Note: The term "Ether" used throughout this profile is used to cover all metaphysical abilities/"powers". This character is strongly magic based, but has other capabilities that are hinted/described throughout. The history is purely for fun, don't read it if you don't want to.
Basic Information
First Name: Victor
Last Name: Darkholm
Alias/Call-Sign: Shadrach
Race: Unknown
Age: appears to be 36
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 257lbs
Blood Type: Unknown
Place of Birth: "Rosalia" (?)
Hometown: Unknown/Often refers to "Rosalia"
Date of Birth: Unknown
Class: Ritualist/Sage
Occupation: ---
Rank: ---
Alignment: Neutral
Victor is an easy going, laid back kind of guy. He doesn't appear to have a care in the world, and as such, no one is ever completely comfortable around him, for good reason. Victor is highly methodical in everything he does; always running to his own beat; as erratic as that may be. Not to say he is very quiet, simply it is just that no one really knows the “real Victor”.
Victor presents himself, to no small degree, enigmatically. He typically wears a snug fitting suit of the latest fashion (from whatever land he’s currently in), but has been seen in casual (albeit very stylish) wear. It all has to be specially tailored to fit Victor's impressive physique. As for Victor himself, he is dark-skinned, but not too dark. His hair is of medium length, dirty blond, and usually styled to one side using any of various hair products. His eyes are ruby red, dazzling at first glance, mesmerizing and entrancing upon the second. Also part of his "image", he always sports his Desert Eagle strapped to his waist, or otherwise concealed on his person. When the jacket comes off, it is the first thing everyone notices.
Armaments & Accessories
Name: Reaper's Promise
Type: Desert Eagle, 50 Cal.
Position: Unknown.
Description: A custom-made, black variation of the deadly 50 Cal Pistol, which bears a specialized ammunitions chamber, housing a massive 20-round clip. Beautifully Air-brushed into its barrel are several Rose Stems; partial petals surrounding the tip and drops of crimson blood dripping down them onto the stems.
Name: Rosalian Crest
Type: Wrist Watch
Position: Left Wrist (?)
Description: A black-faced, gold watch that has no hands, or markings of any kind, but in the dead of night a steady clicking of miniature gears will resonate through the air...Its capabilities are vastly unknown, but it has been registered that it is "Bulletproof", "Beam-proof", and emits some sort of electromagnetic field about Victor at certain times.
Name: Mark of Rosalia
Type: Birthmark
Location: Chest, left pectoral.
Description: The true nature of this Mark is unlike anything ever seen before. However, written in the Rosalian Tongue are the words proving Victor's divine "authority"; the twelfth act of redemption. Its power, if any, is unknown.
Combat File
Martial Art Disciplines
Chi Gung - An Advanced Martial Art which focuses solely on the flow of Chi within living organisms. It can be applied for offensive, restorative, or any other great number of uses.
Futae no Kiwami - Perhaps the most destructive combative hand-to-hand art in existence; which uses purely physical means of attack. It consists of a two staged strike using typically the fist: The first; a strike with the foreknuckles, meant to break down any defenses with sheer destructive force. The second strike occurs a mere instant following the first, impossible to discern separately with the naked eye or other means (generally), with the base knuckles. Provided the short succession of blows, the second blow will contact with zero defense and its full power successfully delivered. When used in more advanced methods, this Technique can be executed with any part of the body, as well as equally cancelled out, a technique known to be the Futae no Kiwami Hazuushi .
Magick Disciplines
Arcanic - Magick which can only be learned by studying scriptures; in this case ancient Rosalian Scriptures (Considering such, this school of magick is known only to Victor). Given Victor's phenomenal capability in wielding magick, this is perhaps his most lethal discipline. Rather than individual spells, the workings of this Magick are left to the wielder, and instead the mastery over elements is vital. Considering such, the imagination and one's ethereal stamina are the only limiting factors...
Runic - Magick scrolls embedded with Runic inscriptions dreamt up by Victor himself and placed upon scrolls he keeps readily on his person. (Scrolls will be listed as revealed; PM for details if this is a problem. *limited for now.*)
Sage - Magick enacted by means of mystical seals, or "Glyphs" being drawn through the mist itself. These spells draw on the life force of nature itself, even the very air, and it is suspected that again only Victor is capable of wielding this art.
Blood Pact - A forbidden art of Magick, in which the user creates a pact with ancient, “Forbidden Espers” in blood. These Espers are fully under Victor's control, and are rarely allowed, if even able, to act of their own accord due to his sheer strength of will. (To abide by TFF Rules, *Locked*)
Special Abilities and Traits
Ether-Barrier - As the name suggests, this is a natural barrier surrounding Victor at all times, protecting him from invasive psychic-maneuvers, and all harmful forms of "Ether" (Chi, Ki, Magick, etc), while providing minimal defense against basic forms of Ether (That is, chi, ki, magick, etc. that does not possess harmful traits.) This is a direct implication of Victor’s staggering Ether-Stamina, requiring very little strain on his mind to use.
Fire Expertise - Simply, Victor is naturally immune to fire/heat, and actually absorbs it as he permits himself. Therefore, any technique or spell of his (or his opponent's, for that matter) concerning the use of Fire-based Ether, is dreadfully more powerful than one might suspect and can be manipulated with ease.
A charismatic man in his own right. He holds an extensive history and gives off an aire of vast experience and wisdom; perhaps even too much in his supposed only 36 years of living. Victor Darkholm is a name few, if any, recognize; however, the man behind the name is one those who do meet, won't soon forget--even in death. Generally, it is believed that Victor is a victim of severe amnesia, and wanders in search of his past rather than aiming toward the future. Who really knows.
It all starts in a forest; somewhere not really known, somewhere not really important. When the world was oblivious to his people, and the people to the world; life was simple, sweet, and worry-free. The Rosalian Kingdom was one who ruled the natural world. Locking themselves away from the rest of humanity in thousands of miles of untouched Wood, they ruled with an iron will. The royal family of Darkholm had been in rule for the last 1,000 years, and no one questioned their divine authority. The Rosalian's lived in perfect harmony with nature, and nature rewarded them with extended life periods. On average, a Rosalian could live for five hundred years without daily prayer, and those who pray vigorously, they're still living.
Life couldn't be better for the Rosalian's. Weekly festivities were held, ranging anywhere from dancing, eating, sacrifces, or even simply prayer. Now, the Rosalian's believed in 3 perfect beings as their "Gods". Virio, the God of Judgement; Ziria, the Goddess of The Wood; and finally Rosalia Herself, Goddess of The Mist. In perfect unison, these three protected their people by hiding their Forest with a deeply magicked Mist, believing that humanity as a whole had been forever tainted. In fact, there were plans in the making to purify those lost souls, and bring them into redemption. As such, the God Virio blessed the house Darkholm to rule in favor of him over their brethren.
The House of Darkholm is headed by the Grandfather Jerich, Overlord of the entire Wood, his word is always last and always followed no matter the opposing odds. Underneath him is of course the Father Marcus. Father Marcus is the Lord of the House, whom generally handled most trivial matters and those issues not necessary for Grandfather Jerich's divine influence. Following these two men, the rest of the House of Darkholm are completely equal with one another, be they man or woman, mother or child. It wasn't uncommon for a Parent to be following the advice of an adolescent. However, there was one... black streak, on the family name: Victor. In him bore a passion liken that of a God, and he never missed an opportunity to see his will be done. At a fairly young age, Victor began studying the Ancient Magicks of their Gods, War, Martial Arts, Swordplay, Assassinations...He was intrigued by it all--vastly different behavior than his fellow Rosalians. He claimed to have the divine voice of Virio guiding him, and he was telling him that he was to be the leader of the Twelve Acts. At first, no one believed him. They threw rocks, they kicked him when he was down, and began to spit on the Darkholm name. This was cause for Grandfather Jerich to banish Victor from their home, from their Kingdom. Naught hours later, Victor found himself chucked off the side of a cliff, tied to a pole, and left to die in the River of the Mist.
Now, what kind of story would we have here if the main character died, and only at the age of 15? Not a very good one, to be sure. Just when Victor thought all was lost, he found in him a new strength. From the pole he was bound to came free his hands and feet, the twine ripped clean off; he swam to the shore of the slow moving river and pulled himself to safety. For days he slept untouched, for nature was afraid of the Exiled One. Deer, Birds, even Wolves would approach to get a whiff of his scent, but would quickly retreat to the Wood. Then one day, Victor awoke to a hooded figure standing ominously above him. He arose in a vicious stir, holding his arms up in guard for fear of the tall, imposing man. Victor demanded the man state his name and his purpose for disturbing him, trying to use his family name in authority. But when Victory did this, it angered the hooded man. So much so the Hooded man lashed out his arm and hand, clenching to Victor's bare throat and lifting him several feet into the air above his own head. With the other hand, the hood came off and revealed a Black-Eyed Menace. His eyes were aglow with hellish darkness, and distracted Victor from the other, perhaps dominant features of his face including a deep, riveted scar over his left eye which seemed to "leak" a blue, energy-charged substance that ran down his face like the blood of an open wound.
"You no longer hold the right of that name, boy Victor. I shall cleanse you of your impurities, serve to you my divine Judgment, and lead you to your destiny" said the dark man, who after speaking, Victor seemed to somehow recognize, and calmed his fury. The moment he did, he found himself lit aflame with burning white fire. It was as if he was tossed into the mouth of Mount Vigor, but he did not scream. Nay did he scream, squirm, or cry. Instead, he floated in the air, suspended by the flame it seemed, until all grew blank in his mind.
Victor "awoke" ten years later. His body was drastically different than before, his height greater than His even, his body more developed as well. Victor took a moment to examine his body, before He came from behind a tree at the far reach of the clearing he stood amidst. As soon as he laid eyes upon the scarred man, Victor's head was riddled with bone-shattering pain. Blood profusely poured from his nostrils, eyes, ears, and mouth as he struggled to overcome the pain, looking helplessly up to Him with sorrow. All at once, Victor's memories of the last ten years flooded his mind: The studying, the sacrifices, the fighting and killing, and his path to mastery over the Mists and its many forms. As he came to realize all that he had "missed", he again was lit aflame at the hand of That Man, only this time it were a Black, unrelenting flame several a fold severe than the first; and again, he fell unconscious for several years.
What exactly the unnamed, Scarred Man did to Victor was unknown to him and remained so when he awoke eleven years later (so it appeared to him). Victor was laying on the warm surface of Bedrock beneath the Hooded Falls of Ziria, nude and riddled with pain all throughout his body. He was not startled, he was not afraid...only calm. His head was rocked with pain, and he threw his head back as blood once again poured from his every orifice in his head. So much so, in fact, that he could not 'see' that which had occurred over the last "who-knew-how-many" years, or perhaps this was again, drastically more severe than the first. When it was all over, Victor rose to his feet and overlooked the basin before him where the Kingdom of Rosalia lie. The moment his eyes laid upon that cursed Castle, Victor deeply flared with hatred, and his chest burned with fury to which he promptly looked down to see the "Mark". He could not make out what it was, but the words of his people were written above it. He did not know if he had always bore this mark, or if he acquired it sometime in the past, but he knew what it meant. Silently, focused, Victor walked toward the Kingdom upon the very surface of Water. On he walked for days without stopping, without food or drink, just hatred.
When he finally came to the Castle Gates, the guards did not know what to think. Never before had an outsider approached their walls, and they of course didn't remember him. Victor didn't respond to their inquiries, merely he raised his hand and watched as they became stripped of the breath in their bodies. He grinned, sadistically, as he closed his hand and watched the air about their skulls collapse upon itself, effectively killing them without a sound. Dropping his arm, the bodies fell limp to the soil, and raising his other, the massive gates, which had been renowned for being so heavy a dozen mules struggled to pull them open, blew apart effortlessly. Without a single hesitation, Victor slaughtered everyone before his hate-filled eyes, wielding Magick he had learned without realizing it. The elements bended to his very will, stars fell from the heavens, and massive fissures erupted and split the very Earth beneath. Steadily, Victor made his approach to the Palace, and all fell before him. Sister, Mother, Brother and cousin all alike fell before his very hands; twisted, maimed, slaughtered ruthlessly.
When he finally came to the throne of his fathers', Victor struck first his father Marcus with a closed hand, forcing him to his knee's as Grandfather Jerich could only watch in sheer terror. The hatred in Victor's eyes bore deeply into Marcus' soul, but it did not phase him. Instead, he stared just as straight-forward and cursed Victor's soul in a single voiceless breath before Victor struck his open palm to his father's forehead, a searing heat being focused and exponentially amplified as it escaped his body, effectively incinerating his father to ash. Expectedly, Grandfather Jerich tried to talk Victor out of his blind rage; to no avail, as Grandfather Jerich got it the worst of them all. Victor's "blind rage" was murderously focused on his grandfather, eyes bleeding black ether. Holding his hands out, serene light blanketed the throne room as Jerich was lifted from his frail feet, suspended seemingly just from this light alone. No one could know the pain Jerich felt, but it could most closely be described as having every centimeter of flesh of his body stripped and incinerated simultaneously before ultimately, he was blown apart into nothingness... assimilated with the very Mist the man long since fought to protect. Victor's rage didn't stop there, as his fury consumed him and he lost control. His murderous rage fueled the magick he wielded until it expanded upon itself, causing for an Earth-Quaking explosion which destroyed the entire wood his now dead people called home. And that's where our story ends, and begins.
Other Information
After the events of Victor's past, he awoke onboard a fishing boat headed to the North with absolutely no recollection of his past save his own name and that what came naturally to him, Magick. Over time, his memory has come back to him in bits and pieces through the form of dreams (or nightmares), which fuel his desire to discover what he is and where he came from. However, it's quite difficult when he's the only one who knew of his people's existence, as he's been discovering through his interrogations. Therefore, no one can help him, and so quietly, he contemplates this and tries to piece himself together as he seeks to find a purpose for his unusual talents, which he is also finding to extend much further than simply magick.