Anonymous white kids on the internet. Discussing the N word. Great.
Yes, the word is in rap songs. You're right. For consistency's sake, I don't think it's a good idea for a person of any race to say it. I don't support its use in music (or the misogyny of mainstream rap, but that's another story), so I don't give that music my attention. However, it gets used, and I can sort of understand the idea of taking away the word's power. Do I feel cheated because little old entitled me shouldn't say the N word just like the black rappers? Haha.
I'd like it if the word just went out of style. Like "groovy" or "homie." Maybe if black people stop saying it because it's not cool anymore, it'll catch on with white people for a while, and then it'll go away. That would be.... crunk.
Seriously, it's not that cool of a word. A lot of wasted energy goes into defending the right to use it.