Well since I'm the blackest person on the forums I hereby declare people can use the word ***** whenever they want so let's all chill out eat some watermelon and do the stanky leg together and everyone will be mad cool ya dig?

Anyways I think the n-word is an interesting word to use. I'm pretty sure it is the top 15-20 of my cursing vocabulary actually, good stuff indeed. And it's in them goshdarned rap songs too! bonus! Unfortunately it has that bad connotation with it because it was used to make derogatory comments about what ethnicity a person is, so that's a bummer.

See, the thing is, I don't think that these racial slur words are mean-sounding enough. The word ***** is just too funny for me not to say when I'm angry. Likewise, whenever eastern europeans/chinese people get mad at me on vent, they call me racial slurs like "mayo", and everyone laughs. If it's okay for them to call me a mayo then it's okay for me to call them niggas.
