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Thread: Character Statistics.

  1. #541
    Note: The term "Ether" used throughout this profile is used to cover all metaphysical abilities/"powers". This character is strongly magic based, but has other capabilities that are hinted/described throughout. The history is purely for fun, don't read it if you don't want to.


    Basic Information

    First Name: Victor
    Last Name: Darkholm
    Alias/Call-Sign: Shadrach
    Race: Unknown
    Age: appears to be 36
    Height: 6'6"
    Weight: 257lbs
    Blood Type: Unknown
    Place of Birth: "Rosalia" (?)
    Hometown: Unknown/Often refers to "Rosalia"
    Date of Birth: Unknown
    Class: Ritualist/Sage
    Occupation: ---
    Rank: ---
    Alignment: Neutral


    Victor is an easy going, laid back kind of guy. He doesn't appear to have a care in the world, and as such, no one is ever completely comfortable around him, for good reason. Victor is highly methodical in everything he does; always running to his own beat; as erratic as that may be. Not to say he is very quiet, simply it is just that no one really knows the “real Victor”.


    Victor presents himself, to no small degree, enigmatically. He typically wears a snug fitting suit of the latest fashion (from whatever land he’s currently in), but has been seen in casual (albeit very stylish) wear. It all has to be specially tailored to fit Victor's impressive physique. As for Victor himself, he is dark-skinned, but not too dark. His hair is of medium length, dirty blond, and usually styled to one side using any of various hair products. His eyes are ruby red, dazzling at first glance, mesmerizing and entrancing upon the second. Also part of his "image", he always sports his Desert Eagle strapped to his waist, or otherwise concealed on his person. When the jacket comes off, it is the first thing everyone notices.

    Armaments & Accessories

    Name: Reaper's Promise
    Type: Desert Eagle, 50 Cal.
    Position: Unknown.
    Description: A custom-made, black variation of the deadly 50 Cal Pistol, which bears a specialized ammunitions chamber, housing a massive 20-round clip. Beautifully Air-brushed into its barrel are several Rose Stems; partial petals surrounding the tip and drops of crimson blood dripping down them onto the stems.

    Name: Rosalian Crest
    Type: Wrist Watch
    Position: Left Wrist (?)
    Description: A black-faced, gold watch that has no hands, or markings of any kind, but in the dead of night a steady clicking of miniature gears will resonate through the air...Its capabilities are vastly unknown, but it has been registered that it is "Bulletproof", "Beam-proof", and emits some sort of electromagnetic field about Victor at certain times.

    Name: Mark of Rosalia
    Type: Birthmark
    Location: Chest, left pectoral.
    Description: The true nature of this Mark is unlike anything ever seen before. However, written in the Rosalian Tongue are the words proving Victor's divine "authority"; the twelfth act of redemption. Its power, if any, is unknown.

    Combat File

    Martial Art Disciplines

    Chi Gung - An Advanced Martial Art which focuses solely on the flow of Chi within living organisms. It can be applied for offensive, restorative, or any other great number of uses.

    Futae no Kiwami - Perhaps the most destructive combative hand-to-hand art in existence; which uses purely physical means of attack. It consists of a two staged strike using typically the fist: The first; a strike with the foreknuckles, meant to break down any defenses with sheer destructive force. The second strike occurs a mere instant following the first, impossible to discern separately with the naked eye or other means (generally), with the base knuckles. Provided the short succession of blows, the second blow will contact with zero defense and its full power successfully delivered. When used in more advanced methods, this Technique can be executed with any part of the body, as well as equally cancelled out, a technique known to be the Futae no Kiwami Hazuushi .

    Magick Disciplines

    Arcanic - Magick which can only be learned by studying scriptures; in this case ancient Rosalian Scriptures (Considering such, this school of magick is known only to Victor). Given Victor's phenomenal capability in wielding magick, this is perhaps his most lethal discipline. Rather than individual spells, the workings of this Magick are left to the wielder, and instead the mastery over elements is vital. Considering such, the imagination and one's ethereal stamina are the only limiting factors...

    Runic - Magick scrolls embedded with Runic inscriptions dreamt up by Victor himself and placed upon scrolls he keeps readily on his person. (Scrolls will be listed as revealed; PM for details if this is a problem. *limited for now.*)

    Sage - Magick enacted by means of mystical seals, or "Glyphs" being drawn through the mist itself. These spells draw on the life force of nature itself, even the very air, and it is suspected that again only Victor is capable of wielding this art.

    Blood Pact - A forbidden art of Magick, in which the user creates a pact with ancient, “Forbidden Espers” in blood. These Espers are fully under Victor's control, and are rarely allowed, if even able, to act of their own accord due to his sheer strength of will. (To abide by TFF Rules, *Locked*)

    Special Abilities and Traits

    Ether-Barrier - As the name suggests, this is a natural barrier surrounding Victor at all times, protecting him from invasive psychic-maneuvers, and all harmful forms of "Ether" (Chi, Ki, Magick, etc), while providing minimal defense against basic forms of Ether (That is, chi, ki, magick, etc. that does not possess harmful traits.) This is a direct implication of Victor’s staggering Ether-Stamina, requiring very little strain on his mind to use.

    Fire Expertise - Simply, Victor is naturally immune to fire/heat, and actually absorbs it as he permits himself. Therefore, any technique or spell of his (or his opponent's, for that matter) concerning the use of Fire-based Ether, is dreadfully more powerful than one might suspect and can be manipulated with ease.


    A charismatic man in his own right. He holds an extensive history and gives off an aire of vast experience and wisdom; perhaps even too much in his supposed only 36 years of living. Victor Darkholm is a name few, if any, recognize; however, the man behind the name is one those who do meet, won't soon forget--even in death. Generally, it is believed that Victor is a victim of severe amnesia, and wanders in search of his past rather than aiming toward the future. Who really knows.


    It all starts in a forest; somewhere not really known, somewhere not really important. When the world was oblivious to his people, and the people to the world; life was simple, sweet, and worry-free. The Rosalian Kingdom was one who ruled the natural world. Locking themselves away from the rest of humanity in thousands of miles of untouched Wood, they ruled with an iron will. The royal family of Darkholm had been in rule for the last 1,000 years, and no one questioned their divine authority. The Rosalian's lived in perfect harmony with nature, and nature rewarded them with extended life periods. On average, a Rosalian could live for five hundred years without daily prayer, and those who pray vigorously, they're still living.

    Life couldn't be better for the Rosalian's. Weekly festivities were held, ranging anywhere from dancing, eating, sacrifces, or even simply prayer. Now, the Rosalian's believed in 3 perfect beings as their "Gods". Virio, the God of Judgement; Ziria, the Goddess of The Wood; and finally Rosalia Herself, Goddess of The Mist. In perfect unison, these three protected their people by hiding their Forest with a deeply magicked Mist, believing that humanity as a whole had been forever tainted. In fact, there were plans in the making to purify those lost souls, and bring them into redemption. As such, the God Virio blessed the house Darkholm to rule in favor of him over their brethren.

    The House of Darkholm is headed by the Grandfather Jerich, Overlord of the entire Wood, his word is always last and always followed no matter the opposing odds. Underneath him is of course the Father Marcus. Father Marcus is the Lord of the House, whom generally handled most trivial matters and those issues not necessary for Grandfather Jerich's divine influence. Following these two men, the rest of the House of Darkholm are completely equal with one another, be they man or woman, mother or child. It wasn't uncommon for a Parent to be following the advice of an adolescent. However, there was one... black streak, on the family name: Victor. In him bore a passion liken that of a God, and he never missed an opportunity to see his will be done. At a fairly young age, Victor began studying the Ancient Magicks of their Gods, War, Martial Arts, Swordplay, Assassinations...He was intrigued by it all--vastly different behavior than his fellow Rosalians. He claimed to have the divine voice of Virio guiding him, and he was telling him that he was to be the leader of the Twelve Acts. At first, no one believed him. They threw rocks, they kicked him when he was down, and began to spit on the Darkholm name. This was cause for Grandfather Jerich to banish Victor from their home, from their Kingdom. Naught hours later, Victor found himself chucked off the side of a cliff, tied to a pole, and left to die in the River of the Mist.

    Now, what kind of story would we have here if the main character died, and only at the age of 15? Not a very good one, to be sure. Just when Victor thought all was lost, he found in him a new strength. From the pole he was bound to came free his hands and feet, the twine ripped clean off; he swam to the shore of the slow moving river and pulled himself to safety. For days he slept untouched, for nature was afraid of the Exiled One. Deer, Birds, even Wolves would approach to get a whiff of his scent, but would quickly retreat to the Wood. Then one day, Victor awoke to a hooded figure standing ominously above him. He arose in a vicious stir, holding his arms up in guard for fear of the tall, imposing man. Victor demanded the man state his name and his purpose for disturbing him, trying to use his family name in authority. But when Victory did this, it angered the hooded man. So much so the Hooded man lashed out his arm and hand, clenching to Victor's bare throat and lifting him several feet into the air above his own head. With the other hand, the hood came off and revealed a Black-Eyed Menace. His eyes were aglow with hellish darkness, and distracted Victor from the other, perhaps dominant features of his face including a deep, riveted scar over his left eye which seemed to "leak" a blue, energy-charged substance that ran down his face like the blood of an open wound.

    "You no longer hold the right of that name, boy Victor. I shall cleanse you of your impurities, serve to you my divine Judgment, and lead you to your destiny" said the dark man, who after speaking, Victor seemed to somehow recognize, and calmed his fury. The moment he did, he found himself lit aflame with burning white fire. It was as if he was tossed into the mouth of Mount Vigor, but he did not scream. Nay did he scream, squirm, or cry. Instead, he floated in the air, suspended by the flame it seemed, until all grew blank in his mind.

    Victor "awoke" ten years later. His body was drastically different than before, his height greater than His even, his body more developed as well. Victor took a moment to examine his body, before He came from behind a tree at the far reach of the clearing he stood amidst. As soon as he laid eyes upon the scarred man, Victor's head was riddled with bone-shattering pain. Blood profusely poured from his nostrils, eyes, ears, and mouth as he struggled to overcome the pain, looking helplessly up to Him with sorrow. All at once, Victor's memories of the last ten years flooded his mind: The studying, the sacrifices, the fighting and killing, and his path to mastery over the Mists and its many forms. As he came to realize all that he had "missed", he again was lit aflame at the hand of That Man, only this time it were a Black, unrelenting flame several a fold severe than the first; and again, he fell unconscious for several years.

    What exactly the unnamed, Scarred Man did to Victor was unknown to him and remained so when he awoke eleven years later (so it appeared to him). Victor was laying on the warm surface of Bedrock beneath the Hooded Falls of Ziria, nude and riddled with pain all throughout his body. He was not startled, he was not afraid...only calm. His head was rocked with pain, and he threw his head back as blood once again poured from his every orifice in his head. So much so, in fact, that he could not 'see' that which had occurred over the last "who-knew-how-many" years, or perhaps this was again, drastically more severe than the first. When it was all over, Victor rose to his feet and overlooked the basin before him where the Kingdom of Rosalia lie. The moment his eyes laid upon that cursed Castle, Victor deeply flared with hatred, and his chest burned with fury to which he promptly looked down to see the "Mark". He could not make out what it was, but the words of his people were written above it. He did not know if he had always bore this mark, or if he acquired it sometime in the past, but he knew what it meant. Silently, focused, Victor walked toward the Kingdom upon the very surface of Water. On he walked for days without stopping, without food or drink, just hatred.

    When he finally came to the Castle Gates, the guards did not know what to think. Never before had an outsider approached their walls, and they of course didn't remember him. Victor didn't respond to their inquiries, merely he raised his hand and watched as they became stripped of the breath in their bodies. He grinned, sadistically, as he closed his hand and watched the air about their skulls collapse upon itself, effectively killing them without a sound. Dropping his arm, the bodies fell limp to the soil, and raising his other, the massive gates, which had been renowned for being so heavy a dozen mules struggled to pull them open, blew apart effortlessly. Without a single hesitation, Victor slaughtered everyone before his hate-filled eyes, wielding Magick he had learned without realizing it. The elements bended to his very will, stars fell from the heavens, and massive fissures erupted and split the very Earth beneath. Steadily, Victor made his approach to the Palace, and all fell before him. Sister, Mother, Brother and cousin all alike fell before his very hands; twisted, maimed, slaughtered ruthlessly.

    When he finally came to the throne of his fathers', Victor struck first his father Marcus with a closed hand, forcing him to his knee's as Grandfather Jerich could only watch in sheer terror. The hatred in Victor's eyes bore deeply into Marcus' soul, but it did not phase him. Instead, he stared just as straight-forward and cursed Victor's soul in a single voiceless breath before Victor struck his open palm to his father's forehead, a searing heat being focused and exponentially amplified as it escaped his body, effectively incinerating his father to ash. Expectedly, Grandfather Jerich tried to talk Victor out of his blind rage; to no avail, as Grandfather Jerich got it the worst of them all. Victor's "blind rage" was murderously focused on his grandfather, eyes bleeding black ether. Holding his hands out, serene light blanketed the throne room as Jerich was lifted from his frail feet, suspended seemingly just from this light alone. No one could know the pain Jerich felt, but it could most closely be described as having every centimeter of flesh of his body stripped and incinerated simultaneously before ultimately, he was blown apart into nothingness... assimilated with the very Mist the man long since fought to protect. Victor's rage didn't stop there, as his fury consumed him and he lost control. His murderous rage fueled the magick he wielded until it expanded upon itself, causing for an Earth-Quaking explosion which destroyed the entire wood his now dead people called home. And that's where our story ends, and begins.

    Other Information

    After the events of Victor's past, he awoke onboard a fishing boat headed to the North with absolutely no recollection of his past save his own name and that what came naturally to him, Magick. Over time, his memory has come back to him in bits and pieces through the form of dreams (or nightmares), which fuel his desire to discover what he is and where he came from. However, it's quite difficult when he's the only one who knew of his people's existence, as he's been discovering through his interrogations. Therefore, no one can help him, and so quietly, he contemplates this and tries to piece himself together as he seeks to find a purpose for his unusual talents, which he is also finding to extend much further than simply magick.

  2. #542


    Name: deslayer
    Age: 26
    Race: Human
    Class: shadow ninja
    Height: 6' 5
    Weight: 230 lbs
    Weapons: short twin-blades
    Armor: full black light armor to allow fast moving
    Description: black hair and blue-white eyes.
    magic: Flare, shadow dragon (summon, but hardly ever uses)
    Last edited by deslayer; 07-29-2007 at 07:37 AM.

  3. #543
    Character Statistics. Slim Perfect's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    .....In your closet.....

    Dark Spectral Entity
    AGE Came into existence around 70 years ago.
    RACE N/A
    CLASS Soul Harvester

    PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS An indefinite shape of black matter shrouded with a dark mist. Two glowing dull-gold ovid shaped eyes sit an approximate 2 inches apart no matter what form the being takes. For the most part it travels in a human-like shape. In said shape it appears to be a silhouette with two brilliant bright eyes and a head of long spiked-up hair. It does not appear to be wearing clothes, although no unpleasantries are exposed. With its mouth closed it seems nonexistent, however when the being opens it a crude sharptoothed grin appears via the faint crimson light that flows passed its open "lips."

    BIO Ekard is a manifestation of all the evil Drake Atakoh has ever witnessed being done. Drake removes all memory of these horrible instances, through an ancient ritual called cerebral stimulation, and channels it to Ekard. Ekard was created the first time Drake underwent cerebral stimulation, over 70 years ago, and has existed ever since. The one downside is that everytime Drake witnesses a new evil he must extract it, making Ekard even more powerful. He represents all that is evil.

    PERSONALITY He has no definite personality. His personality will change as easily as his appearance.

    Blood Reaver
    - A large scythe made solely from the remains of those whose souls he has collected. It grows larger and more powerful with every successful reaping. The blade is made of the weapons of said fallen warriors; the shaft of their bones. So far, the weapon is approximately 6 feet long, the blade consisting of 5 downward pointing longswords descending from tip to shaft largest to smallest. Smaller dagger-like weapons are sporatically placed along the blades base, aswell. Long grey-black feathers protrude from the back. He saves the peak of the weapons shaft for the skull of Drake, his former vessel.




    Level 1


    Level 2


    Level 3


    Level 4

  4. #544
    Character Statistics. Slim Perfect's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    .....In your closet.....

    Dark Spectral Entity
    AGE Came into existence around 70 years ago.
    RACE N/A
    CLASS Soul Harvester

    PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS An indefinite shape of black matter shrouded with a dark mist. Two glowing dull-gold ovid shaped eyes sit an approximate 2 inches apart no matter what form the being takes. For the most part it travels in a human-like shape. In said shape it appears to be a silhouette with two brilliant bright eyes and a head of long spiked-up hair. It does not appear to be wearing clothes, although no unpleasantries are exposed. With its mouth closed it seems nonexistent, however when the being opens it a crude sharptoothed grin appears via the faint crimson light that flows passed its open "lips."

    BIO Ekard is a manifestation of all the evil Drake Atakoh has ever witnessed being done. Drake removes all memory of these horrible instances, through an ancient ritual called cerebral stimulation, and channels it to Ekard. Ekard was created the first time Drake underwent cerebral stimulation, over 70 years ago, and has existed ever since. The one downside is that everytime Drake witnesses a new evil he must extract it, making Ekard even more powerful. Ekard represents all that is evil.

    PERSONALITY It has no definite personality. It's personality will change as easily as it's appearance.

    Blood Reaver
    - A large scythe made solely from the remains of those whose souls it has collected. It grows larger and more powerful with every successful reaping. The blade is made of the weapons of said fallen warriors; the shaft of their bones. So far, the weapon is approximately 6 feet long, the blade consisting of 5 downward pointing longswords descending from tip to shaft largest to smallest. Several smaller dagger-like weapons are sporatically placed along the blades base, aswell. Long grey-black feathers protrude from the back. It saves the peak of the weapons shaft for the skull of Drake, Ekard's former vessel.

    Soul Harvester
    - The very definnition of Ekard's class, or job rather, the Soul Harvester is a foot-long cylindrical container that contains the souls the being has previously reaped. It is a very deep purple in colour and is covered in detailed indigo inscriptions. A new inscription is added every time the Harvester collects a new soul. It can only harvest the souls of those that have been weakened incredibly, to the credit of the Blood Reaver on most occasions. The being that the reaping is being performed on will be overwhelmed with a brilliant green flash before feeling immense relaxation... followed by bone crushing tension and, consequently, death.

    * When not in use, Ekard can easily hide these weapons somewhere in it's mass. At this point said weapons are 'irretrievable' by any means of the opponent.

    - Ekard can manipulate its mass in any way, forming its "limbs" into whatever shape it sees fit.

    - As of yet, Ekard can simply shroud full areas in complete and total darkness blocking out all seven senses of the individual it is enveloping.

    - It has not yet gained any other substantial magic abilities.

    Currently N/A

    "It's so fun being evil sometimes!"

  5. #545
    Character Statistics. Red's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Name: Kai

    Age: 17

    Sex: Male

    Basic information
    Kai grew up in a small village where magic was inforced upon him, while growing up his father taught him to use a sword and from the moment he owned his own sword he trained with it everyday. Kai quickly became one of the quickest and deadliset with a sword in his village. realizeing his talent Kai set off to see new places, he wants to challenge anyone he meets, as he is eager and outgoing.

    Kai has spikey brown hair. blue eyes, with a scar over his left from a duel with a fellow villeger. he resides in a black t-shirt underneath red light body armour. he fashions a tattered yellow scarf around his neck, that's not too long so it wont get in the way. he wears tight black jeans as he find them to be most comfortable when fighting,and light black boots. he holds his sheath on his back.

    Fighting Style
    Kai has met alot of different eeople along the course of his travels, therefore altering his fighting styles in ways, where he grew up ages taught him fire magic, and his father trained him in the art of the sword. later on in his journey he came to a hidden Ninja village where he stayed at for a year to learn the art of ninjutsu. currently he still wanders and trains mainly with fellow warriors and knights.

    Kai's fighting style consists of using his knight's sword as if it were a Katana, he swings it around as if it were much lighter, his slashes and stabs are very quick and precise along with his footwork, he could outrun the avergae person and thensome. Kai's main attacks are derrived from his sword and Kunai (which he will sometimes use in his left hand for duel weilding) Kai rarely uses magic and if he does it's in combination of sword slices and such to catch the enemy off guard.

    Kai is mostly a fast character, of average strength and not too much special abilities.

    Burning Edge
    Kai's primary weapon, it's much like a schmitar except longer and has a more defined curved with many divets along the edge of the blade, the shaft is black and looks like a dragon's head is biting the sword with wings jetting out either side. the handle is wraped with a soft but firm tissue designed for comfort.

    Kai holds 5 Kunai's in his back pocket which he uses as both projectiles and daggers.

    a ball of fire no larger than a baseball emits from Kai's hand traveling at a high speed.

    a large pillar of lava-like fluids sprouts from the ground dealing immense heat to enemies, using this moves takes much energy and is rarely used by.

    Kai jumps high into the air and motions a reletively large meteor to come crashing down upon he enemy.

    Limit Break:
    Kai becomes full of anger,amplifying his speed an stength for an extended period of time.

    EDIT: I've made up a sketch of my character for fun, I decided I'd post it to help clear up any confusion people may have had (although I doubt there would be any) and just so you can see what he'd look like from my perspective. KAI
    Last edited by Red; 08-19-2007 at 09:28 PM.

  6. #546
    Lone Wolf Character Statistics. Darkwolf's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    email. [email protected]
    Character Update:

    Name: Dragoth
    Race: Dark elf
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: only as a black figure to most, as he wears black heavy pants, heavy black boots, a dark grey plate, and a cloak, under the sleeve are darkened metal greives.
    Hair: Black, and somewhat long, to his shoulders
    Face: Dragoth's eyes are narrow, and he seems to have a peircing glare, his eyes have a deep, red look
    Weapon: Akilroth, the flame demon seemed to be lost without a trace within the demon world, but in fact Dragoth had challanged this demon, and slain it, trapping it's soul within a blade, since then these two dark souls have been inseperable, fighting as if they were one.

    Special: Fire, Dragoth's element, I will use this in many ways, so don't expect me to stick to only throwing fireballs around.

    Abilities (these will have little description, since I want to open up my possibilites with them)

    Firey blade: Akilroth's blade will form a deep, crimson look as the blade sets ablaze, making every blow Dragoth lands to be even more deadly.

    That's about it, since that's all I need
    Last edited by Darkwolf; 08-08-2007 at 01:54 PM.

  7. #547
    Lady Succubus Character Statistics. Victoria's Avatar
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    Aug 2002
    Inland Empire
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    Toph Bei Fong



    She stands at the height of one hundred seventy centimeters (5' 7") and her black hair falls to her mid back, but is tied up in two buns with rabbit tail ties and her eyes shine with the color of the yellow earth. However, she has been blind since birth. She had learned to see with her feet and feel the vibrations from the ground. Her skin tone is also slightly more pale than normal.

    She is independent and can be snarky at times, but will always carry her own weight as well as help others carry theirs. Some say she was reincarnated from a previous life of a Master Earth Bender of the same name.

    She has trained herself in Earth Bending and followed suite with her previous life and became the best Earth Bender of her generation. By the time she hit sixteen, she had mastered Earth Bending and had just begun to discover Steel Bending, as Steel is derived from Earth.

  8. #548
    Morning Always Comes Character Statistics. Xeim's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    Name: Hisaki Akigara

    Age: 24

    Species: human

    Sex: male

    Height: 5'7" (170 cm)

    Weight: 110 lbs (roughly 50 kg)

    Eye color: black

    bright red, black near the bottom; his hair is layered. Much of it is short and carelessly falls around his head, though he has a layer underneath this that falls past his hips. He ties it back into pony tail that runs loosely down his back.

    Skin tone: pale

    Appearance: Hisaki wears a simple red tunic that falls nearly to his knees as well as tight black pants (with stretchy material) to provide room for movement. His left hand was severed (and the rest of his arm was scarred) in a battle with one of his opponents. He wears a gauntlet over it and has turned his handicap into a weapon.

    Weapons: katana, gauntlet

    katana- named Sokyuu

    gauntlet: Hisaki channels energy through this. It's a claw, also making it useful in follow up attacks. Also nice of blocking since it's made out of a tough metal.



    Dual Slash: Strikes with sword, then follows it up with a swipe of his gauntlet. He can do this several times in conjunction if the attacks are dodged. Pretty much his most used attack.


    Fist of Destruction: not to be fooled by the title, Hisaki merely focuses his inner energy into the palm of his gauntlet and releases it as an orb green light (still in his hand) that shoots a mid ranged attack in the form of a "line" of green light. Despite the complexity, the attack is initiated very quickly.

    Bio: Hisaki is a former solider of a medieval level kingdom. He was chased out of his country after being suspected of treachery and now wanders the countryside and other areas looking for fights.

  9. #549

    Name:Caleveras A.K.A Cal



    hair: black and semi-spikey

    appearance:mostly built,wears black leather pants,biege short sleeve shirt,cut's down his face and a wrap on his right arm,brass knuckles and a sheath on the back.

    Weapons: a 9ft. Spear/lance and a 5ft. sword an inch thick and half a foot wide

    Sword name:The Sword of the Ancients

    Lance name:The Lance of Trinity

    skills:his moves are called the Last Rites in which he prays to the gods when he is in a tight bind which gives a great boost of strenght for only 5-30 minutes and his other move is called Last Stand,he drives his lance into the ground,and drives straight into the enemy driving his sword straight through them.

    bio:He grew up in the the Konohagakure village as a regular ninja in training. But when the Nine Tailed Fox attacked,it killed his parents and after words,he set out to find and kill the fox.Later in his journeys,he came across 2 weapons,a sword and spear.Now he searches for the Nine Tailed fox to kill it.........
    Last edited by SSGTHAMLIN; 08-09-2007 at 11:03 AM. Reason: UPDATE!

  10. #550
    私は。。。思い出にはならないさ Character Statistics. chaosweapon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Name: Chaos Weapon
    Race: Weapons
    Age: unknown
    Appearance: Similar to Chaos in Dirge of Cerberus
    Place of Residence: Deep within Northern Crater

    -Chaos Saber: A saber consisting of flames from hell. It is said that those hit by this saber feel the pain of the Chaos rather than the hotness of the saber. This weapon's damage is based upon the user's HP. The lower the HP, the higher the damage.
    -Death Penalty: This is a very powerful weapon which is only used for long range distances. The downside is that it can easily be blocked with a blade since it fires an elctromagnetic wave with a very large frequency.



    -Chaotic Rage: Chaos Weapon turns into berserk mode. Attack damage increases but accuracy decreases. Once Chaos Weapon uses this technique, he gets out of control and keeps attacking (with his bare hands) till the end of the battle.

    When chaos left Vincent's body it was left in despair. Thanks to the Mako, the Chaos was offered a new life as a Weapon with the purpose of protecting the Planet from any terrestrial threat. It hides in the Northern Crater, far away from humans in order to protect its legendary power.
    Last edited by chaosweapon; 08-09-2007 at 01:14 AM.

  11. #551
    Name: Niah Hatua
    Species: Human
    Sex: Female
    Age: 22

    Appearance: At just under six feet tall and 125 lbs., Niah looks more like a supermodel than a warrior. Her sleek auburn hair trails down to the small of her back, and her bronzed skin is offset by striking azure eyes. Her features are delicate and entrancing, and her figure is athletic with feminine curves.

    Niah wears a black leather corset and matching riding pants which are both adorned with tiny diamond studs across the entire surface. However, to stop the diamonds from blinding everyone in sight, they've been treated with a chemical film that blocks the reflective properties of the stone. Her outfit it completed with heeled black leather boots and a snug silver necklace with a sapphire charm.

    Personality: Niah's quiet temperament and vacant expression mask her calculating nature. She welcomes challenges and takes each new opponent as a chance to further hone her skills.

    Weapons: Twin war hammers. Each hammer has a slightly curved spike opposite the head, and the two hammers can join together to make a kind of pole-arm.

    Special Abilities: Niah's fighting style can be distracting as it appears to be very gymnastic in nature with the way she spins and pivots, and along with the look she has the athletic skill to pull off highly acrobatic moves. Visually, it is as if she is dancing rather than fighting.

    Bio: Niah Hatua has learned to hide her emotions and thoughts through a life of disappointment and loss. She prefers to listen rather than speak and finds that this trait allows her to read people and figure out their true intentions. Niah is not antisocial, rather she just finds it more fulfilling to let others squawk while she monitors from a distance.

    Niah has trained extensively to master her body, and this has allowed her to improve her flexibility and speed to its full potential. Her love of dance is what inspired her beautiful fighting style, and she enjoys fighting because it enables her to unleash the emotions she generally holds back.

  12. #552
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Figaro Castle
    Blog Entries
    This is my first new (non-comic) character in forever, so this will be a pretty straightforward character without any backstory... at least not for now. We'll see what happens with it.

    Name: Artemia Valencia
    Age: 26
    Gender: Female
    Race: Unknown European Origin
    Height: 5ft 8in - 173 cm
    Weight: 106 pounds - 48 kg - 7.6 stone
    Eyes: Green
    Hair: Soft, dark brown
    Complexion: Mediterranean with freckles

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Mercenary

    Thin beige blouse with flowing, unrestrictive sleeves. Lightweight brown skirt, lower-thigh length. Soft leather boots with flexible soles for better balance and control. Long green ribbon tied to the left arm.

    Armor: None, to maintain swiftness

    Main Class: Archer
    Master of high places. Swift, balanced, and deadly aim.

    Sub Class: Thief
    Master of trickery. Sneaky, elusive, and a thirst for shinies.

    PRIMARY -- Bow and Arrows
    Three-foot bow made of field maple (a strong, tough wood found mostly in Eastern Europe) and a large quiver of arrows of various weights, tips, and wood types. The quiver is lightweight and made of leather.
    SECONDARY -- Hunting Knives
    A pair of nine-inch blades strapped to the outside of each of her calves, kept in small leather sheathes.
    SECONDARY -- Smoke Bombs
    A pouch of small capsules attached to the bottom of her quiver. Each capsule produces moderate smoke cover; two capsules produce adequate coverage for most situations.

    Magic: None

    The Basics:
    Artemia was named for the Greek Goddess of the Hunt, Artemis. Unlike her namesake, Artemia is a highly paid mercenary, neutral to most causes except those involving nature. She is a highly trained marksman, and is reasonably skilled at close combat as well.

  13. #553
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    F*ckin' Australia!
    Howl Furore

    As I have at bit of time on my hands at the moment I figured I'd make my own character for role-play battling. As for the amount I'll be able to use him, I'm not sure yet. Anyways...

    Name: Howl Furore

    Age: Unknown, even to himself. Appears to be in mid 20s.

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human (Mostly)

    Height: Six foot three inches.

    Weight: 96kg – 130kg (Human/Beast)

    Eyes: Dark hazel, with grainy green and golden specks. Red at times.

    Hair: Long dark blonde almost to the point of being black which is tied back most of the time..

    Complexion: Fair complexion, but tanned.

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral to an extreme. Howl is completely and utterly insane.

    Personality: Howl is completely and utterly insane and his personality for the better part seems to change on a more than daily basis. This even extends to a few, but not all of his likes and dislikes.

    Class: Pretty much a fighter, though not your typical fighter.

    Clothing: A white shirt with metal fibres woven into it for enhanced protection, and decent movement while still being light, a pair of magical armbands which when worn provide the optical illusion of a long, black leather trenchcoat (cannot be touched, smelt, tasted or anything as it does not really exist), a pair of black leather boots with plating on them, a pair of plated black leather gloves, with the plating hidden between layers of leather so it cannot be detected without the plate hitting an opponent, a pair of denim jeans which are half stained crimson, an all powerful cup as there is nothing Howl hates more than being whacked in the nuts, mismatching socks, one black, the other white, a plated belt and a lucky pair of boxer shorts with a laughing skull over an ace of spades depicted on them.

    Armor: See clothes. (It’s all built in, basically)

    Weaponry: A pair of greatly extendable telescopic rods complete with clips for quick access on the belt, several oddly balanced concealed throwing knives he can use in melee as well as ranged, several dozen decks of playing cards made of metal with serrated edges, fireworks and as a beast, razor sharp claws, massive jaws and enhanced physical strength in his body, though Howl cannot use any other weapons whilst a beast.

    Abilities: Howl can turn into a beast at will which further drives his insanity and changes his method of fighting, he is ambidextrous to the extreme and has the ability to do things faster than an opponent can see if they’re not paying attention, such actions must be from a distance or they are easy to see through though. Howl is an expert fighter, but his stance seems almost suicidal at times.

    Magic: Howl is unable to employ magic of his own, but he seems unaffected by things such as electricity and fire. That said, he despises large heavy falling objects as if he don’t successfully dodge, he knows he’s dead. Howl is able to absorb flung energy, but it damages his psyche and can make him intoxicated if he does it too often.

    Background: Howl is the most well known being of all time. In his head. He doesn’t understand other beings at all, but if confused which happens more often than he’ll admit to himself, he figures if he can beat the crap out of that person they will have been wrong, even if that which confused him cannot be either right or wrong. Howl sees an audience cheering him on at all times, even while he’s alone. He talks to himself occasionally and sometimes even makes comments on that which he sees which nobody else can. Howl loves a gamble, but if he loses, he will more often than not attempt to destroy the winner, unless they amuse or interest him in some way. None of the people who fall into this category seem to share any similar traits except this.

  14. #554
    Name: “Auldis”

    Age: 124

    Gender: Male

    Height: 6'1"

    Weight: 140kg

    Two twin katanas that he uses when he requires speed rather than power.
    A claymore which is used for powerful and devastating attacks; this is twinned with a round Spartan shield from centuries ago.

    Non-physical characteristics:
    His speed when not carrying his shield is incredible and even when he is wielding it he is hard to catch and his movements with a sword are swift also due to his immortal blood.

    Facial appearance:
    Short, straight hair that flicks out in different directions. His ageless face remains that of a handsome 19 year old, his complexion tanned and his eyes that of strikingly bright emerald wise and battle worn. His skin remains perfect and smooth except for that of an un-healing scar that sits diagonal from left to right from forehead to below his left eye.

    Other distinguishing physical attributes of appearance:
    His eyes aren’t the only striking thing that people notice when looking at or admiring Audis, he has a pair of perfectly shaped pearl white wings flecked and tipped with black on the feathers. These give him an almost divine appearance that throws of his opponents. His clothes are that of a tailored design to suit his ‘unique’ physical properties. He adorns a long, black half cloak which, like his scar, falls at a diagonal angle leaving his right side visible and his left side covered in the black cotton under which it is silky and smooth to the touch. His cloak conceals a handsome sparkling sliver breastplate which, again, was custom built to fit Auldis and him alone, this sits upon a cotton shirt padded with leather for added protection. This armour bears symbols that are taken from an unknown alphabet, the text on his armour and markings on his skin have been made into a distinguishable alphabet though the actual order of the symbols are unknown.
    His gauntlets and shin-armour are also made using the same patterns as his breastplate, he hang on a dark, finely made leather. His boots are that of elaborate leather and cotton; padded with sponge and steel toed for durability in combat. His gauntlets bear savage backwards facing spines that can be used to cause excruciating pain and irreparable damage when battling. On his right (exposed from cloak) side, hung on a shoulder and waist belt hangs a set of twin katanas one above the other. On the other side a slightly more heavyweight Celtic claymore lies concealed; this is the favourite of all his weapons. The scabbards of his swords are made from pure, bright silver covered in leather and elaborately decorated with curvaceous patterns. He holds a circular, Spartan hoplite shield which he also favours and has customized with the symbol of ‘Iod’ from his alphabet instead of the usual Spartan ‘V’, which he claims stands for his name and is therefore his symbol.

    Special abilities:
    Light shard: Forming matter with his hand outstretched he can collect an orb of light in his palm and use it as a powerfully burning and disintegrating projectile. To do this requires a free hand and therefore leaves an opportunity to attack whilst he prepares it.

    Fury: He finds it hard to control this attack as it simply burning fury and normally just happens once his body has taken too much damage. It involves him effectively going berserk and swinging his swords with devastating blows to all they touch.

    Auldis’ razor feathers: A technique that requires no concentration but a lot of energy to use. He simply pull his wings back and then flings them powerfully forward dislodging razor edged feathers the fire forward in a cloud like wall that tears apart all in its path. Unfortunatly this technique can be inaccurate if he faces more than one foe as the feathers cannot change direction and can only shoot forwards.
    Dark matters bane: A technique that causes him to be encircled in a wall of swirling dark matter breaking projectiles and altering the trajectory of attacking foes, it also makes him weaker the longer he holds it up, this is due to the nature of the matter.

    Born a half-blood angel he believes in god and the bible and tries to follow its teachings as best as he can. Due to him being entirely taciturn he relies on his posture and facial expressions to say what he is feeling. Those who consider him a friend usually know what he is thinking. He stopped speaking at the age of 56 when his mother, who was supposedly immortal like himself was killed by an unknown assassin. Since then he has been a devout follower of Chinese arts including swordsmanship. He has also been trained in other arts and has found to be a natural as his concentration rarely breaks.
    Despite being skilled with swords he fears small, sharp implements such as daggers. He also has a fear of water, this is due to the fact that he found his mother stabbed and left floating in the family pond; a nightmare reflecting this still haunts him.
    His interest took another direction as he turned 100 and decided he didn’t know enough about the world he lived in which spurred him to read into ancient texts. He spent countless hours reading in various libraries until he felt he had done enough at which point he decided to use his knowledge to help others and decided to become a teacher and hired sword.
    He later joined a squad of elite mercenaries of different skills and origins; he has been fighting ever since.
    Whilst on certain missions he has developed his skills further into matter manipulation and other such techniques which can aid him in combat immensely.

    Regrettably not one of my best or favourites but it will do, for now.
    Last edited by Alexander; 08-11-2007 at 01:34 PM.

  15. #555
    Name: kiro senaka

    Age: 18

    Class: dragon knight

    Physical description: around 5'7, 150 pounds. wears a loose blue t-shirt and slightly baggy pants (both red and black designs). on his head are blue cat eats, and has blue eyes which turn red durring the most intence parts of the battle. and of course, a tail

    weapon: mythril spear (and mythril dagger on the side)

    Skill level:????

  16. #556
    "How feeble."

    Name: Enmity
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16 (by physical age), 3 (by date of creation)
    Race: Human
    Height: 5'4'' or 163 cm (normal), 20' or 6.1 m (Final Release)
    Weight: 105 lbs or 47 kg
    B/W/H: 30''/22.5''/32''

    Physical Data:
    A lithe petite young woman with chalk white skin and delicate features. She wears a leather closed-neck halter top exposing the Mark of the Dragon that dominates her entire back and a leather skort with four flaps that fold over the front, back and sides of her hips. Both arms have a leather bracer that gathers into a ring worn on the middle finger and she wears leather armlets on both arms above the bicep. Her feet are partially covered by leather spatterdashes that cover the soles of her feet but expose her heel and toes. Her finger- and toenails are painted and polished the same colour—usually red or lavender. A matching streak of make-up extends from the corners of her eyes and she also wears matching lipstick. Her dark, chin-length hair is worn in a layered bob sometimes held back with a simple headband. She has three steel piercings on her right ear and a navel ring.

    Personal Data:
    Enmity is one third of a greater being, the other two being her two "sisters," Emily and Iniquity. When initially created she and her "twin" Iniquity seemed to be a binary entity to the point of being able to finish each other's sentences and to speak in chorus. When separated they began to express themselves independently and are now true individuals. She took from Emily the Mark of the Dragon (that manifests as a tattoo of a winged serpentine dragon on her back) and achieved what Emily could not: complete dominance over the malevolent spirit.

    Combat Data:
    While Enmity has surprising natural physical strength and speed in consideration to her form, her true strength relies upon her manipulation of the Dragon. This is achieved through the creation of psychokinetic projections of the Dragon's body composed of plasma bound within a psychokinetic matrix. The effect is a solid, metallic structure that can be called according to Enmity's will. This psychokinetic material always manifests itself as a draconic extension of Enmity's body, culminating in her ultimate dragon form with her Final Release.

    The plasma is naturally corrosive to other forms of matter, but loses its efficacy when it diffuses into the air or space after a short period.

    - Releases:
    As Enmity uses the Dragon's power during battle her "fury mana" builds. When it reaches a certain point she is able to "release" the psychic barriers that inhibit the Dragon's power. She has three such releases:

    First Release:
    Enmity's "dragon wings" increase in size, allowing for several multi-step jumps as opposed to the single boost. Her "dragon claws," "tail" and "head" also increase in size, allowing for a greater range and power. Her "wing shield" also increases in size and duration.

    Second Release:
    Enmity's "dragon wings" allow her for true mechanical flight with unlimited duration. The range and strength of her attacks increase further and she can use her various psychokinetic projectiles independently from both hands and her mouth.

    Final Release:
    In her final release Enmity becomes encased within a psychokinetic armour that is similar to that of the Dragon's true physical form. This form may only be maintained for a limited period and when used will consume all of her mana. When her mana has been completely expunged, the armour disintegrates. Before her mana drains completely, however, Enmity is able to fire off one last blast either orally or manually.

    - Techniques:

    All of Enmity's projectile and ranged attacks may be produced manually or orally. Prior to her first release she has oral control only. Manual control follows her first release, and she may only fire once from either hand or the mouth until her Second Release.

    It should be noted that her oral projectiles are not conjured directly from her body, but rather manifest in front of her face/mouth in the manner of Bahamut from Final Fantasy VII.

    • Dragon Breath (Cold Fire) - a stream of plasma delivered in the manner of a fire-breathing dragon; exclusively oral; non-elemental and destroys matter on contact.

    • Concussive Beam - a coherent psionic beam that bashes or rather applies immense single directional pressure to a target.

    • Disintegration Beam - a coherent plasma beam compressed by psionic energy; damage increases with continued exposure; used most effectively to pierce or to cut when fired in a sweeping or zig-zag pattern.

    • Cold Fireball - a ball of plasma bound within a psionic sphere; psionically guided, giving it an unpredictable trajectory; may be detonated, exploding the plasma outward in all directions.

    • Dark Matter Ball - an ultra-dense ball of plasma condensed by psionic pressure into a spherical shape; psionically guided, giving it an unpredictable trajectory; size varies depending on Release.

    Dragon Head, Claws, Wings & Tail:
    Physical manifestations of the Dragon that can be thought of as being manipulated by Enmity or as extensions of Enmity herself.

    • Dragon Bite - can be produced manually or orally to grip, crush or bite objects or opponents.

    • Dragon Head Butt - Enmity's enhanced punch or head butt.

    • Dragon Claw - the Dragon's claws rake in the direction that Enmity slashes with her own fingers.

    • Double Jump / Multi-Step Jump - initially Enmity may only summon her Dragon wings (in a small form) to perform a double jump. Following her First Release she is capable of multiple jumps in this manner, along with flight, gliding and hovering after her Second Release.

    • Wing Razor - after performing her Second Release, Enmity's Dragon Wings fully develop, allowing her to use their sharp edges as slashing weapons in close quarters. As in the case of her other draconic anatomy, her wings are not actually attached to her body but appear in a fixed position behind her shoulders.

    • Wing Shield - despite her wings only becoming flight-capable by her Second Release, Enmity is able to wrap her wings around herself or fold them over her shoulders or around her waist in order to guard against incoming attacks. This shield may only be maintained so long as Enmity's physical and mental state remain within acceptable boundaries.

    • Tail Slash - a long-reaching attack that may be summoned by a corresponding motion of the arm or leg (most commonly). Usually a sweeping action.

    • Tail Stab - a straight stab attack delivered through a kick. Other kick-based attacks may be manifested as the Dragon's own hind legs and feet.

    • As Iniquity was created from Emily, Enmity was created from Iniquity. Despite this, Emily's greater "soul" was divided equally among the three.
    • Enmity is the most subdued in terms of personality of her three sisters. Some would say that she even lacks one.
    • The colour of Enmity's draconic projections is Royal Purple or Amethyst over black.
    • Unlike Emily or Iniquity, Enmity has a mole just below the left corner of her lips.
    • Normally the colour of Enmity's eyes is dark brown, however when calling upon the power of the Dragon they flash red. When angry and in possession of the Dragon, Emily's eyes used to glow red as well.
    • Enmity does not need to breathe and can survive in the cold vacuum of space unprotected or other inhospitable environments such as the ocean floor.

    • Her physical appearance can be said to be a fusion of Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist and Yura of the Hair from InuYasha.

    * * *

    Name: The Dragon
    Gender: N/A, though it seems to be masculine
    Age: "Timeless" by its admission
    Race: "Spiritual" entity
    Height: N/A, unable to accurately measure due to inconsistencies
    Weight: N/A, unable to accurately measure due to inconsistencies

    Physical Data:
    In its ethereal form, the Dragon is a nebulous entity taking the swirling form of cloud of dark smoke or particles with physical extremities appearing at will. Within this cloud form its two blazing red eyes are the only distinct forms with its draconic head being the next most common feature. It can appear to its host as a hallucination and communicate with him or her through telepathy. In its largest physical manifestation to date it stood at about fifty feet tall on its hind legs. With Enmity's Final Release, it is less than half that height.

    Emily's version of Final Release differs from Enmity's in that her version of the Dragon is pure black with silver accents. Both draconic forms present the Dragon as being somewhat skeletal in appearance with thick plates of armour that make it look as if it were made of metal.

    Personal Data:
    The Dragon originally tricked Emily into being its host, having her enter a contract with it that she could not fully understand—she only wished to be the Dragon's friend. The Dragon then possessed Emily, seeming to take influence over her whenever she became angry, finally culminating into a fit of rage so intense the Dragon physically manifested itself as an enormous, winged, humanoid dragon with Emily manipulating it from within. When faced with the fact that her anger was endangering the ones she loved, Emily began to exert herself over the Dragon's influence and her own magnified anger. The Dragon continued to have a psychic link with Emily until the creation of Enmity.
    Last edited by sneakyonfoota; 09-16-2007 at 08:18 AM.

  17. #557
    1st RPB Character

    Name:: Azak
    Age:: 18
    Gender:: Male
    Race:: Hume

    Physical Description:: Azak is 5'9'' tall and weighs 170lbs. He is a well built man, his muscles are clearly defined and his skin is tanned. He has long, skruffy brown hair and green eyes. He wears a light chainmail shirt with a thin steel breastplate and brown leather leggings with chainmail over some of the thighs. Over that, Azak wears a long, red tunic that has chainmail shoulder pieces. Over the tunic's sleeves, Azak wears a pair of silver gauntlets that have pointed fingers. He wears a similar made pair of metal boots.

    Distinguishing Features:: Over Azak's left eye is a long vertical scar.

    Epuipment:: Azak's main weapon is a halberd. It's overall length is seven feet. The bladed end is two and a half feet, with a long lance like blade portruding from a double axe head. At the bottom is a pointed weight that balances the weapon nicely. At the center is a leather grip and at the top near the axe head is a long red cloth tied around the pole. The pole is brown, the head and weight are silver, and the grip is black.


    2nd RPB Character

    Name:: Evangel
    Age:: Exact age unkown; appears to be in the low to mid-20s
    Gender:: Male
    Race:: Hume
    Occupation:: Knight

    Appearance:: Evangel's age is unknown even to him. He appears to be in his 20s. He has mid-length brown hair. His eyes are green but reflect a wisdom that is earned over many years. He has slightly tanned skin and well toned muscles. He appears to be quite athletic with a medium build. One thing that is unique to Evangel is the two black lines that run down his face from his eyes.

    He wears armor over the top half of his body. His breastplate has a collar on it that protects his neck. He has clawed gauntlets that have chainmail covering his shoulders. Evangel wears brown leather pants and srmored boots. Evangel also tends to wear a helmet that has a crown like shape on the front. The helmet has two slits for sight while the rest of the face plate is smooth. Every piece of metal on Evangel's body is silver. On the back of his breastplate is a carving of two angelic wings sprouting from the guard of a sword, surronunding the blade. He also wears a brown sword belt that has his sword scabbord on his left side, since his dominate sword hand is his right.

    Weapon:: Evangel uses a double-edged sword that is approximately five feet long. It has golden wings etched into the silver colored guard. The handle is actually a black leather grip. On the blade is etched: Est Sularus oth Mithas, "My Honor is my Life." Representing his occupation as a knight.

    Equipment:: Other than his armor, Evangel uses a large wooden shield for protection. It is as tall as he is and is a little wider than he is. It uses a hexagonal design. the shield is strapped to his left forearm using teather straps. On the front is the same winged-sword engraving as with the one on his back.

    Abilities:: Evangel's skill comes from his use with a sword. He is a master swordsman and uses several different styles with a his sword. He also uses his shield to bash his opponents and push them back.

    There is also a dormant power Evangel posses that one would call "holy". Periodically, his entire body seems to be enshrouded in a white light, his eyes (whites, pupils, and iris') become a light blue. From his upper back, he sprouts six long feathered wings made from blue light. On his chest forms the smae emplem as on his back and shield in blue light. Evangel posses amazing speeding and agility in this form.

    Biography:: Suffering from a bout of amnesia, Evangel has no intelligence of his past whatsoever. He is on a quest to find his true identity. What scares him is his superb skill in the art of killing. As far back as he could remember, he was also drawn to all things knightly. He is a devote follower of chivalry and will give his life for those he protects.
    Last edited by Evangel; 09-19-2007 at 02:09 PM.

  18. #558


    Name: Rion

    Age: 17

    Race: Human

    Rank: N/A

    Weight: 185

    Skin Colour: Tan

    Height: 5'2

    Element: N/A

    Clothing: A long black trench coat, with no shirt underneath. Black boots and white tape wrapped around his knuckles up to his upper arms. Two gun hoslters are inside his trench coat, with a slit in the back of his trench coat for his sword.

    Clothing 2: N/A


    Death Before Dishonor:

    Twin pistols custom made.

    Death: It is a black gun with a silver Dragon design from the clip to the end of the barrel. The clip holds 26 rounds, of gold tipped piercing bullets.

    Dishonor: Is a silver gun with a black dragon design from the clip to the end of the barrel. The clip also holds 26 rounds, of silver tipped piercing bullets.

    Sword: N/A at this time.

    Magyk: N/A

    Hometown: N/A

    Extra: N/A

    Face: Very cuteish, but is a bit older than his age due to the stress.

    Eyes: Blueish green, very deep. They tend to change colors due to mood.

    Hair: Spiked black. Very long spikes.

    Facial Hair: Black sideburns into a connecting chin strap.

    Ears: Normal.

    Eyelashes: Black.

    Extra: N/A.

    Upper Body:

    Neck: N/A

    Chest: Tattoo of Blades interwining with each other.

    Back: The Japanese Kanji for Death.

    Shoulders: N/A

    Upper Arm: Just very built muscles due to his training.

    Lower Arm: Just very Built muscles due to his training.

    Hands: N/A

    Stomach: N/A

    Extra: N/A

    Lower Body:

    Waist: Nothing particular.

    Thighs: Nothing particular.

    Knees: Nothing particular.

    Shins: Nothing particular.

    Feet: Nothing particular.

    Extra: Nothing particular.

    Background: Unknown.

    Extra Skills: Not known at this time.

  19. #559
    Character Statistics. Prodigal Madness's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Following the Voices
    o Name: Lee the Atavist

    o Age: ???

    o Race: Humanoid, believed to be Demonic

    o Appearance: Lee’s body is bound covered in bandages, with mystic runes inscribed in. After each proper summon, he is bound with two silver bands on his wrists, and two cold iron bands about his ankles. Lee tends to wear drab, covering clothing until alone. He appears to be able to change the colors of his appearance, though cannot change his form. The rest of his gear tends to change by location, as seen in bio, and though he favors his body for melee combat, he has been known to use an assortment of weapons.

    o Class: Monk, Incarnate(Mage)

    o Elements: Apocalypse, Blood, Earth, Eclipse, Fire, Water

    o Weapons: Lee tends to create weapons from the elements he manipulates.

    o Equipment:

    Last Caress – An embroidered set of enchanted gloves. Imbued with a permanent vampirism effect, that not only drains life but magic as well. Useless while Silver Bindings is in effect.
    Thrice Damned – Three orbs of power accompany Lee. They tend to be directed like minions, though have acted without his commands on occasions. Not much is known about them, as they’re rarely used in combat.
    Death’s Shadow – A cloak literally woven of the darker elements. Allows Lee to merge with shadows so long as not seen, grants immunity to poison effects (even causing them to heal him), and immunity to darkness constraints.
    Sightless Vision – Simple black cloth sash, wrapped around his head to cover his eyes. Lee received this after finishing a term of service. It allows him to see several spectrums, though he gives up physical sight to use it. However, this isn’t a disadvantage, as his has enhanced his other senses by giving up his sight… Of course, he can always simply lift the sash up.
    Smoke/Flash Pellets – Tiny pellets that explode upon contact. Tiny balls that emit a blinding burst of light or a thick cloud of smoke.

    o Special Abilities:

    Disruption – Lee has an abnormal, yet nonmagical, ability to negate long standing effects. Also, plays hell with electronics.
    Null Aura – Extending from Lee, to a roughly hundred yard radius, it negates any Time, Gravity, or Dimensional spells/effects not of the location’s doing.
    True Guardian – Lee’s spells do not affect the site he is bound to, unless it is intended.

    o Special Attacks:

    o Limit Breaks:

    Silver Bindings – The silver bindings act as magical dampeners on his physical strength. Nothing specific can easily break them. Once broke, has use of his fist weapons.
    Iron Bindings – Vulnerable to fire. Once broken, his speed greatly increases. Unnaturally fast, even for supernatural beings. Not magically enhanced.
    Crystal Shackle – Weak against cold, electricity, and sound. Once broke, Lee’s magical powers are no longer suppress and has use of his banshee blood.
    Suppression – After the two Bindings and Shackle have been broken, the runes on the bandages begin to sink into Lee’s skin. Once the bandages have lost their power, Lee has full access to all his power. A destructive aura of magic begins to radiate from him, something he cannot contain. His movements become over exaggerated, and his attacks overly powered.
    Last Word – After being defeated, part of the essence of his power forms a ghostly afterimage that allows him to attempt to kill the one that ended his guardianship. Since all the bonds, including the actual binding to the location, are removed, he becomes extremely powerful. Armor, both magical and physical, offer no protection from his attacks. Very short duration(2 posts). `

    o Summons:

    o Personality: Varies by job. Always confident.

    o Background:

    Lee is an extraplanar entity that allows himself to be summoned and bound to a place of great significance, and appointed its guardian. Part is due to amusement, and part because improper bindings oft find him as a destroyer. When properly bound, the majority of his powers are locked away. While he has been defeated once before, he cannot be killed while summoned – and even then, the person didn’t survive his Last Word.

  20. #560
    Lone Wolf Character Statistics. Darkwolf's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    email. [email protected]
    Name:Lance Shadowolf
    Weapons: two swords, one in each hand

    Abilities: Elemental Blade (uses magic to give his swords an additional elemental aura)
    Aerial Barrage: A series of strikes hit while both people are in midair, ending in a strike to slam the opponent into the ground)
    Dashing Strike: A powerful blow made when Lance dashes and hits the opponent using his speed to increase the blow's power. He does not stop running until he is a decent distance away from the enemy
    Beam Strike: Lance's ranged attack. A ball of energy forms at the tip of one sword and he swings it at the enemy, causing damage in a straight line

    Amulet: raises Lance's speed so that it is above any regular human's speed

  21. #561
    "I've been naughty again. Will you spank me now?"

    Name: Iniquity
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16 (by physical age), 3 (by date of creation)
    Race: Human
    Height: 5'8" or 173 cm
    Weight: 124 lbs or 56 kg
    B/W/H: 38"/30"/40"

    Physical Data:
    Between herself and her three "sisters" Iniquity is the tallest. She has the most "healthy" complexion of the three, as well and her hair is the lightest, naturally being a medium-dark shade of brown instead of jet black or dark brown like Emily or Enmity. Unlike the other two, however, her hair is very wavy and at times unruly. Her hair is the median length between the sisters, hers being just a few inches past the shoulders.

    Having a certain knack for the dramatic (or over-dramatic, even), Iniquity has the broadest range of emotion and can be quite theatrical in her expression and manner. It is her ability to abruptly and seemingly randomly switch guises that plays a key role in her masterful use of her "talents" in a combative capacity.

    While her clothing (along with her hair colour, style, eye colour and make-up) changes frequently, her ability to change her appearance has no bearing on her basic physical attributes (save for the odd time where she is playing as a character radically different from herself, but even then she may be wearing only a very convincing costume).

    Personal Data:
    It still remains a mystery how or why exactly Iniquity came into being, although what is most certain is that the Gate played a role. Whether she was a doppelganger or a manifestation of some part of Emily (whom she calls "Dear Sister")'s psyche, the mischievous Iniquity is almost the complete opposite of the girl she so closely resembled.

    She is lazy, shirking, greedy, spiteful, rude, mocking, petty and spoiled. She thrives on trickery, pranks, junk food and toilet humour.

    While Emily studies and Enmity trains, Iniquity is a slacking layabout with no bearing but to keep herself amused and to binge on more games, TV and junk food.

    Combat Data:
    The most accurate way to describe Iniquity's chaotic fighting style is to say that she uses cosplay as weapon. Culling from memory a comprehensive library of characters from comic books, television shows, movies and video games, Iniquity is able to instantaneously don the clothing and abilities of fictional characters (provided that she has a sufficient understanding and knowledge of that character). Due to being easily bored she usually does not maintain a single form for much longer than a single attack. Assistant summons (sidekicks who perform single attacks before disappearing) are another feature of her arsenal.

    She is also capable of conjuring random objects out of thin air to use as unconventional weapons--she seems to favour condiments, party favours and musical instruments lately.

    Spent items that are forgotten by Iniquity fade out from existence (a la items, power-ups and enemy sprites in many video games).

    Iniquity is also known for adding her own little twists or reinventions of characters she portrays, for example dressing as Little Orphan Annie wielding a chainsaw or Princess Daisy with a basket full of hand grenades.

    • When Iniquity was created she was a perfect duplicate of Emily, though the two only have subtle similarities now.
    • Iniquity most likely has ADHD (Hyperkinetic Disorder).
    • When Iniquity is having fun she will keep playing until she gets bored.
    • When she was younger, Iniquity's favourite game was Happy Families and she liked to draw pictures of "rubbishy flying cows" in crayon.
    • Repeating the same mysterious process that brought herself into being, Iniquity created Enmity. A certain misadventure sometime afterwards she began to create copies en masse, featuring names such as Agony, Injury, Apathy, Enemy, Blasphemy and others. They were all reincorporated into herself, Emily and Enmity so that only the three of them remained.

  22. #562
    Character Statistics. Momo Mastermind's Avatar
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    I use to RP alot, so we'll see how this goes. Someone PM me if this character seems unfair, danka! This may be long... like most of my posts ^_^

    Name: Momo Mastermind

    Full Title: Momo Mastermind Memory Miser [For those who don't know what a miser is, the definition is-- 1. a person who lives in wretched circumstances in order to save and hoard money.
    2. a stingy, avaricious person.]

    Race: Dreamer [reference below for information on dreamers]

    Height: 5'10"

    Hair: ??? [His hair color is constantly changing]

    Eye Color: ??? [His eye color changes depending on his mood/fighting style/next attack. Pay attention to the colors and you would have more of a chance to plan ahead.]

    Appearence: Momo Mastermind Memory Miser [I love it! ] stands at 5 feet 10 inches tall, an ideal height for observation- not too low, yet not high enough to miss detail. His skin is pale and soft. The only anomolies in his appearence that would dare defy normality is the presence of his hair that shifts color from every battle and his eyes which change according to his mood and the future. There may be some strange scarring, tatooing, or runic designs located somewhere on his body, but that is undecided as of yet. He usually wears simple clothing associated with one color, mostly either purple, green, red, or pink. His shirt is usually an average long-sleeve stylish pullover, his pants simple blue-jeans. One of Momo's secret weapons is a pair of aviator sunglasses he keeps stashed somewhere on his body... you'll see .

    Personality: Sarcastic snake! Momo's sarcasm is so thick he has drown people within it. It pours from his lips like a fluid that sticks to everything. There is kindness within him however, but seeing as how so many people only wish to fight, he has become regulated by threats and attacks. He's an odd one. He's the apple on the tree that doesn't quite grow like all the others. Despite the sharp tongues insults he may dish out, Momo keeps his cool, almost always.... ALMOST... always.

    Arsenal: Laugh, I dare you... : D Momo comes equipped to battle with a number of deadly weapons, some of which include: a frying pan made of extremely dense metal which does not crack under any amount of pressure or head, an overly large fork [in tribute to Quina], a pack of 6 light-bulbs, a small box cutter (razor used to open boxes), a pocket watch on a chain, a deadly kitana [sp?] that he never uses for the right purpose, and a length of computer cord... you know, the kind of wire you use to plug your monitor into the wall. Lastly, Momo always has with him a thick black marker, and up to three cans of spray-paint, various colors. Along with these... deadly weapons, he also utilizes anything within the arena, playing field, or setting to his advantage. These items may be subject to change, may be taken away and replaced by another tool, or may just be added to. Please ask what he carries with him before a battle.

    Armor: Momo is most confortable in his simple clothing that offers little to no padding against attacks. Instead of armor, sometimes random items shield him in battle, and other times items fly out of his way so that he is hit directly.

    Class: He has no class, although if one would be a must, he would be most closely related to a red mage who likes to dress like a blue mage sometimes who lives like a monk and acts like a dragooon. So he's like... a purple mage-monkoon.... okay, whatever... O_o... anyway, his class would be Mastermind.

    Abilities: Natural Abilities: Momo's personality offers him a rare advantage within fighting. A self classified Mastermind, he has the innate ability to think ahead, see clearly ahead, plan ahead, and zoom in on detail. His mind is his most deadly weapon and his hands, pots and pans, etc.. are just the tools he uses to carry it out. Momo loves to plan traps and chain reactions ahead of time, so please be careful.

    Race Specific Abilities: Covering his personality and moving onto his race, Dreamer. Momo Mastermind Memory Miser is a Dreamer. Dreamers are enigmatic people with powers they themselves don't fully understand. They sometimes come as an advantage, and many times also they prove to be a disadvantage to the actual dreamer. An example of a disadvantage would be his eye color. Dreamers are always known for their eyes. There is always something slightly off about their eyes, be it shape, color, or habits. Momo's tell are his eyes, the color tells all. Someone would just need to be smart enough to tell which color means what and how quickly it shifts to dodge some of his attacks. Red naturally means anger and aggressions, if you see red in his eyes, chances are you've got him mad... which isn't easy since he has complete control over his emotions [mastermind]. Yellow or orange would be energy, he is about to move quickly or strike with these colors. I gave you a sample here, the other colors are up to you to decode.-

    An advantage with his Dreamer abilities would be the mysterious appearence of a cloud in the sky when he needs one, and the strange way a rock he has thrown happens to home in on the target. It is not telekenises [sp?] because he has no control over it, it is just completel randomized events that either help or faulter his plan. Faulter meaning sometimes his powers do not help, like if he is perched on a ledge about to sneak attack the enemy, the otherwise strong ledge may just crumble from under his feet, giving his position away.

    Class Specific Abilities: Momo uses a complex system of symbols and designs to preform certain elemental and energy reactions. An example of this would be drawing a symbol on the ground and if someone steps onto it, it becomes active bursting in flame. These skills can be either elemental, or just pure raw energy. It all depends on which symbol he uses.

    Momo's main fighting style is the use of these symbols. There are [so far [subject to change]] 8 different abilties/attacks/specials he can use with the help of these symbols. I call them symbols because they are pictoral designs that bring about specific reactions. All of his power comes from this symbols [except for that randomized dreamer luck]. It is not that these symbols create vast amounts of energy capable of obliterating a foe, there are only actually a few that cause direct damage. He relies more on his perception, strategy, and planning to use these in an intelligent way. Momo's plan isn't to win by destroying the enemy as fast as he can, his plan is to weaken the enemy, tire them out, outwit them, and eventually finish them off after chiseling them away.

    Misc Abilities: Other than all that has been listen, one more fine tuned ability he has is extremely talented acrobatics. Momo is nimble and swift; he doesn't rely so much on physical strength.

    **Unbound skills**

    These skills are only used when the opponent "okay"s them- used in a battle with another character that has powerful psionic/elemental/energy attacks and transformations, to even the battle field.

    1. Symbol Transmuting: Momo has the ability to transmute certain kinds of materials into reacting such in a way they normally would not. (Example: If there is a large stone pillar standing against a wall, Momo could draw a symbol onto the pillar and convert the stone instantly into another element such as fire, water, ice, etc...) causing the entire pillar to either become a huge wave of water, a tower of ice, or an explosion of fire. Normally with that said elemental symbol, the symbol itself would only catch on fire, and the symbol itself would only explode with water. With his transmuting skill unleashed, he releases even more powerful elemental attacks.

    2. More advanced dreamer happenings. For example, perhaps during a normal battle, a large portion of the cieling may fall into the center of the arena mysterious due to Momo's dreamer ability, but in this extreme mode, the cieling would fall and create a reaction of falling pillars which cause a massive hole in the ground to open. Again, I do this fairly, I guess you would just have to duel to see :/.

    Well that's Momo... I'll update if I find something that I have missed. Yay-zor!

    If anyone wants to duel Momo, just send me a PM or something. I also do IM RP, e-mail, etc... I like to have fun doing it, I'm not always out to win. I want to duel, I want to want to want to want to want to!
    Last edited by Momo Mastermind; 10-04-2007 at 04:06 PM.

  23. #563
    Character Statistics. Momo Mastermind's Avatar
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    Talk about God-modding! XD Read the entire profile for full understanding of intention and power.

    Name: God-bot W1

    Full Title: God-bot Wrath 1.0

    Gender: Female, just like God.

    Race: Technically, God-bot W1 is a biological robot. Functions just like every other human except for the need to eat, expell waste, breathe, be warm, etc... It has no soul but instead it has been downloaded with God's personality and her abilities.

    Height: Varies... but normally 5'10"

    Hair: Varies. [read appearence]

    Eye Color: Varies. [read appearence]

    Appearence: God-bot W1 looks different, almost always. Like God herself, God-bot W1 encompasses any aspect of life, but being the Wrath 1.0 model, she only manifests in the destructive nature of the universe. She dresses, looks, sounds, and [I'm sure in some way] smells like the element or aspect she resembles at the time. For instance, during one battle she may represent death- in this case she would be wearing a black dress that is form fitting, on her head she would be wearing half of a human cranium tight fitting to her skull and her jet black hair would be comming from under the skull-piece in the shape of a long fang/dagger covering one of her eyes. She would have a human tooth necklace and she'd have jaw-bones dangling from her wrists as jewelry. If she represents fire, her red hair would be pulled up into a bun where a small torch-flame sits atop her head and her dress would end in long, flame-like ribbons. Such as that.

    Personality: God-bot W1's personality is just like God's. She is sarcastic and cynnical [sp?] at times, wymsical to no end. She's God... what does she have to worry about?

    Arsenal: She doesn't have a single weapon on her. Only what she comes dressed in. If she needs a weapon, one will appear. She usually doesn't use tools like that though, she doesn't have to.

    Armor: She has no armor.

    Class: God class.

    Abilities: God-bot W1's abilities are anything destructive. Anything. She can do anything that has a reaction of destruction, death, obliteration- such as that. Please read the note at the end of this character profile before complaining. Made genetically from God's own DNA, God-bot W1 is relatively indestructable. Her skin, hair, and attire has properties equal to that of pure condensed diamond compound. She is, the shadow of God. It's okay, just be happy that you're not fighting God herself . It is NOT impossible to survive a duel with her... only highly unlikely.

    NOTE: This character is for fun- it is used for anyone who wants an extreme challenge. Being as how God-bot W1 is not god herself, it CAN die. CAN meaning it is possible, not probable. If you really want a challenge, then fight her. You will most likely end up losing, but it's always fun to try. She can use any attacks, but to make it fair and since God-bot W1 is not God herself, she will only be able to utilize whatever element or aspect of the universe she is dressed as for the battle. That should make it SLIGHTLY more fair.

    The God I am refering to is of my own imagination. She is a practice of character for a novel I intend on writing. Her personality, actions, dress-code, powers, background, future, and appearence are copyrighted to me, Ryan Gibbons. She is a materialistic woman, who else could have created such a world we live in?

    God-bot W1 was created by God to make her job a little easier. It takes care of some work God herself doesn't have to do. If you want to battle God herself, that's another story. PM me for battles, I will NOT use this character in anything other than a requested duel with the opponent full-knowing of what God-bot W1 is capable of.
    Last edited by Momo Mastermind; 10-05-2007 at 11:50 AM.

  24. #564
    Character Statistics. Holy Priest's Avatar
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    In some part of Sarawak
    A new character...

    Name:Nico Romstone




    Height:5'4" (165cm)


    Job Class: Herbalist( A person who has the ability to use all kinds of herbs to attack or cast magic. Have a little connection with the nature as well. Differ from geomancer.)

    General information of Nico:

    Nico is a very warm-hearted girl who always help anyone in need. She lives in a small town in Magicgrand City. There was one morning she saw a young child weeping by the corner of the turning in one of the street. She went up to that boy and found that he has a small injury in the knee. She wanted to heal the injury so she slightly touched it and carefully as not to hurt that boy. There, she found her power as a healer who can heal non-serious wound.

    After that, she try to keep it as a secret that she is a healer and her family is actually wizards and withches but she is some how known as 'Priest' for her ability of healing injury. Somehow, she was unable to heal wound which is wounded by powers or very large injury. In that case, she can only improve the condition and prevent it from getting worse. In the meantime, like her family, she is also a witch but she can't cast every spell, only specific ones-which is known as white magic. As her ability to heal is not strong enough, she can cast a number of white magic spells which is stronger than any family member could cast. Her best cast is "Wall" A magical field which protect people inside the field.

    Later, she found a group of warrior who are going to fight an evil spirit in the cave nerby in the forest. The group of people has a sort of warriors be it magician or knights but they just don't have a healer. So, when they get to know that Nico is a healer they pleaded her for her assistance in the group. She can't reject them as they have soften her heart. From that day on, she would join any group who needs her help and of course help anyone who needs her help.

    Clothing:Nico is wearing a long piece of white robe which has a large cross icon at the back of the robe. During battle scenes, she will take off her robe and the small mantle will be replaced. She is always in dress and high-cut leather boot.

    Hairstyle:Nico's hair is half curl and half straight. Quite brownish in a way.

    Complexion:Nico's very fair as she seldom get exposed under the sun because she's wearing a long robe.

    Weapon:Nico's weapon is ony a knife or dagger. She seldom use them as she is used to cast spells and use magic instead.


    "Amber Grass"--Magic which shoots flamming leaf at enemy.(Flame can't be put off. Attack may be blocked or voided)

    "Cure"--Magic which heals unit. (Unable to heal undead, dead-mortals or self. Healing power is weak and it can heal small wound.)

    "Crystal Shower"--Magic which sends rain of sharp crystal to fall from sky. (Crystal can be break, voided or guarded with suitable item such as hard shield)

    "Divine Wall"--Magic which creates invisible wall to protect the caster. ( Wall is weak but it forms quickly around the caster)

    "Forestier"--Magic which grows a special kind of grass from the ground. (Grass is as sharp as blades. They are very short and has fast grow rate which can cover the whole piece of land in few seconds. It's unable to cut through thick armour.)

    "Morainne"--Magic which sends out freezing winds to slow down enemy's pace. (The name of this spell is from a kind of herb which only survive on the peak of chilling mountains and they don't bloom. Magic is useless if the opponent is immune to magic or ice power.)

    "Orb"--Ability to orb something, somebody or caster away from a place. (Unable to orb if the caster is unconcious or paralyzed)

    "Pollen Count"--Magic which releases dangerous pollen into the air to damage enemy internally. (Doesn't cause abnormal status. Enemy will not be harm if he/she escaped from the field. The caster won't get harm from the pollen)

    “Vines”—Magic which grows out vines from the ground and grab on enemy. Vines are not voidable but they can be cut off. The moment the enemy is grabbed by the vine, the vine will releases fluid into the body. (Fluid may be vary as preferred by caster)
    Last edited by Holy Priest; 11-20-2007 at 03:08 AM.

  25. #565
    Lady Succubus Character Statistics. Victoria's Avatar
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    I don't know if you know this, but white magic is against the rules, so your character is pretty much useless and illegal. ^_^;
    I'm sorry, but you'll have to make another character. And.. this character seems to be the same exact one you're using for the Gathering RP. Which... um.. isn't good.

  26. #566
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    44 should read the rules.

    Curative Magic and Items are allowed, to a certain extent.

    That rule was changed over a YEAR ago.

  27. #567
    Character Statistics. Holy Priest's Avatar
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    Yes. I did read the rules. That's why toph has asked me to change. Do my character still has curative magic? I hope not cuz the magic causes damage.

  28. #568
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    No, I meant Toph should read the rules.

    Your character is just fine the way it is, at least it looked fine whenever I saw the post. You're allowed to have curative spells or items if you want to.

  29. #569
    Professional Klutz. Character Statistics. Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Holy Kharlan
    My only repeated character and the one I'll use for the writers academy:-

    Name: Nkomis (Nick-Oh-Miss)
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Species: “Elemental” Human
    Occupation: Assassin
    Appearance: Her eyes are perfectly emerald. Her natural hair colour is blonde but she tends to dye it different colours depending on how she feels at the time. At this moment in time she has a block of light crimson on the right side that sits on top of a bright blonde base. Her nose isn’t all that different than any other nose except that it has been broken and so bears an almost unnoticeable kink at the rim. It also curves slightly down the length. Her lips are a beautiful shade of pink and are slightly smaller than you would normally see; her teeth are pure ivory due to constant brushing as she takes care of her looks.
    Her body is slim and slender as she keeps in constant motion whether with exercise or at work. She is fairly average height if only slightly above at 5’9” and her legs are long and toned. She has trained her body for endurance meaning she can run at her full speed for a great distance without getting tired; likewise she can take quite a few hits before giving way.
    Her armour is a lightweight silver breastplate meant for female cavalry riders, she also wears shin and wrist armour of the same weight. This armour bears an arcane symbol in black.
    The other padding around her body is all a dark, near black leather. This leather provides protection from impact on the ground or with a blunt object rather than a blade. Its lightweight durable nature gives her ease of movement combined with the protection she needs.
    Her boots are lightweight leather of the same durability as her armour unlike the armour though these also have metal plated padding within. These metal plates are mainly there to prevent her opponent immobilizing her by stabbing or breaking her feet, her wrist and shin armours share this same purpose also.
    Around her wrist is tied a piece of strong, orange material about the length of her arm, this is tied at the wrist with the two ends left to dangle idly. This piece of material is the only piece of colour she wears. Due to it being easy to remove and the fabrics strength it can double up as a way to disarm an opponent if used correctly.
    Her weapons are mainly swords and daggers crafted by master in China the main one she uses being a Daito which hangs in its scabbard on her back. However at her sides she wears other weapons that are a back-up.
    On her left she wears a Katana; this sword is lighter and shorter than her Daito and can be quickly withdrawn once she is disarmed.
    On her right side on above the other she wears a twin set of Tanto, another type of Chinese combat sword. These however are considerably shorter than both the Daito and the Katana and are used for fast-paced, close-range combat.
    Her martial arts skills in both swordsmanship and hand to hand combat aid her in using these weapons as an effective assassin.
    The abilities she can use with water are endless due to her being able to create whatever she wants from the substance, her other skills are:

    Qi (Chee or Chi)- Translated as ‘inner self’ or ‘soul’. This power enables her to let loose a blast of energy that throws an attacker or projectile away from her with a crushing force. This takes some time to do due to the hand and arm movements involved in completing the incantation to release the Chi.

    From an early age Nkomis was seen as an outcast, almost a freak to most of society. Her ability to manipulate water scared all those around her. She grew up almost alone, the only person she trusted was her brother, Kieran. Kieran had a similar ability to that of Nkomis, he could control fire. Whilst they grew up they were inseparable, unable to go to school and barely leave the house they spent almost every moment by each others side. Upon Kieran’s (she called him Kie) 19th birthday he set out to find more people like them so that they could live happily with others. Nkomis’s last memory of him is only a dark shape through a brightly sunlit doorway waving as he walked away into the distance.
    Distraught at her brothers sudden disappearance and her only contact and friend in the world (besides her parents) Nkomis grew depressed and anxious, she would spend hours on end sitting at her bedroom window awaiting Kie’s return that was never to come.
    At the age of 16 Nkomis’s parents told her that her bother had been seen on a ‘rampage’ and brandishing his Halberd at a bounty hunter named ‘Silver’ by whome he was slain.
    Angry and upset Nkomis ran from her home, she ran so far her legs felt weak and her mind and eyes played tricks on her. After weeks of being on the run and sleeping in bans and fields, gaining food by using her beauty to bribe men then steal food and run before they could catch her (one of these times she was caught after running into a wall, an accident that resulted in a broken nose). She fell down on a deserted dirt track to rest, there she cried. A passer by saw Nikomis and to his astonishment saw her mould her tears into the shape of a miniature boy. She made him dance on her palm and then absorbed him into her skin. The man stood and stared amazed, he asked her if she would like to tell him her story and where she was from.
    The old man, who turned out to be a wise monk skilled in Shinobi and Shaolin styles of fighing, concluded that due to her detachment as a child from civilization she has developed a condition known to the Chinese as Buzhidao (Boo-chih-dah-oh). This translates as “don’t bother me” or “I don’t care” and means she has an ‘escape from responsibility’ for other people around her.
    Nkomis learned her various types of fighting skills and martial arts from the old monk and how to harness her energy and power into a deadly weapon. She decided to use this newfound skill as a way to avenge her brother.
    Ever since her training. she has searched the world for the hunter ‘Silver’ but with no luck. She works as an assassin, though she doesnt accept gold as payment she only asks for infomation on 'Silver' and for food and accomadation. Her vendetta has stretched the span of the globe and has seen her visit over 100 countries upon infomation from various sources, but the leads have always lead to a bloody and dead end.
    However over the she has developed a fear of bright light that came about from the memory and dreams she has of her brother disappearing within it never to return.

  30. #570
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Well, this is an unusual situation. The character I am about to post was created on request for someone else's use, but I am also retaining the right to use him whenever I feel like it. So count this as a dual post for me and Psiko. He has permission to use this character in any RP or RPB that he wishes.

    Name: Rasui Kynathi
    Alias/Title: The White Dragon
    Race: Draekonykyn
    Physical Age: 22
    Actual Age: 418 (approx.)
    Height: 6'2
    Weight: 185 lbs
    Eyes: Pale Blue
    Hair: White
    Wings: White


    Flat straw sandals (zori) with a slightly elevated base; usually removed prior to battle.
    Dark blue hakama (divided, pleated skirt resembling pants) with a pattern of white flowers running vertically on the left side.
    A white sash (obi) around the waist.
    Dark blue, thigh-length robe (haori) with a large white flower over the heart; this is also normally removed for battle because of his mainly aerial combat style.
    A thin white sash around the forehead and tied off in the back; keeps hair out of his eyes.
    No shirt or armor of any kind.


    A simple, unnamed parrying dagger in a leather sheath on the left hip; used with the right hand. The only notable characteristic of this weapon is a wide guard to protect the hand. The blade is slightly curved to help deflect incoming attacks.


    Rasui is very unusual. The Kynathi clan is renowned for their skill in the use of the water element, but he alone is able to use ice and even snow. He uses his magic as both his primary defense and his sole offense.


    Rasui favors a very formal, stern appearance. His hair is very long but always neatly brushed and pulled back in the traditional warrior's tail. If his clothing is ripped or stained he repairs it immediately after battle, sometimes even before treating his own wounds.


    The Kynathi clan has a reputation for honor, often known as the pride of the Draekonykyn. Rasui follows the strict code of the clan to the letter. He was once considered the runt, the weakest of the clan; he is now their strongest warrior.

    Rasui's ability to use ice and snow are due to a physical disability. His body's core temperature is so unnaturally low he's said to be as cold as death. It isn't far off the mark, either. His extremely low body temperature is also why his hair, eyes and wings have almost no color to them. His low core temperature prevents him from producing the pigments that determine colors, so they remain white. His eyes have a faint blue tinge, enhanced primarily by external light sources. At night or in the darkness, his eyes appear to take a more silver hue.

    This strange disability also has a huge impact on his physical combat abilities. His preferred method of fighting is to either stand or hover in one spot and cast his magic on the opponent. If he's forced into physical combat, he will actually overheat very quickly and overburden his weakened heart, which could cause permanent damage or death. As such, he avoids such fighting as much as he can. He is very fast and extremely agile for this reason. He has perfected the use of thermals and air currents to move with as little effort as possible.

    It has another secondary effect as well; in hot environments, he is forced to lower the air temperature in his immediate vicinity to avoid overheating, and it must be maintained at all times. He can only tolerate temperatures up to approximately 60° Fahrenheit in normal situations, 50° in battle.

    Rasui is actually related to Kylista; they're distant cousins. They have met on several occasions and are friends. Kylista has always treated him like a younger brother, but Rasui wishes she wouldn't be so defensive of him. They are a formidable team in battle.

    Last edited by DragonHeart; 12-01-2007 at 11:51 AM. Reason: Fixing some typos and an age miscalculation. >.<

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