; actual age unknown.

    Class: Sorceress

    Elements: Ice, with a touch of air/wind/whathaveyou.

    Weapons: A large silver staff which flares out at the bottom and comes to a point at the top. Sitting atop that point rests a sphere of the most perfect crystal, holding one small blue sapphire in the middle.

    Physical Description:

    Well, this, pretty much. She's very tall, standing at almost six feet, and wears her blue cloak like a veil.



    Duality: Combining her abilities with ice and air, Vent is able to create something akin to a swirling hailstorm. This ability is not too draining, but nor is it too powerful. It's hard to dodge though.

    Glasshouse: Imprisons the opponent in a cube of ice for as long as possible. While opponents are inside Glasshouse Vent can not only keep them still for a little while, but can also exert pressure on them if they're not putting up much of a fight. Can give her time to catch her breath.

    Ideal Murder: Again, wind combined with ice, this time in the form of a volley of the sharpest icicles. This attack is powerful and quite hard to dodge but takes a lot of time to build up and is in turn very draining on Vent.


    Vent is strong here because she's next to useless in hand-to-hand combat and has had to develop ways of keeping stronger physical opponents away from her body.

    Glasshouse: As above. Can stop an attack being built up, but not a charge.

    Get Tae: Creates a shock of wind, catapulting herself into the air; when she falls back, icicles fall with her. This one is basically survival instinct, and as such can only be used once or twice at a push in battle, since it is highly draining.

    Rust: Vent can, when occaison requires, encase herself in something akin to Glasshouse. However, the same start-level pressure of the Glasshouse is exerted upon her as is upon any prospective opponent; therefore, it is slightly damaging. She cannot stay in it for long. The layer of ice is thicker and more protective the longer she is given to prepare the move.

    Protége Moi: Like Duality, only the hail forms a spiral around Vent herself. Complete rubbish at stopping magic, but very good for stopping physical, hand-to-hand attacks.


    Vent is a loner, grumpy and brisk. She's like the elements that form her - she's biting cold and angry, though does have a capacity for respite (she just never really shows it). She's reticent, but not afraid to fight.

    She was raised by another sorceress, a woman whose specialty lay in fire, in a quiet forest hundreds of years ago. However, her mentor and adopted mother betrayed her royally by trying to steal her powers from her once she had learned them. The sorceress accosted Vent in the daytime, in the forest they shared; she told her of her desire to control all of the elements. 'Fire and ice shall mix, you will see!' the sorceress had yelled, 'And that is why I need you.'

    'Is it the fire in you that makes you this way?' Vent had asked.

    She wasn't given time for an answer. The sorceress set upon her with power far beyond anything Vent could match, and attempted to steal Vent's ice from her. Already torn up enough inside at it was, Vent gave herself, her whole self, over to the ice within her - the fire sorceress was swallowed whole by it, but Vent lost in the end only a portion of herself.

    She just stays in the forest, somewhere she tries her best to keep in a permanent winterlike state. She's not the happiest of bunnies, and tends to start fights with anyone who wanders too long into her forest.

    I really hope I haven't completely missed the point. Like, actually. Well, here goes nothing.

  13. #583
    Character Statistics. Anomaly's Avatar
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    Feb 2006
    Hellish Heaven


    Name: Nil
    Titles: The Aberration, The Nullifier, Empty One
    Gender: N/A
    Age: ∞
    Race: Nihilum Entite
    Class: Elemental
    Height: Roughly 10ft

    Physical Description: A bad description for Nil is of a ghost if its sheet and chains were one and the same and solid black instead of billowing white. Though its cloak does billow and it is a completely shapeless entity aside from that, there is much more to this creature. The creatures hulking physical form is draped by the Holy Shadow. Where one might think a face could be, there is instead a large silver ankh with a single crimson eye set in the hoop of the cross. The ankh pulses and flows, sometimes forming a tear drop, other times growing in a spiked formation around the Eye of Kolobos. Beneath the cloak is nothing. Pure, concentrated nothingness, an eye watering hole punched in this and every other reality leading to somewhere else. It is essentially a hovering ball of destructive nothingness held in check only by the chains that bind.
    Nil has no physical form other than this, however it is fond of using Kolobos as a puppet, stretching its massive arms through its Nexus to grasps enemies by the throat.

    Bio: When The Masters were invaded from another dimension by the Brotherhood of Doom, Anomaly, the Grand Master of the Masters was struck down by their leader, ToroMor. However, his last act insured the ultimate victory of The Masters and the preservation of the Pillars. As he lay dying impaled by his own sword, laughing over the ironic triumph in his defeat, he took a few droplets of his blood and smeared them over his Holy Shadow cloak in the form of an ankh with an eye set in the hoop of the cross.

    In that instant, Anomaly's body collapsed into the Void, sword, cloak, and all. For a time it seemed he had faded from the world entirely, yet not long afterwards, a wraith could be found haunting the Pillars. Silent at first, it soon began to speak in a voice not unlike the dead Grand Masters. It said that it would conquer all of reality to fulfill the Anomalists final curse upon creation.

    Personality: A cold and usually silent entity. It is very difficult to break this ones composure, though madness, and rage are at the very core of its being. It has total disregard for all life, seeing it as fleeting and immaterial. It's only loyalty seems to be to things that Anomaly once cared for.

    Paradox Perfected - The Paradox is a sentient triple helix trident composed of a black, white, and grey metal strands that move like flowing liquid matter. The three prongs can grasp any other weapon, projects a black aura, and can manipulate gravity, lending this ability to its wielder. It is also a somewhat amorphous weapon, bending and re-shaping itself at a whim. This weapon is sometimes wielded by one of the Massive arms of Kolobos and grows proportionately large.

    Chains of Fate - the individual threads of the Holy Shadow can break away from the whole, and be used to bind enemies or fill a room with a web of chains that can choke the life from even the stoutest individual. They can also twist to become bladed tendrils that can gouge easily through flesh, but have difficulty penetrating most armor.

    Holy Shadow-
    armored black cloak woven from chains that absorb light based magic (holy/darkness/beams). It is a living cloak that feeds of its own will. It can twist light and darkness to make Nil invisible and create the illusion of teleportation.

    Silver Ankh - (prevents confuse, berserk, manipulate, reflect, and instant Death) This accessory doubles as a weapon of a sort, of living quick silver that can extend in protective spikes, grasping claws, a gaping maw etc.

    The Eye of Kolobos - Possibly what animates Nil, The Eye is one of two orbs ripped from an ancient god along with its soul. This jewel has the power to focus any energy, see through illusion, gauge strength, and serves as a connection to Kolobos.

    Void Magic-Used Limitedly
    Powerful magic that normally only true masters of Astromancy can use. Most commonly characterized by a gentle grey glow, this anti-matter can be manipulated into any shape and form the wielder desires. This energy is what Nil's core is composed of, and thus its use degenerates Nils with each use, however he can recover given the chance. Essentially destroys all matter, waves, and particles but evaporates itself in the process.

    Astromancy- Linked to the very cosmos, meteors, comets, gravitational fluxes, and various cosmic radiation can be summoned by Nil. Even if in a completely enclosed space, Nil can summon such cosmic debris from within itself, giving him access to all the power the skies have to offer.

    Summons: Limited Use
    Oketsu (Blood Drinking blade): Ele Blood, chance to summon as anthropomorphic personification
    Frail (Holy Beast): Ele Holy, Massive Holy Damage, Spectral Pack
    Fell (Evil Beast) : Ele Dark, Massive Dark Damage, Shadow Clones
    M.Angel (Mutilated Angel): Ele Spirit, produces various strange effects
    Kolobos (Greek God of mutilation): Ele Void, Mass Damage, Drain

    Special Tech~
    Event Horizon - As a Nihilum Entite, Nil can create a vacuum within itself, drawing objects inexorably into its nexus. This includes enemies, weapons, and allies. This does no damage unless they encounter something within the Nexus, but can be a useful skill. Nil must be careful when using this skill, however, as drawing certain types of matter into itself can cause damage to itself.

    Puppet Master - As Nil is a living dimensional gateway, he can briefly summon parts of entities linked to him with which to attack. Kolobos seems to be the entity that it summons the most to act as its hands, thus the creatures massive arms tend to appear and disappear from beneath the Holy Shadow swiftly and regularly. Attacks from other fragments of the Anomalist can also be summoned. The draw back to this technique is that every now and again all that will happen is that M.Angels distorted, twitching body will fall from Nil...this is Nil's point of greatest weakness, as there seems to be a strange connection between M.Angel and Nils powers.

    Eye for an Eye - A move by which the Eye of Kolobos causes any damage dealt to Nil to be delivered back directly to its origin. This can be a risky move, however, as Nil must take the damage in order for it to have any effect.

    Kolobos Refraction - The Eye of Kolobos can refocus anything...light, heat, magic, it doesn't matter. Only magic it can't refocus is Void doesn't truly exist.

    Stygian Flow - The Holy Shadow peels away to reveal the ghastly mutilated skull of Kolobos. The beast opens its mouth and vomits forth a column of diseased blood and worms that causes light damage. The blood floods the field with plague, causing a miasma of poison, sleep, paralysis, confusion, blindness, and sap that hangs over anywhere the blood pools. The worms will attempt to feed on any living flesh, but are extremely weak. This can only be performed once per battle.

    Elemental Blast - Nil can briefly summon the head of Fell, Frail, or Kolobos to deliver an elemental blast of energy. This is taxing, however, and can only be done once per battle.

    Limit Breaks:
    Level 1~
    "Hellish Blast"-
    Focusing large amounts of none elemental energy into itself, Nil sends out a shock wave pulse that spreads in a sphere emanating from its center, causing moderate damage, though even if blocked it still has a knock back effect.

    "The Clouding"-
    This move manipulates the laws of physics as they are interpreted by the mind. By temporarily distorting reality for the enemy, this allows Nil ample time to attack. This limit can only be initiated if the enemy is within the gaze of the Eye of Kolobos and does not have their eyes shut, are turned away, have their eyes shielded, have eyes at all, or are completely immune to brainwave manipulation.

    Level 2~
    "Storm of Pain"-
    Summoning a temporal storm from its depths, Nil slows time down to a crawl for all creatures present (that are not immune to time magics, obviously) granting it a few moments that feel like an eternity, for it to score a few quick hits on its enemy that will seem blazingly fast from their perspective. This attacks area of effect is extremely limited however, and is completely wasted if not used at close range.

    "Gamma Ray" -
    The Holy Shadow rolls back as Nil reaches deep into itself. Routing Gamma waves from the universe, an invisible column of radiation fires forth, instantly cooking any enemy in its path that is not well protected. All others, including those whom the main ray completely misses suffer from destroyed immune systems as the Gamma Radiation floods the surrounding area, removing any status effect immunities.

    "Cosmic Dragon"-
    (Nil summons a Cosmic Dragon)
    A Black and White dragon, each of its three horned heads representing a different aspect of its personality. There are three sets of wings, in sets of three: dark feathered, angel feathered, and metallic. Three sets of powerful-clawed arms, each holding a unique sword...a powerful, towering serpent. Oddly the Paradox Perfected cannot be summoned while this creature exists.

    Dragon moves are...
    Cosmic Blades~(hits enemy multiple times with six giant swords)
    Cosmic Winds~(Sweep of its nine mighty wings causing layered waves of energy)
    Cosmic Breath~(Fires iridescent elemental beams at the enemy)
    Cosmic Judgment~(combination of the three main abilities. The Dragon usually ceases to exist after this move.)

    "Nihilistic Nocturne" -
    A single melodious cord is the prelude to this deadly nocturne. Strange shadows composed of dark matter spreads from Nil, engulfing the surrounding area and cutting off all senses, including any hyper-senses an enemy might possess, leaving the enemy in a completely numb state. An enemy can still struggle against the inevitable, but will have no way of knowing if they were successful or injured until after the dark matter dissipates.

    "When Stars Collide" -
    An unbelievable spectacle, pure mathematical perfection. The Holy Shadow is absorbed into Nil as it expands to engulf everything in its spatial nexus. In the center of a sky burning with frost, three stars hover pouring their light into the heavens. A white dwarf, a gray giant, and a black hole all drift slowly towards one another, flares dancing along each others surfaces. As they collide, they become one glorious burning nova, unleashing massive amounts of cosmic energy causing incredible damage to all things within the nexus. This also drains Nil of all its power, making this a do or die limit break.

  14. #584
    Character Statistics. Anomaly's Avatar
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    Feb 2006
    Hellish Heaven

    Mutilated Angel

    (Note: Not meant as a regular RP character. This is a Handicap character nominally used as Nil's weakness)
    Name: M.Angel
    Titles: Angel of Mutilation
    Gender: N/A
    Age: Irrelevant
    Race: Fallen Angel
    Class: None
    Height: 6'2

    Physical Description: A truly pitiful creature, bones barely covered in the ruin of its flesh. Muscle and sinew are all exposed, the edges of what little skin remains ragged and torn, ever flowing with fresh blood. It is held together by strands of barbed wire, sewn through out its body, shards of metal jutting from its form, showing the strange metal work that holds this abomination together. Shards of iron shoved under its finger and toe nails, pierced through its back along the ridge of its spine, along with a massive ornate pair of bladed bat wings strung with what appears to be shreds of this poor creatures own skin.
    All that remains of its former glory is its flowing white hair, now mottled and blood stained, and a face that even the most delicate of tortures can never steal the beauty from. Even with the flesh peeled back to reveal the musculature beneath, there is still a striking handsomeness and calm to the face. Though the lips are sewn shut and the eyes are filled with a powerful cocktail of madness, sorrow, and hatred. Eyes that glow like frightening stars in the endless abyss. Upon its forehead, the mark of its eternal suffering...the ankh.

    Bio: M.Angel has existed for an incredibly long time. From the first severing of flesh from bone to the last, sweet, strangled moan of pain. M.Angel is the Angel of Mutilations, a fragment of the Anomalous one closely bound to Kolobos. It is both the flesh that Anomaly inhabited, and a body that was cast off long ago. What M.Angel truly is, what his purpose truly was is unknown, though he is tied intimately to a past tragedy.
    What his purpose is now, remains to be seen. For eons he has slept deep in the warm womb of Kolobos beating heart, a growing cancer. He is both physical and immaterial. Both light and shadow...a beacon of things to come and a shadow of things long past. He appears around those tied to Anomaly, linked closely to those who feel rage or sorrow for his recent passing.
    But what of its own feelings on the matter? Who can say...who can say...

    Personality: It's personality can best be described as mournful, but generally peaceful. It rarely attacks anyone, preferring to skulk in the shadows, hopefully forgotten. Yet in that still, peaceful calm, there is a strange aura that seems to twist reality around it. The sun does not shine brightly on M.Angel, and the familiar takes on a singularly hostile vibe in his presence.

    Bladed Wings -
    Though they seem to be a torture device forced on M.Angel, the wings are fully articulated, and ruthlessly sharp. They slice through flesh easily, but with each use they gouge deeper into M.Angels back. Of course they are useless for flight.

    Claws -
    The shards of metal shoved through the ends of his fingers and toes can be used to lay open another's flesh, but more often M.Angel uses them on himself.

    Paradox Perfected - The Paradox is a sentient triple helix trident composed of a black, white, and grey metal strands that move like flowing liquid matter. The three prongs can grasp any other weapon, projects a black aura, and can manipulate gravity, lending this ability to its wielder. It is also a somewhat amorphous weapon, bending and re-shaping itself at a whim. M.Angel is the only creature it seems the Paradox is prepared to obey implicitly.




    Summons:Limited Use
    Wyrms (Flesh Eating Parasites): Ele none, infect and devour organic material
    Babel (Dimensionally Trapped Tower): Ele none, uses rudimentary energy arrays to cause moderate wide spread damage
    Nil (Void Elemental): Ele Void, protects M.Angel
    Oketsu (Blood Drinking Blade): Ele Blood, chance to summon as anthropomorphic personification
    Kolobos (Greek God of mutilation): Ele Void, Mass Damage, Drain

    Special Tech:
    Gloom - A strange darkness spreads from M.Angel, warping the senses of those near him, engendering deep paranoia within them. Hallucinations of pain, despair, and death are common. This is a passive ability that only those with eyes that can see the truth can truly understand. The gloom seems to seep into the world itself, causing it to behave in strange ways. Some say this is M.Angel controlling the world around it, but it is as likely to harm him as anyone else.

    Lesion - Another passive skill of M.Angel is that of plague barer. Any organic being that remains in close proximity to him for a protracted period of time will begin to break out in sores all over their body. The sores swell, and slowly rip themselves open, mimicking the wounds on M.Angels own body. There is no known cure for this, save to avoid being within close enough distance to inhale the strange meaty stench of M.Angels carcass. If you can retreat long enough, it seems the wounds will stop spreading, but will take time to heal.

    Possession - M.Angel can possess any creature by stepping into it. By doing so M.Angel can control their actions, but why it does this is often contested. Some possessed tear themselves to bloody pieces, while others merely go quietly mad. It takes a strong constitution or the ability to command spirits to cast out M.Angel. (Usually only used on NPC's or summons.)

    Imaterialize - Physical presence is an option for M.Angel. Normal barriers pose no impediment to him, though he cannot be solid and immaterial at the same time. He can use this ability to avoid attacks or to slip past an aggressors defenses and possess them. There is a payment for this ability however, as often one or more pieces of M.Angel will be left behind if he uses this technique too often.

    Kolobos Control - If M.Angel and Kolobos are near to one another, they begin to interact in strange ways that suggest a symbiotic relationship. Kolobos moves much faster in M.Angels presence and seems to be more in control of its own actions.

    Limit - Limited Use
    "Inverse Yesh Me-ayin" - Using a single finger tip, M.Angel slices open its sewn shut lips. He speaks a single word and reduces the world to immaterial nothingness. This limit drops all enemies out of faze with reality, making it impossible to cast magics that come from an outer source, use weapons, or summon. They must defend themselves with their own hands. This lasts for a moderate amount of time but causes no damage.

  15. #585
    Character Statistics. Anomaly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hellish Heaven

    Sanguine Serenade

    Name: Oketsu
    Titles: Reaver of Blood
    Gender: Male
    Age: ∞
    Race: Unknown, (Vampire?)
    Class: Warrior
    Height: 6'2

    Physical Description:
    The best way to describe Oketsu is to say, imagine a kabuki, bone white skin and dramatic red markings around the eyes, red hair on his head and bare chest down to his belly, and go from there. But that wouldn't even be half the story here. This is a tall gentlemen that appears both young and old at one and the same time. Clothing wise he wears tight black leather pants, a red belt with a raven winged skull belt buckle, a pair of black armored gauntlets that end in blood red finger tips, and red spike studded black boots. Aside from the marks on his face that may or may not be tats, he has an incredible tribal tattoo that covers his entire back that looks somewhat like the raven winged skull on his belt buckle.
    This is usually clearly visible, because most of the time his hair is caught up in a nimbus of power that causes it to rise and dance like the flames the strands resemble. He possess a wavy, sinuous red beard that juts from just beneath a mouth filled with fangs that always seems to be grinning, even when there's nothing funny going on. The grin matches the eyes, which are really little more than black pits with crimson irises glittering like jewels in their depths. It's those eyes that pretty much say what the rest of the body has only managed to convey, "You're going to die."

    Bio: Oketsu started out his existence as a very different creature. One that, after a long, timeless period ended up imprisoned in a sword. This, however, was generally considered to be an improvement. This should give you an idea of how dim and boring the eons that went before were. As a weapon, Oketsu was light and free and full of power...hunger too, but the other attributes, and his Master seemed to take care of that with regular blood letting. The blade and its Master were so close, they were almost a part of each other...and indeed, their souls had partially fused.
    After a time, however, his Master 'died'. Well thats as good a term as any really...its a little more complicated than that but this is Oketsu's story, not his Masters. After the smoke had cleared the sword found itself free...more free than it had ever been. And more than that, it wasn't just as sword now, but one of those living, breathing flesh creatures he'd loved to rip apart so much. This was joy, this was happiness. Oketsu set out to explore the world, caring very little for past attachments and more interested in seeing what the future holds.

    He doesn't so much have a split personality as a very complex one. He is always ecstatic, almost manic about nothing more than his own awesome existence. Pretty much to the point that he cares about little else...he's completely apathetic in regards to how other people feel and quiet often this will make him enemies. So much the better for him, because he also has a cruel, bloodletting side that makes him relish every chance for battle. He is not actively aggressive however, far from it, he just has one of those passive aura's that draws people to him and then makes them want to kill him just to get him to shut up about himself for five bleeding minutes.
    He does, however, have a much more serious side that only comes out in serious combat. When his aura focuses itself, there is no joy, only hungry expectation. There are no cheery words of self praise, only commands for death and blood. This should not be taken to mean he is evil, however...its more that he's completely amoral, and doesn't see much difference between the living, the dead, and the inanimate. Probably because it doesn't know which it is.

    Himself - His boots and gauntlets add to his deadliness, but his greatest weapon is really himself. He knows the secret of chopping a tree in half with his bare hand. And a bus, and most buildings, and a mountain or two. He can project an aura of sharpness around any limb of his body. Once he cut the wings off a butterfly in mid flight with one finger, but really he was aiming for someones nose and missed.

    Paradox Perfected - The Master becomes a servant? Hardly. Oketsu hates using this weapon, but once in awhile it becomes necessary. The Paradox is a sentient triple helix trident composed of a black, white, and grey metal strands that move like flowing liquid matter. The three prongs can grasp any other weapon, projects a black aura, and can manipulate gravity, lending this ability to its wielder. It is also a somewhat amorphous weapon, bending and re-shaping itself at a whim...and usually not Oketsu's whim at that.

    Blood Reaver - When Oketsu enters 'Reaver Mode' this is the weapon that comes to call. His entire aura is focused into this massive kris bladed sword, to the point that his other abilities stagnate and grow incredibly weak. The trade off, however, is that this blade can slice through reality and just about anything else with the greatest of ease. The blade cannot exist outside of Oketsu's hands...or is that the other way around?

    Gauntlets - These provide protection for Oketsu's forearms, because losing them would be inconvenient. However thats not all there good for as their slightest touch can drain a creature of their energy, replenishing Oketsu directly.

    Boots - Not really armor, but they keep his feet from getting dirty/chopped off. A kick to the face from one of these wouldn't easily be forgotten.

    Winged Skull Buckle - It's unknown if this buckle has any special effects aside from looking cool. It does resemble the same winged skull that adorns the Blood Reaver, however, so you never know.

    Blood Kant - A kind of magic that uses Oketsu's favorite substance, blood, as its genesis of power. This magic can be used to steal blood directly from an enemies wounds, turn said blood against its own previous owner, and also used to create different effects. The most common use Oketsu has for blood magic is feeding, but it can also be used to animate crude clay copies of himself, lay traps in pools of blood, and as a form of attack in and of itself.
    The most potent effects of blood magic involve effecting the flow of blood within a body...slowing it to weaken an enemy, speeding it to increase ones own speed and power, or even reversing the flow in someone, causing incredible agony. These types of spells do usually require the enemy to be bleeding before they can be properly invoked.

    Blood Dragon (Massive serpentine Dragon) : Ele Blood, can possess other summons
    White Wyrm (giant carrion worm): Ele Poison, causes status effects
    Kolobos (Greek God of mutilation): Ele Void, mass damage

    Special Techs:
    Energy Blades - Projecting his aura further out from his body, Oketsu can make a swarm of blades composed of crimson lightning. These have no specific element but soak up blood, and often have the effect of weakening opponents. They weaken the further from Oketsu they draw, thus one grasped in his hand is at its maximum strength.

    Crimson Lightning/Flame - Oketsu is capable of extending his aura in creative ways like energy bolts that can drain energy from an enemy on contact. Crackling blood red flames always seem to follow in his footsteps. Though they are no hotter than ones own blood, they can burn, after a fashion, in that they bring blood to the surface of ones skin and cause it to burst forth through the skin to be lapped up by the hungry tongues of flame.

    Reaver Mode - When Oketsu decides its time to get serious about a battle, he enters this mode. His entire aura focuses into a single energy blade that gathers matter to itself to become the Blood Reaver. This causes his long red hair to fall over his face, hiding it from view. However, those who have glimpsed his face through that crimson water fall say that this is for the better, for the skin becomes paper thin, stretched over sinew that barely conceal a truly horrific skull beneath, with glittering rubies as the only eyes in the otherwise empty sockets, and an impossibly massive jaw that hungers for insane amounts of blood.
    In this mode it seems that the body is wielded by the sword rather than the other way around. As previously mentioned, Oketsu loses all of his aura abilities in this form, but his speed and skill with his sword is limitless...

    Tribal Wings - Through the power of his aura, Oketsu can fly with ease. however, when the wings of his tattoo spread from his back and twine through the air he can move with incredible speed and attain great heights with a single pulse. Oddly, this usually only manifests in Reaver Mode.

    Limits -

    Level 1~
    "Bleeding Cross" -
    Oketsu gathers mass amounts of energy and sends a burning cross slash sweeping through the air that causes moderate damage and paralyzes an enemy for a brief period of time.
    "Vampiric Sleep" -
    Oketsu melts into a puddle of his own blood where he rests and recovers a moderate amount of energy. This can be used to evade attacks, but its primary effect is healing.

    Level 2~
    "Rusted Nails" -
    Slamming a boot into the earth, Oketsu causes thousands of massive nails to rise from the soil, causing damage to any that are standing on the same ground he is. This lasts for a moderate amount of time, so even if an enemy is protected from the impaling spikes, Oketsu can attempt to cause them to fall on the bed of nails.
    "Burnt Offerings" -
    Oketsu extends his aura to encompass the entire area, keeping his enemy from retreating from him. This lasts for a short amount of time, but a few moments is all Oketsu needs at close quarters.

    "Crown of Thorns" -
    Twisting barbed darkness twists from Oketsu's back, crawling over his body and forming a crown around his head, before its spreads out from his body in a rush, attempting to bind and crush the enemy in its grasp. This lasts for as long as Oketsu can stand to bleed himself as each vine first rips over his flesh before it snakes towards the enemy.
    "Blood Sacrifice" -
    Spilling massive amounts of his own blood, Oketsu can summon forth seven Blood Dragons. These serpentine creatures are both composed of blood and feed off of it. They cannot be harmed by conventional weapons and are relentless in their pursuit of fresh prey. Oketsu is extremely vulnerable during this time, however, and cannot fight himself.
    Dragon moves...
    Blood Vomit - (Sends a column of corrosive blood to melt through armor and flesh)
    Blood Spray - (the dragons gather into a blood flow that attempts to sweep any enemy to its doom)
    Blood Pressure - (the dragons enter any living creature and turn them into an instant living bomb. This sacrifices the dragon as well as the creature, but can cause massive damage)

    "Sanguine Symphony" - The moon/sun will become as blood, the very sky shall be washed crimson. Clouds of vermilion will gather and a scarlet rain shall fall. The seas shall run red, and all life shall flee. Great rust colored parasitic worms rise from the very earth to feast on the carrion morsels...and it is then that you will behold the Reaver of Blood in all his ruddy glory. Through this Oketsu's powers will reach their peak and he shall assume his true form...
    Last edited by Anomaly; 05-10-2008 at 12:50 AM.

  16. #586
    This is my sin... Character Statistics. Lucid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Silent Hill
    Guess I should post this here now...

    Name: Lucid
    Age: Unknown (Appears to be about 17)
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human/Demon
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 138 lbs
    Build: Slight, agile

    Theme: MUCC - Isho

    Detailed Description
    Because of the demonic soul inside of him, Lucid continues to have the ageless appearance of a young man. He has fairly normal light-colored skin, and medium to short medium brown hair which is longer on the sides and shorter in the back. His eyes are gray-green when his human side is in control of his body, and red while the demon is in control. He's often described as having a pretty face, but despises anyone who tells him this.

    He usually wears a long, floor-length light gray duster over a sleeveless, black turtleneck shirt, black leather pants and shoes. He wears two leather belts around his waist beneath his coat which holds both of his katars. He also wears black fingerless gloves that come up to about the middle of his forearm, and two wide silver bangles on each wrist.

    Having to share his body with a demon was something that Lucid wasn't really prepared for, but was finally able to accept it. While one soul is in control of his body, the other soul can experience the same things as the other, but cannot do anything except speak to the mind of the other soul, which can sometimes be bothersome, especially when it appears as though he's talking to himself.

    Because of what had happened to him in the past, Lucid is usually soft spoken and reserved. He dislikes being touched and has a hard time trusting people, usually spending most of his time alone, communicating with the spirits. The demon soul inside of him gives him a boost in his mind power and physical strength, but despite the boost, he still has a weakness in physical combat, but he can a rather capable and fierce fighter when cornered. For the most part, he usually appears to be quite prudent and passive, but no one really knows what's going on inside of his twisted and sadistic mind.

    When Kraai takes control of Lucid's body, he becomes more outgoing and aggressive, but also a bit outspoken and sarcastic, since he resents only having limited control over his new body. The demon side also projects the feelings that Lucid keeps deep inside, inflicting pain on others and enjoying watching as they suffer. It is this way that Lucid obtains the intense satisfaction of being the one in control, a feeling that he so desires in order to ease his own pain.

    Lucid was born possessing strange psychokinetic powers, and was often seen talking to invisible creatures from the spiritual plane. His strange powers were considered a danger and seemed to put much strain on his family, but they still treated him as he were normal. He was just a child when he watched his parents die in a strange fire. He locked the event from his memory, but the incident had such an impact on him that he became withdrawn and refused to speak. Having no other known relatives to take them in, he and his older sister were sent to the state orphanage. Despite being an extremely intelligent child, his silence caused him to become somewhat of an outcast in the orphanage and he quickly became the target of harassment by other children who thought him to be weird. Lucid often attempted to defend himself, but his inability to control his powers resulted in him accidentally hurting other children. His sister was the only one who accepted his strange abilities and protected him from the cruel teasing and bullying so that he wouldn't harm himself or others with his powers.

    After several years, a man named Edwin appeared at the orphange claiming to be their uncle and took them to live with him at his estate. As the head of a research lab, Edwin was interested in Lucid's abilities and wanted to learn more about them. Edwin was kind and loving at first, treating them as they were his own children, but as time wore on, he begin to grow impatient with Lucid's silence and began to abuse him. Lucid soon began to fear his uncle and could only depend on his sister to protect and comfort him, but when she mysteriously disappeared, he found himself all alone. With his sister no longer there to protect him from his uncle's cruelty, he was imprisoned in the lab where he endured years of experimentation and torture at the hands of Edwin and his staff who wanted only to access his supernatural powers.

    Attempting to escape was futile and always resulted in a beating or some other severe form of punishment which left Lucid in an extremely weakened and emotionally damaged state. The abuse caused him to harbor intense feelings of hatred, wanting to make the people who hurt him suffer for what they did, but being weakened by drugs and painful experimentation made it something that he could only imagine in his mind. It was during this time that Lucid found another form of escape by entering the dream world. In this state he was always in control, but he also knew it wasn't real. From this state he cold also reach the astral world and seperate from his physical body to temporarily escape the lab. It was this practice that helped him gain control over his powers, and was also how he met the demon Kraai.

    Kraai had been trapped within the astral world in the form of a crow, and his only chance of escape was to find a willing mortal to become a host for his soul. Kraai made a deal to help Lucid, but he had to let the demon occupy and use his body. For Lucid, it was a small price to pay in order to finally get his revenge. For Kraai, it was just a way for him to escape his eternal imprisonment, but as his soul entwined with Lucid's, he began to feel sympathetic towards the boy. He was able to see things within Lucid's soul which Lucid had forced himself to forget.

    With Kraai's help, Lucid was finally able to escape his cell and kill all those who had hurt him. He then confronted Edwin where it was revealed to him that the man was not his uncle at all, and that he had been responsible for his sister's disappearance. Lucid then killed Edwin and set the lab on fire, but it was a hollow victory for him since he was unable to protect his sister in the end.

    After fleeing from the lab, Kraai took Lucid to a safe place where he could recover from his ordeal and further train his mind and body in order to become stronger and protect himself and others.

    Twin Scissor Katars - Special katars made more for slashing than punching, but still just as effective. It has a mechanism which makes the blades split apart, causing more damage, especially if the blade is still in the opponent's body at the time it opens. They are made from a special type of metal that cannot be broken or melted, and are able to absorb other psychokinetic energy that he can use to increase the power of the blades.

    Arcane Duster - A long, lightweight coat made from a special type of magical cloth which gives him some resistances to elemental and shadow spells.

    Silver Bangles - Silver bangles which belonged to his sister and were imbued with spiritual magic in order for him to channel his powers more efficiently.

    Passive Abilities
    Mental Sensing - Gives him the ability to sense the presence and location of an opponent if in total darkness, blinded by a spell, or if they are invisible. This ability also gives him the advantage of being able to see through an opponent's illusion.

    Mental Strength - Gives him a high resistance to an other psychokinetic/mind magic such as Mind Control, Telepathy, Mind Break, Fear, etc.

    Telekinesis - Able to lift, move, bend or break objects 10 times larger and heavier than himself.

    Telepathy - The ability to read the minds of people with weak minds or weak mental blocking. This ability can also give him a few seconds of foresight in which to avoid an opponent's attack.

    Mind Control - The ability to control the reasoning or actions of people with weak minds or weak mental blocking.

    Teleportation - The ability to move from one place to another instantly. The process, however, uses a large amount of energy and is therefore used sparingly.

    Mind Break - A technique used to break the concentration of his opponent, disrupting a spell or attack. By using more force, he can inflict crushing pain to the opponent's head, which can also cause disorientation and confusion.

    Pyrokinesis - An ability in which he can ignite, extinguish and control fires with his mind.

    Cryokinesis - An ability in which he can drop the temperature of an area, create ice and freeze objects with his mind. Can be used defensively or offensively, but the prolonged effects of the offensive spells can cause frostbite and/or hypothermia to an opponent.

    Energy Shield - A swirling vector field of psychokinetic energy surrounds and protects him from an opponent getting too close, the energy cutting into the opponent like blades. This does not protect from magic attacks.

    Illusion - Projects several illusions of Lucid in which to confuse the opponent.

    Tranquility - Able to heal minor wounds or cleanse poison using positive spiritual energy.

    Kraai Only Techniques/Spells
    Rage - When Kraai enters this state, his physical power increases, but his magical power decreases substantially.

    Limit Breaks
    Level 1 - Astral Distortion - Disrupts the area around Lucid and his opponent, causing the astral plane to become crossed with the physical plane, increasing his psychokinetic powers for a short period of time.

    Level 2 - Demon Fire - Combining Kraai's fire magic with his own Pyrokenesis ability, Lucid can unleash a powerful blast of Hellfire at the opponent. This spell also has a chance to inflict a status effect which continues to cause burn damage to the opponent over a short period of time.

    Level 3 - Black Dream - Summoning the full potency of his mental powers, Lucid plunges his opponent into a living nightmare where Kraai is absolute monarch. Private for each of his opponents(running the whole spectrum of the dark reaches of the subconscious), this conflict takes place inside their minds, leaving their bodies frozen temporarily as the hell rages within. It’s possible for these dark dreams to completely consume the opponent, leaving them mindless and in a vegetative state. If an opponent survives this waking journey into the dark depths of their own minds, they will be afflicted with the status effects of confusion, fear, and paralysis.

    Level 4 - Asunder - He reaches out using controlled psychokinetic waves of energy and grabs the opponent, attempting to twist their body apart in a most violent and painful way.

    Summons (By request only)
    Devourer - A horribly grotesque and fearsome monster that feeds on the energy of living beings. It's form is often based on the vision of it's summoner, but usually has many long, tentacles which reach out and grab onto the victim, crushing them as their energy is drained.
    Last edited by Lucid; 03-08-2008 at 06:44 PM.

  17. #587
    parkour messenger extrodinaire Character Statistics. Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Name: Yuwain Desmond
    Race: Gnoll, (think like a were-wolf, but always in beast form and a hyena rather than wolf)
    Age: 22
    Height: about 6'6"
    Weight: 180 lbs
    Fur: an odd green tinged grey, like a mossy rock.
    Eyes: Deep Brown
    Place of Residence: Cyril
    Class: Templar (same as FF Tactics Advance)

    Personality: Calm, and easy-going most of the time, he is not very socially, he gets uneasy in crowds. Yuwain has a very strong sense of right and wrong, but knows that sometimes you must do things that seem wrong to do what's right. He hates senless killing.


    -Savethequeen, a holy knightsword bestowed upon Templar who've served on the queen's royale guard. Yuwain's time in the guard was brief ended when he was betrayed and left to die.


    Darkspell robe: A specially made robe, the material is as dark as night, it is made to resist magical attacks and it does so well, it does not provide any great protection from blades however, but has a spell that helps dampen blunt impacts.

    -Bone Gauntlets, The only thing he has left of his mother she gave these to him when he was but a pup, they are lightweight, strong, and he cannot identify what bone they are made of.

    -Rasp, yes the infamous Rasp, Drains enemy's mp/mana/whatever s/he uses to cast spells. Yuwain's spell of choice.

    -Haste, makes Yuwain faster enough said.

    -Slow, Slows target down.

    -Silence, Silences enemy, effectivly limiting magic.

    -Warcry, shouts a warcry to intimidate enemy and cheer allies.

    -discipline, Boosts power of next attack.

    -Soulsphere, Like Rasp but trades strength for accuracy.

    -Astra, nullifies the next status effect to affect Yuwain.

    -LifeBreak, The more wounded yuwain is, the more powerfull this move becomes.

    1st- Blood fury, Yuwains anger peaks and he hurls himself to wards his foe in a blind rush of rage born strength, Yuwain must be bleeding, and there must be a victim, killed by his opponent. Limited duration, but foes tend to be surprised by the sudden ferocity of the peacful gnoll when he does this.

    2nd-Sacred flow, Holy energy flows around Yuwain and into the blade he wields, with a mighty swing he sends waves of holy energy coursing towards, and maybe even through his foes...He only uses this as a last resort.
    Special Note:
    -Yuwain dislikes killing, but will do so if necessary, he will often ask his opponents if they'd like to surrender when he has them in a postion where he could kill them.
    -Yuwain will only start a fight if someone calls him a dog, he's a gnoll, if anyone calls him dog, they best be ready to face him.
    Last edited by Mokkan Brushtail; 03-13-2010 at 12:51 PM. Reason: big changes after finally getting online

  18. #588
    Name: Abel Tafiti
    Age: 28
    Race: Human
    Weapon: Short sword

    Abel stands at 5'10" 174 lbs with a slim build. Although everything about Abel is average there are a few unique features that make him stand out. The bangs of his short black hair seem to accent his blue and green eyes one of each color and he has no right arm. His battle attire commonly consists of a cloth shirt and pants. Beneath the shirt hides a very light chain linked shirt, the alloy of which is quite durable. Also most of the time he is found in a white cloak with a blue trim. The sheath to his shortsword is decorated with six symbols : light, dark, fire, water, air, and earth.


    It can be noted that Abel has an unusual tolerance to physical pain, it is speculated at why this is. He has also learned the talent of using symbols to release energies. These symbols are created with a movement of his hand. Upon combining more than two symbols it will take much more energy from himself to perform. Some common symbol techniques he uses are as follows:

    Star: A ball of light energy is formed and sent towards the opponent.
    Grip: Dark energy spills forth from the symbol in an attempt to render the opponent stationary.
    Dual strike: Two symbols are mixed and send forth energies in beams that travel towards the opponent.
    Spire: The symbol releases energy that forms into a spire of earth below where the opponent was in order to create unbalance.

    Note: These aren't all his techniques, just common ones he uses.

    Abel's true uniqueness lies in battle, he has been given the ability to manipulate the spiritual energies within his opponents which he manifests to create for himself a right arm. His arm then takes on the properties of his opponents spirit. For instance if he were battling some sort of demon the arm would have properties relating to unholy energies.

    Over years of study he has learned the ability to use symbols to release specific spiritual energies into the surrounding area which from there he can manipulate to his will. It should be noted that the symbols do not give off a huge amount of spiritual energy therefore the power manifested is limited, however depending on the opponent's spirit there could be so much power that he cannot manifest it to its fullest. So quite often he'll use his opponents spirit to create the manifestation.

    Abel was raised amongst many siblings of a wealthy family, the pleasantries of his family's wealth allowed him to study much in his youth. At which time he took an interest in the magics of the world. He dabbled into other things such as sword play but his focus was on knowledge. His quest for knowledge took an unexpected turn when the wealth of his family couldn't stop the conscription to war.

    The knowledge he gained in the war was not the knowledge he had wished to seek after. However his interest in the magic arts caught the attention of a mage who also had joined the war. When the war had finished the two set off to the mage's tower where Abel was going to become his apprentice. However he had been deceived the mage used Abel in an experiment which resulted in the loss of his right arm. During the experiment however something unexpected took place. Abel's ability awakened, the manifestation of the mage's spirit was much too powerful for Abel to control, he became possessed by the spiritual energy and killed the mage.

    From there Abel's mind was uneasy, what had he done? What power was this? Had he become some sort of monster? He frantically searched to find out what ability was this. Eventually he found the information he sought, learned of the ability to use symbols, and became a seasoned swordsman with his left hand all from a unusual old man who resided far to the east. The spiritual elder discipled Abel for quite some time. One day however he told Abel that it was time for him to leave. The old man sent Abel off with information of a group that also sought after knowledge of many things. As he began to wander away he looked back to say good bye one last time but the man was gone, he had vanished.
    Last edited by Imposter; 05-01-2008 at 11:13 AM.

  19. #589
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    F*ckin' Australia!
    Name: Grunge Rebirth
    Gender: Male
    Race: Mutant (Human exposed to too much radiation)
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 71 Kilograms
    Eyes: Pure black with constantly changing dark red patterns.
    Hair: Dirty blond, medium length, in a state of disrepair.
    Class: Armageddon Muse

    An Armageddon Muse is a harbinger of one of two things. Change, or the end of the world. They are an anomaly that exists for one reason. The need for change. An Armageddon Muse is stereotypically an artist of some description who could serve as the ultimate inspiration for the people who share their field, however the Armageddon Muse's artwork often has magical or just plain amazing properties. The art used is often very specific to the Muse in question and can include things such as illustrations, or things such as music and the performing arts.

    Grunge seems of an average (maybe even slightly smaller) height, and his skinny features don't tend to help this image. His hair spills over his face and slightly over his faded black band shirt. The shirt itself features an obsolete band no longer in existence. Apart from the band shirt, Grunge wears an open predominately red flannel shirt open over the top as well as a pair of old ripped and torn jeans and a pair of Doc Martens on his feet. He himself does not appear to be anything special unless you were to look into his eyes or witness him with his guitar.


    DISTORTION, the Unclean

    DISTORTION is an unusual electric guitar which feels light to Grunge, almost like a part of his own body, but feels insanely heavy to anyone other than Grunge. DISTORTION is not of this world and cannot be destroyed by anything of this world. It will return to Grunge's hand if he calls it, effectively making it a ranged weapon as well as a melee weapon.

    Offensive abilities/skills:

    Guitar Play: Swordplay with a guitar. Due to it's heavy weight and Grunge's ease of use, DISTORTION is very capable of making close combat very unfair for most opponents.

    Heavy Distortion: Sound waves stream in front of DISTORTION when played destroying most things directly in front of Grunge. Deafens most beings not wearing ear protection of some description.

    Light Distortion: Longer waves stream from DISTORTION hitting everything around Grunge for minimal damage. Can deafen.

    DOOM STANZA: If Grunge can get a full stanza in on DISTORTION, sound waves bounce around the area. Their damage is akin to several Heavy Distortion attacks.

    Defensive abilities/skills:

    Guitar Play: Swordplay with the guitar. DISTORTION's body is adept at being used as a shield if required. DISTORTION can also draw in electricity, which can allow for stronger attacks temporarily.

    GRUNGE STANZA: If Grunge can get a full stanza in on DISTORTION, sound waves protect Grunge from harm for a brief period of time.


    Grunge was a disillusioned Grunge musician who disappeared completely off the face of the Earth around the early 1990s. After several generations he reappeared and quickly established himself as an underground artist playing for the few remaining groups of Grunge fans. Grunge finds his thoughts less and less human as time draws on, especially in the face of the generic pop music of this all world. Music with no depth, no soul, that feels like it is just a clone of all the other songs from this period.

    Grunge snaps. He knows he must take a stand. It has been fated.

  20. #590
    Sir Prize Character Statistics. Sinister's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
    Blog Entries

    Updated ^^;

    Name: The Late Jafar Kruol


    Class: Dark Knight

    Description: Jafar has long flowing golden hair and a pale fair complexion. His eyes are a dark red. His features were sharp and handsome and his build was thin before he was bit, his recent status as a vampire merely accented these features. The most noticeable thing about his facial features are his long thin eyebrows. His fingers are spidery long with sharp fingernails. He wears a great victorian shirt, black pants, leather flexable shoes and a purple long coat with gold-trim and deep pockets. During daylight hours he wears a wide-brim hat and sunglasses. Having been a beggar most of his like he likes to dress eloquent now.

    Since his trauma, Jafar tends towards silence and speaks reservedly. He has a dark sense of humor and something of a temper but, because he is so often tired, neither has much of a chance to manifest outside of a light chuckle or a hardened glare. In his energetic state he is quite dry and occasionally prone to heavy sarcasm. He is predisposed to long periods of sleep and lethargy; tires easily unless he has fed. If he goes unfed for too long (a decade) he will disintegrate to dust and must be resurrected in the proper manner. Too ashamed to carry on any remaining life he might be entitled to, his only hope resides in the GS…


    The only single weapon he possesses on his person is a long thin stiletto sword which he had stolen ages ago in his childhood. He keeps it with him, calling it his lucky memento. He named it woundlicker because he had cut himself on it when he was young. It’s hilt is silver and slightly jeweled. It was broken in the short fight between Oskar and himself. Jafar reformed it and improved on it incredibly shortly after the fight using vampiric magic. Along with an array of new abilities, every time it strikes an enemy or any living creature it drains power and feeds it to Jafar to heal him. The amount of healing depends upon if the strike is fatal.

    LvL1 abilities: (active when A.V. changed him into a vampire)

    Breaking Down:
    Flashes behind opponent and slips their weapon away from them and tosses it out of reach.

    Vampire's Death:
    If he disables an enemy he can feed off them and turn them into a vampire or kill him. This is never ever used by Jafar.

    Partisan Gore:
    Jafar stabs the ground, draining all of the surrounding life, he forms a blast of energy and discharges it from the tip of Woundlicker. The move is effective in how fast it can be executed and it’s wide range of strength.

    Beggar’s Ballestra:
    Using unreal speed, Jafar vaults forward in a charged blast, his Woundlicker extended, in an attempt to spear his opponent on his stiletto blade.

    The only offensive move that he can muster with his current curse. He engages in frenzied stabbing and slashing combination with Woundlicker. Each inflicted blow replenishes an amount of his health.

    Unarmed Combat:
    If pressed and disarmed he can turn into many varieties of the more wicked forms of wildlife or lengthen his fingernails into sharp knife-like melee weapons.

    Sin Bathing:
    The greatest attack that Jafar knows of. Drains the life out of nearby creatures such as trees, grass, wildlife and some from his opponent, the result is improved speed, strength, defense, reaction time and magical ability. Lasts only a about quarter of an hour and greatly exhausts Jafar when his rampage is through. Cannot use while cursed. Has to have fed recently to use.

    LvL2 Abilities:(active once Woundlicker was reformed)

    Thickest Blood:
    Every time Woundlicker strikes and blood is drawn, Woundlicker allows Jafar the ability to block an attack from the person the blood is drawn from, no matter the power of the attack, for every strike landed.

    Blood Bullet:
    A drop of Jafar’s poisonous vampiric blood can be shot from Woundlicker like a sniper’s rifle's bullet. If hit, the person will find it increasingly difficult to stay awake and on two legs.

    Familiar: Jafar can possess and control indirectly the body of any person(s) he has drained of blood.

    Artificial Body: Jafar can combine a partisan gore and a drop of his own blood. Blasting it into the ground causes a golem to be born. Useful only as a slow clumsy threat that makes a decent moving shield.

    Vampire’s Hypnotism:
    If he speaks while making eye contact with any person he can wrestle them for temporary control of their body.

    Jafar can injure himself creating an arterial spray that acts as a strong paralytic and depressant, fatal in high doses to the point of vampirism. He can use this to poison Woundlicker or create various other weapons using it.(weapons only present if explained in RP not in RPB)

    Jafar can control mist’s placement, density, wind speed, humidity, opacity and movements. Uses to cover an escape, to obscure an attack, make an entrance or protect against the sun.

    Non battle-related Abilities:

    The ability to transform into a disarming form as camouflage. Jafar developed this ability to survive and avoid an attacker. Not battle related. Cannot use during the day.

    Transformation: The ability to transform in a wolf, dog, bat or mist. Must have fed recently in order to use. Cannot use during the day.

    The ability to speak the particular language that allows conversation with slain creatures and dark natured beings.


    Jafar was the son of a rich aristocratic politician. His father, though influential, was indebted heavily by proxy to a lobbyist named Aster Volataire. A person to whom he had never met and when the debts were called(when Jafar was twelve), his inability to produce the debts resulted in his death and the burning of his manor. As Jafar escaped the manor he caught a glimpse of a piece of paper tacked onto their immolating door. The note was on expensive paper and it read simply, “Debt collected” and was signed “A.V.” at the bottom.

    Jafar was now left a poor Village waif, a mere pickpocket urchin. He grew up not knowing any comforts but those he stole from others. It was one day when he was eighteen that he spied a great carriage rolling down the dour city cobblestone causeways. Gold glinted off of every angle of it down to the gold-gilded wheels.

    He slipped his knife from his sleeve and quietly stalked the carriage until it finally stopped outside of a townhouse far from the city. He began to cleave shavings of the wheels and stuff them into his pockets.

    It was that day that he was bit. When a beautiful woman stretched out of the inner-carriage. She had long blonde hair and red lips that were curled into a grim smile. She grabbed him by the neck and heaved him into midair. She inspected him through red eyes.

    “So you live on the wealth of others, child?” She had said. She pursed her lips sympathetically. She drew him into the carriage. He could not see because of the heavy drapes of the carriage. He felt a sting to his neck, he tried to cry out but was surprised when breath to scream was denied him. He died that day in the act of doing something selfish. But the evil owner of the Carriage was not content to mar his existence, but cursed him as well.

    She proclaimed that he would ever “give what he once took.” Always existing to serve others. “That way, if we ever meet again,” she whispered “you might be of some use to me, instead of trying to rob me.” She tossed him out of the carriage. The driver walked back out to the carriage and it took off. Jafar saw on the back of the carriage, for the first time, the initials "A.V."

    She cursed Jafar by burying his selfishness. The result is that Jafar is selfless to the point of danger to himself, and he can no longer self-sustain. He devoted himself to reading scripture and reciting litanies. Studying all the pure magical arts in hope of being able to cure his cursed condition but is frustrated by his inability to use them. It was vital to him as he could not provide his own needed sustenance due to his curse. He is on his quest to drag himself to the gates to beg help against his curse.

    In doing so, he became friends with Oskar, who had saved him. Oskar taught him about his own state and defended him from criticism. Jafar made a solo assault on Castle Volataire ending in his possession by A.V. She caused a conflict between Oskar. The small conflict concluded with both of their near deaths. Jafar lost and sealed away, with Oskar’s help and integral part of his personality that Volataire could control. This caused him to loose almost all emotion. Oskar also shattered his sword, which Jafar eventually reformed.
    Last edited by Sinister; 05-09-2008 at 10:59 AM.

  21. #591
    Synthesized Ascension Character Statistics. Zardoch's Avatar
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    Feb 2006
    • Character Name/Alias: Leonarc
    • Age: Unknown
    • Height: 5’5”
    • Weight 174 lbs.
    • Gender: Male
    • Race: Krysterian

      Appearance: Leonarc’s appearance has the typical Krysterian features such as a short body, a decent sized muscle mass, snow-white skin, and diamond-shaped golden-colored eyes. What makes him unique among his race is his incredibly long ice-blue hair that extends down to his waist, which has crystal-like properties. Each strand of hair looks like a translucent string as if staring at the clean pure surface of a crystal. Furthermore, he has taken three one-inch crystal rings and tied two to each bang and one to hold the hang of his hair back.

      Onto his clothing, Leonarc wears a baggy white kimono with very wide sleeves that just reach before his elbows and the bottom of the robe stops just below his knees. The rest of his attire includes a white sash, white split-toe socks, and white split-toe boots.

      Personality: Leonarc’s personality can be labeled as a philosopher with a knowingly dry sense of humor, knowingly in the matter in which he purposely uses dry humor to make fun of himself or the things around him. He is clever in that perspective because of the way he uses such humor to his advantage whether it is within a conversation or a battle. In reality, it is merely a mask to lighten the atmosphere and hide his true motives and ideas. Underneath it all he is unpredictable and is constantly noting things, but not in a paranoid manner. More like paying attention to the little details most people miss and piecing them together so that the information may become useful at one time or another. In a way, that makes Leonarc dangerous.

    • Gungnir
    • Length: 72” [6 feet]
    • Width: 1.5” [1 and a half inches]

      Gungnir, his only weapon, is the most peculiar pole-arm as it is made of star crystallite and transforms into a four-section staff, much like the Chinese three section staff. Because of that, it can be used either as a normal staff or flail since it can disconnect and reconnect together. There is something a bit deeper about its power though, as there are four symbols upon each individual pole marking a type of sub-magick to the magick of reflections.

      The top staff has a symbol with a small straight line that has three downward lines similar to the letter E on its face. This represents the power of ice and once activated will allow Leonarc to use ice magick through the reflection. Ice always was his specialty when it came to magick.

      The second staff just below have two single lines that wave into each other like a cross, which illustrates chaos. Thus, it opens up to a dimension of chaos magick where a violet colored cloud forms.

      The third staff has a symbol of the backwards letter L, then a line from the top of the letter goes right and stems straight down with a second line in-between itself. This is the symbol for gravity and its magick.

      Lastly, the fourth staff piece has engraved on its tip the symbol of a circle with two straight lines on the top and bottom and then a downwards line on top and bottom as well. This is the hieroglyphic for the soul and this magick, known as “Angra”, is based on things within the ethereal realm.

      NOTE: All four symbols if activated at the same time can combine into one another to create new spells.

    • Black Leather Pouch – Black leather strapped pouch carrying many crystal marbles.
    • Five crystal rings – On his left hand there are a crystal ring for each finger.
    • Dimensional Pocket – Using the reflection of one of his crystals and a spell, Leonarc creates a portal into his own dimensional pocket, a storehouse of sorts that keeps important items to him safe and hidden.

    • Crystals and the magick of Reflections – As a Krysterian, it is very well known that the race can specifically manipulate and control crystals. They use them as ways to enhance magick or create new magick and have integrated crystals into their everyday lives. With this case, Leonarc can alter the shape of nearly any crystal he possesses, though not instantly. That is not what his magick is about, however.

      It was understood a very long time ago the power of reflections could be used in many different ways. To Krysterians, they were like portals, doors opening to new worlds and things that did not exist within their own reality.

      Now, how this type of magick works is based on two things: How well something reflects, obviously, and the ability to cast a spell on the reflection, which is not as easy as it sounds. It is similar to a ventriloquist throwing his voice to make it look like the dummy is actually speaking. The same applies to the spell except the spell is telepathically spoken through the mind to create a connection with the reflection. Once that connection is created, it is basically opening a dimensional portal that is directed to this or that dimension depending on what spell was used.

      An example of what kind of effects come from using this kind of magick can be like using a spell on a reflecting piece of ice which can manipulate its structure to harden, melt, change shape, or multiply it’s mass by adding more ice through the dimension. Another example would be something very common and basic back in the old days, which was simply to open dimensional gateways to pass through them. It was something used for moving vast distances without the expense of walking through storms or using animals. Of course, using this kind of magick can be exhausting because it requires a lot of energy.
    • Primeval Magick – Primeval magick, in simple terms, is based on the essences of life and the universe before either of these things ever existed, a pre-existing energy that was the mold that shaped the foundations of matter itself. Of course, something like this is not easy or common to come by as such things were forced upon Leonarc as punishment only a year after his birth. It was suppose to chain him down and make him suffer for the rest of his life, yet at one point or another he understood the curse and turned it into a gift. The magick itself, however, goes beyond the imagination.

      On Leonarc’s left palm is the imprint of a square with a circle inside of it and then a dot at the center. This is a sign of the building blocks of life and symbolizes one of two elements: the black flame. The black flame is the original black matter of space we see today, except anti-matter is not apart of its physiology. Instead, this black flame is made of a sub-zero matter that counter-acts with all other types of matter; it freezes various matters into hardened rock. This is not instantaneous, however, as it only eats at other types of matter at the same pace normal fire would wood.

      To be more specific, it would mostly affect astronomical matter and then other basic elements like the minerals that make up a living planet. Besides that, it can only literally freeze other elements due to its cold temperature and not alter their shape.

      Then we have Leonarc’s right palm where there is a circle and inside a triangle with a dot at its center. This symbolizes three elements of life: water, earth, and electricity. It also symbolizes the second element of primeval magick, which is plasma. Plasma is one of the most common elements found within the entire universe and has many different shapes and forms, and a good example would be the lightning that can be found in almost any type of storm.

      Now, the way in which Leonarc can use this magick is based on which type of plasma he creates. He can create an electrical current using the extreme energy that his body produces, create a gas cloud of plasma, or enhance the living matter around him. There are many uses and combinations like so that are available.

      Lastly, there are two other important things about his magick: One, the symbols on his palms protect him from being affected by both magicks and two, he can combine the two elements together to create something else entirely.

      Biography: Leonarc’s history is a very long tale and he does not share it with many people, so most known about him and his past is usually based on more current events. Such as that after Valkyarc’s defeat, he had to choose someone else to replace him and passed down his position and powers onto Leonarc before leaving into a different dimension as he was banished from the last. Other then that, he is relatively new to the masters, but has strong potential.

      Other Information
    • All crystals owned and used by Leonarc are from frozen stars that have crystallized. Their density and strength is similar to diamonds, except that it emits its own energy wave.

  22. #592
    Full Time Glompasaurus Character Statistics. Raider's Avatar
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    May 2008
    Behind you
    Name: Serj
    Age: 24
    Race: Angel (dissmissed)
    Weapon: Broadsword/fists
    Armour: Chainmail Leggings, Leather vest and Mythril Chest armour

    Serj was ana angel. He was the reaper of death or harvester of life. Someone killed his soul mate and he lost it an dwas discarded, he still had powers of an angel but could not be granted the use of Holy Magik. He spends most of his wandering the frozen deserts of sinubis. He kill anything for fun.

  23. #593
    The joke is far too true Character Statistics. loner-kid's Avatar
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    Feb 2008
    Name: Eryk Hytt
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Bio: Eryk originates from the kingdom of Argyll or 'Gods fall' The kingdom was thrown into a state of constant war when ;largest recorded demon gate was unleashed in the capitol city, but this was three hundred years ago. The kingdom currently exists in a standstill with the otherworldly invaders due only to the existence of a powerful mage known as a gifted, there can only be one gifted in existence at a time and is proved by the mark of the gods that blazes along its soul. A gifted can only learn one school of magic and usually has an elemental alignment. Sometimes though a gifted will have a neutral alignment and in that case the gifted is raised close proximity with as wide a range of magics as possible, on their eighth birthday a large carnival is held in which the gifted chooses the school of magic under which he will enrol. Eryk is one such gifted, but the magic he choose made him an outcast. He chose shape shifting, a magic despised and reviled by all. So horrendous was his decision that the village held a funeral the following day, had it not been for the celebrations amnesty it is doubtful that he would ever have been left alive and certain that his teacher would have perished. Eryk spent the next ten years of his life travelling and learning about his magic. Shape shifting requires the acceptance of the species of which you plan to morph, and is despised due to its disagreement with the church as to the intelligence and parallels to human nature in wild animals.
    Abilities: Eryk has the ability to morph into multiple animals and even due to the power of his 'gift' elementals although this requires the use of a totem and great kinship to the spirit in question as it is more a transfer of power restrained by the shifters ability to morph. He can pass through multiple half-forms and even become a hybrid of different animals
    Weapons: Eryk carries a knife but it is not for fighting
    Appearence: Eryk is blond with striking emerald eyes. He wears a woody green doublet, mud brown leggings and a dark leaf litter green clock. He wears a large pouch tied to an intricate belt along his hips.

  24. #594
    Stage Dives, High Fives. Character Statistics. Confession's Avatar
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    Jam and Cream. Butterscotch Fairies.
    I need something to do, so i'll start Rp battling!

    Name: Original name not know, he was given the name "Monticello" or "Monti" for short.
    Race: Human.
    Gender: Male.
    Age: 21.
    Weight: 80kg - 176lbs - Just over 12 1/2 stone.
    Height: 6'2.
    Class: Assassin.
    Clan: Genroku


    Shortly after Monticello was born, his parents were killed, single sleak slices across both of their throats, and a symbol engraved into their hearts.

    Monticello was raised in a regular christian orphanage until the age of 5 when he was taken given away to a man who's name to this day is not known. The earliest and fondest memory he has of this man is as they were reaching the place that would be his whole life for the next 15 years. He was telling Monticello about the place, and why he was here, But Monticello vaguely remembers these words.
    Monticello amoung 19 other children were brought here, with one agenda only, to become top class mercenries and assassins, they were taught various types of Martial Arts, along with training in various weaponary and the art of being a Genroku(silent butterfly)which consists of being able to blend in with the shadows, how to move swiftly and silently.

    After a 14 years of grueling training and harsh living conditions, Monticello was seen by the leaders as the best student they have, even more deadly and precise as the older assassins they have today. Monticello was grown to be quiet and very precise in going about his actions.
    When he turned 20 years old, he was given the choice to leave the institution, become a personal assassin and slave of the Leaders. Or to become a fellow teacher of the students. Monticello quickly chose to leave this hell, and become a part of another. As he walked through the wrought iron gates, walking away from one hell, into another. The wind bellowing past his ears, it carried a yell of the Leaders;
    "When we need you, hear the ravens call..."

    Appearence & Personality:

    Monticello is not a very large man, he relys on agility more then strength, he has long slender arms and legs. He has brown hair which parts in the middle and runs along the sides of his face. His eyes are of a deep blue, turning green on the odd occasion.
    Monticello wears a grey wrabe around coat which stops at his waist, and he wears straight suit like pants.
    underneath the clothing is a light mesh cloth, very light and felxible, but able to withstand a blow. The most noticable feature he has is his gloves, the left one being black, and the right being white, both with inscriptions on them.
    Monticello is a very calm individual, keeping to him self most of times, he only speaks when it is a convienient time, and he speak slowly and carefully choosing whis words, are high important.


    - 2 short end modified grass scythes, more blade then handle, with a handle sliding out the sides, making Monticello be able to spin them at high speeds.
    - 2 Sai's for when he cant get to his scythes, or if it is a particularly close ranged battle.
    - And a secret daggers That slide out of his sleeves resting on the tops of his hands, used for times when he has notheing left.


    A small pouch filled with small marble like balls, each colour signifying a different action.
    Green explodes and sprays a liquid in all directions, used for distractions and a possible escape route.
    Blue is a fog bomb, creating a haze, as another route of escape.
    And Black are regular marbles, could come in handy.

    White magic: Esuna and Cure.
    Time Magic: Slow.
    Green Magic: Bravery.

    Defencive tactics:
    Monticello has the ability to blend in with surroundings, become alomost invisible for upwards of 4 minutes due to a device given to him by the Leaders.

    General Information
    Monticello walks silently.
    He has excellent tracking skills.
    Is speed in combat and with weapons is astounding.
    Has very good climbing abilities.
    Is not very strong.
    Last edited by Confession; 06-22-2008 at 01:59 AM.

  25. #595
    (World War Three (Private) RP and RPB only)

    Name:Light De Agrotha

    Age:Unknown (Looks to be about early 20s.)

    Birthday Day:Never Knew and Couldn’t Care Less

    Origin:City of Agroth, Agroth's Royal Family (Orphaned but returned)



    Eye:Scarlet and Gold

    Hair: Jet Black, Medium Length, Hangs Down

    Weight:84kg (185 lbs.)

    Height:72 inches (6 foot)

    Clothes:Traveler clothes, even when not.
    Grayish-white vest, Red shirt, Plain jeans, Black cloak, Throwing Knife pouches, Rifle strap, Necklace of Sufanna.
    Clothes not becoming of Royalty.

    Class:Young Sensei (aka: Adapt Weapon Master)

    Weapons: Bayonet Sniper Rifle Named: Renju Kagain (Long range), Side Throwing Daggers (24 in all, Strapped in pouches on legs, arms, and on chest. Mid range),
    Bayonet Blade Named: Crynocent (Detachable and Wide bladed, Close range)

    Armor: Nothing but agility and cloak.

    Black: Fira, Blizzara, Thundera, Dark, Flare
    White: Cura, Curga, Regain, Light(Weaker version of Holy)
    Green: Wall, Haste, Demi, Uemi (Lowers Gravity), Silence, Addle (Stops Techniques).

    Techniques: None other than weapons handling, some Martial Arts, and aerobatic maneuvers.
    (Side note: Unusually high strength for someone that size.)

    Limit Breaks:
    Level 1: Eternal Skyward Plummet. (Two Turns) Repeatedly slashes objects/people upwards, then knocks them down from a high altitude into objects/people.

    Level 2: Cold Bore Shot. Uses sight on Renju Kagain to take a well placed shot, not unnecessarily hitting, but always comes close.

    Level 3: Hail of Blades. Throws 6 knives in the air, then hits them with Renju Kagain, spreading them out over one plane.

    Level 4: Infinite's End. (Last resort) Powers up Crynocent, extending the blade beyond body length, Shines a hot white, Stays for 4 turns, attacks become limited as the blade length is oversized.

    Persona: Usually Cold and indifferent, but caring of those younger than him. At times, with those with long lasting history with, acts wise and at times philosophical.

    Brief History: Faced many hardships and became cold to others as he confronted near death experiences far too many times one person should ever see. Never having anything, he continued fighting until he was wealthy and happy, but it never really works out.

    Although kind, has been kinder to orphaned children as he was once one of them. Hates himself for not being able to protect the makeshift family of children he once held close.
    Fills the empty hole in his heart with things that are truly worthless and/or pointless.
    Has much internal conflict with money, morals and retribution, yet wise to the methods and actions and their purposes of others.

    Attained Kingship after a long struggle over the throne. Torn through several years of rebellion against old regime to receive what's been taken from him.
    Still searching for what he's been looking for, though...

  26. #596
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Aug 2002
    Figaro Castle
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    This is... different.

    I'm going for a FFXI theme here. Like, hardcore. Psiko and I are looking to spice up the forum a bit, so here's something different. Also, I haven't written in ages. AAAAGES. So here.

    And even though this is FFXI-themed, we will not be using stats such as HP/MP, armor/weapon statistics, and other typical RPG stats. We will, however, be creating our characters as though they were level 75 and with appropriate accesses to all such abilities. Of course, things are customized, and abilities which would be useless or unfair for a fight will be left out or altered (alterations will be noted with a *). This should prove to be quite fun. ^^


    Name: Argentos
    Age: 29
    Gender: Male
    Race: Elvaan
    Height: 6ft 2in - 188 cm
    Weight: 195 pounds - 88 kg - 13.9 stone
    Eyes: dark brown
    Hair: black, in a short ponytail (generally covered by the tricorne)
    Complexion: light brown

    Alignment: Neutral; a carefree shot-for-hire

    Armor: Corsair's Attire
    See images below; see FFXIclopedia.

    Main Class: Corsair
    Descendants of the dauntless pirates that once scourged the seas of the Near East, Corsairs rely on the “Hexagun” (a multi-barreled revolver) and elaborate luck-based abilities to alter the stakes of battle.

    Sub Class: Ranger
    With unparalleled tracking abilities and skill with the bow and arrow, rangers are experts in the field of hunting.

    Silver Cassandra - a hexagun, see image, shoots standard bullets
    Coffinmaker - a shotgun, see image, shoots shotgun shells (incompatible with Quick Draw)*
    Khimaira Jambiya - a strong dagger, good for parrying, see image

    Magic: None in the sense of traditional magic; see skills below

    Corsair Skills: skills available through level 75
    Quick Draw - fire a shot through a elementally infused playing card, hitting the opponent with a bullet charged with said element (see link for available cards; Argentos will carry five of each card, and each card will only have a single charge)*
    Phantom Roll - grants a beneficial effect to Argentos*** (see footnotes!)
    - Ninja Roll - slightly enhances evasion
    - Hunter's Roll - slightly enhances accuracy and ranged accuracy
    - Chaos Roll - slightly enhances attack power
    - Rogue's Roll - increases chance for a critical attack

    Ranger Skills: skills available through level 37
    Sharpshot - increases accuracy with ranged weaponry for one minute
    Barrage - fire multiple shots at once (w/ Hexagun, all six shots)*

    Corsair Traits: traits available through level 75 (always active)
    Resist Paralyze - increases natural resistance against paralyze (near-immune)
    Rapid Shot - occasionally reduces ranged attack delay

    Ranger Traits: traits available through level 37 (always active)
    Wide Scan - scan the area for monsters and enemies (range 250')
    Alertness - lowers the chance of being detected (useless once engaged)
    Resist Poison - increases natural resistance against poisons

    Once per encounter skill: two-hour ability for Corsair
    Wild Card* - The ultimate roll. As follows;
    - 1 - Boost - enhances the power of the following attack
    - 2 - Phalanx - reduces damage by roughly one-third for three minutes
    - 3 - Blink - creates a single shadow which will absorb the next attack
    - 4 - Protect - boosts defense against physical attacks for three minutes
    - 5 - Shell - boosts defense against magical attacks for three minutes
    - 6 - Haste - actions are quickened for three minutes
    Only one number can be rolled; result is random.
    Will consult third-party to choose a number from 1-6.
    tweaked (heavily) from gameplay to accommodate 1v1 RPB style

    Other images:
    Argentos in full Corsair garb
    Argentos shooting a standard Hexagun

    ***Argentos' Phantom Roll, for the sake of continuity in RPBs, will technically not use the lucky/unlucky system from FFXI. In fact, there will be no "roll" to it. Argentos will toss a card for the corresponding ability up in the air, shoot it, and receive its effects (similar to the magically enhanced Quick Draw cards). It makes more sense from a theatrical perspective, too. Similar to the game, only two of these status effects can be active at once; when a third is used, the first is erased. Effects last for five minutes.

    Other notes:
    Corsairs are most efficient with guns and daggers, and are also capable of using certain swords and throwing weapons. They specialize in parrying, so they will block attacks more often than they will evade. See the Corsair page (linked above) and view the Combat Skill Ratings to get a general idea.

  27. #597
    Morning Always Comes Character Statistics. Xeim's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    This is a rough draft for a character I will be using in a club, shortly. Due to
    my lack of experience, I thought I'd go ahead and test her out before its opening.

    Name: Chloe Austin
    Age (appearance): 21
    Species: Vampire
    Gender: female
    Height: 5’5”
    Weight: 120 lbs (54.4 kg)
    Eye color: bright green
    Hair color: fiery red; extends to her waist, straight. She lets it hang loose around her figure.
    Skin tone: extremely pale


    A katana that was made specifically for Chloe while she was visiting Japan during the Bakumatsu. Its blade is black, while its hilt is a bright purple. Mokushi is extremely light, so it does not hinder Chloe’s movement on the battlefield. It also has a groove that catches blood within it after slicing into someone. It can be used for Chloe’s enemy’s blood, as well as her own.

    Fists/feet- Chloe is very skilled in hand-to-hand combat. Her long finger nails can easily rake the flesh of her foe.


    Silver Corset- A thick, leather corset lined with silver threads. Designed to lower the concentration level of werewolves slightly, and provide some protection from assaults on her upper body.

    Ruby Choker- As the name implies, it is an elegant choker made of rubies. Raises Chloe’s speed, strength and stamina after consuming any blood but her own on the battlefield. Effects last only a few minutes (or rather, approximately two posts/turns).


    Bat’s Fang- A modified version of the spell Drain. Chloe sends out a bat whose sole purpose on the battlefield is to take in Chloe’s opponent’s blood. It is quite fast, but if it happens to get hit, it disappears. If it succeeds in biting its target, however, it is immediately absorbed into Chloe, who then begins to reap the benefits of the Ruby Choker.

    Gishin Yaiba- An ability unique to Mokushi. Literally Fear Blade. Chloe slices her arm in such a way that the blood falls into the groove on the blade. Mokushi reacts to Chloe’s blood, and begins to glow with a shadowy aura. This aura can be hurtled across the battle field, slicing the enemy upon contact.

    Disturbed Calm- With only a snap of her fingers, Chloe summons a handful of wind. However, once she opens her hand, the wind rushes out in a powerful blast that forces anything in its path to go along with it.

    Aerial Dance- Chloe rushes toward her opponent, punching them in the stomach to begin the combo, and then kicks them, twice (once with each foot), to knock them into the air. After this, Chloe makes an impressive leap up above them and knocks them back to the earth.

    Sonic Step- Teleports Chloe from her present position. Effects of the ruby choker must be active.


    On her upper body, Chloe wears only her Silver Corset, which is actually deep red in color. Her legs are covered in black leather pants, and her feet are encased in ankle high boots. The boots have no heel so that her combat performance is not hindered.

    Her straight, waist-length red hair gives her the appearance of a fiery goddess. Many people, vampires and humans alike, tremble in her commanding presence. She is not tall, but her might radiates from her being with tremendous force.

    She is easily sunburned, but can still walk under the sun.


    Still in production. Will be included in final draft.

  28. #598
    Character Statistics. draco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    Name: Ziro
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Class: Dark Knight
    Age: 18
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 150
    HP: 450
    MP: 300

    Apperance: he has short silver hair that is only down to his neck. His eyes are red with no puples and he has a tanned body with silver eye brows, a nose, and two ears. He wears black armor that fit just right and it has five gold symbols of darkness on it. One one each arm, leg, and one on the back of his neck. His sword is four feet in length and two feet in width. It is blue with a red line going up the middle.

    As The Demon of the Abyss: His face turn black and his hair turns red. He grows black wings and his sword turns into the demons streangth.

    Biography: When he was five he started his training to be a soilder of the kinga army. A few months after that the king sommoned Ziro and told him that his father had died. When he went to see his fathers dead body all he found was black armor with gold symbols on them. When he put it on he couldn't take it off than the armor told him to go to the king thron room and find the sword of the Abyss but he would have to kill a spirite with the Claws of the Damned. Ever since than he rows quickly in his ranks and now is a Dark Knight.

    Spells: As human
    Earth Drain; This allows Ziro to drain the energy of the earth around him to increase his speed and his streangth.
    MP: 50
    Sanctum: If Ziro dies in a battle during the next battle he in hes revivedin the first post.
    MP: 200
    Firaga: This spell makes an inferno of come out of his sword tword the enemy with great accuracy.
    MP: 80
    Cure: This allos Ziro to heal minor cuts and scratches.
    MP: 80

    As the Demon from the Abyss:
    Kis of death: This allows Ziro to drain some of his opponent health and give it to a team member.
    MP: 100
    Reunited: This is when the five golden symbols of darkness appeare in the middle of his chest and it creates a black hole to engulf his enemys.
    MP: 300
    Dark Ball: This makes a big dark ball that he throws ay his enemys with great power.
    MP: 100

    Abilitys: When he cuts an enemy with his sword he lices the blood off and turns into the Demon of the Abyys and his speed and streangth are increased too.

    Weaponary: As human
    Sword from the Abyss: This is Ziros main weapon and it is found on Ziros back.
    Atack Power: 85
    Claws of the damned: Ziro has onlyed used these once and there locaded in the hands of the armor.
    Atack Power: 100

    As the Demon of the Abyss:
    Claws of the lost: these come oput of his hands and feet.
    Atack Power: 90
    Last edited by draco; 06-22-2008 at 03:06 PM.

  29. #599
    This is just a test character I wanted to mock-up before using it in a RP. Once I find my other characters in this mess off a thread, I'll put him in there too.

    -Name: William Winchester
    -Alias: Bloody Bill, Bill Winchester
    -Age: 25
    -Gender: Male
    -Occupation: Monster Hunter
    -Weapon: Living up to his last name, William makes efficient use of a .30-30 Winchester Model 1894 rifle. He uses several different types of ammo including sliver bullets, bullets with garlic in them, and occasionally uses actual stakes as ammo. Along with the rifle, he has two Smith & Wesson Model 29 revolvers, and several knives.

    -Height: 5'8''
    -Weight: 180 lbs.
    -Body Build: Although William is a mediumweight, his muscles are tight as they can be. He is an athletic marvel, he has the endurance, agility, and response of any vampire and is just as strong. His muscles are clearly defined.
    -Hair: William has brown, neck length, slicked back hair. He also has a matching brown goatee.
    -Eyes: William's eyes are emerald green. An unusual color, as no one in his entire family history has ever had it before.
    -Skin: William has somewhat pale skin.
    -Clothes: William wears a billowing black duster, and wears a hat resembling a fedora, a matching vest, pants and boots. (SEE Reference)

  30. #600
    The Lost Writer Character Statistics. Psiko's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Oh this should be interesting. Will edit in fancy links and a bit more info tomorrow, unless Cesar beats me to the linking piece.

    Name: Psiko
    Age: 31
    Gender: Male
    Race: Hume
    Height: 5ft 7in
    Weight: 185 Lbs. w/o armor
    Eyes: Green
    Hair: Brown, shoulder-length
    Complexion: White

    Alightment: Lawful Good

    Armor: Paladin's Attire

    Main Class:Paladin
    Paladins (PLD) specialize in close-range combat, just like warriors. However, through long hours of spiritual training, paladins have acquired the ability to cast white magic spells, making them even more valuable on the battlefield. Along the mark of Shield Mastery and the ability to wear the heaviest armor in the game, Paladin fills its niche as a tank specialist.

    Sub Class:Red Mage
    Red Mages (RDM) are called the Jack of All Trades by many, and this is an accurate description. Red Mages have the ability to cast white magic, black magic, and fight with swords and daggers. Though their healing, nuking, and fighting skills aren't as good as those of the specialists - White Mages, Black Mages, and Warriors - they are still competent. Their real strengths lie in their mastery of enhancing and enfeebling skills when within a party, and leveraging their many "trades" against their enemies when outside of one.


    Sword - Durandal - Standard Short Sword
    Shield - Koenig Shield - Medium Sized shield that absorbs more damage than a standard shield
    Staff - Terra's Staff - Stout Staff that reduces damage taken from physical attacks


    (Has chosen to limit himself to using 5 spells, all non-healing)

    Protect IV - Increases target's Defense by 55.
    Flash - Temporarily blinds an enemy, greatly reducing its accuracy.
    Phalanx - Grants caster a certain amount of damage resistance, based upon Enhancing Magic skill and Mind.
    Bio II - Deals rapid damage to an enemy over time and reduces its attack.
    Enblizzard - Adds ice elemental damage to your attacks.

    Paladin Skills:

    Invincible - Take no damage for 30 seconds. Only usable once per 2 hours.
    Shield Bash - Delivers an attack that stuns target, shield required. Only usable once per 5 minutes.
    Sentinel - Reduces damage taken for 30 seconds. Only usable once per 5 minutes.

    Red Mage Skills:


    Paladin Traits:

    Defense Bonus - Raises Physical Defense.
    Resist Sleep - Increased resistance to sleep spells and attacks.
    Shield Mastery - Grants bonus TP when blocking an attack and reduces spell interruption %.
    Auto-Refresh - Regains MP gradually over time.

    Red Mage Traits:

    Resist Petrify - Grants an innate resistance to petrification.
    Fast Cast - Quickens spellcasting.
    Magic Attack Bonus - Increases damage of offensive spells.
    Magic Defense Bonus - Increases magical defense.
    Clear Mind - Increases base Mana regeneration.
    Last edited by Psiko; 06-21-2008 at 08:06 AM.

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