I just wanted to start off with a simple explanation, and a rational one, defining my views. I'm against the Healthcare bill and generally against Obama, but I wanted to explain why instead of extending an emotional response.
The Healthcare debate initially was premissed on the idea that it's a right.
A right, such as the rights to own a gun, drive a car, or smoke cigarettes, is always accompanied by responsibility. You have the responsibility to use them safely and accept their consequences. If you use or missuse your rights, you may go to jail, loose your liscense, or get lung cancer, and you accept the responsibility for those consequences by exorcising your rights.
But getting Healthcare which you wouldn't pay for doesn't bare you any responsibility. In fact it puts the responsibility for paying for your care on others, and there is no such thing as a right you can possess that forces responsibility on others. It's really not even debateable. It's not a right.