I'm saying that I don't have a problem with it.
No. I wouldn't (usually) use the term, myself. But why shouldn't I? Let me rephrase ... Why should I be looked down upon for saying it, while blacks shouldn't?Like if you saw a black person, would you refer to them as a "nigger"?
It's not proper. I wouldn't walk around children and call them "little shits" or "little bastards", either. The damn kid might be a little bastard, but it wouldn't be proper to refer to them as that. I don't walk around screaming curse-words, either.
At one point in history, people were burned alive for merely being accused of whichcraft. At many points of history in certain areas, people were ridiculed, tortured, or even murdered for being associated with Jews or Christians, especially Protestants. Nearly every group, at some point in time, has been persecuted.It has a too dark (sorry, pun) history and has been used in such a derogatory manner.
Is it wrong, then, to say that somebody is a witch? What about non-Jews using the word "Jew"? What about accusing somebody of being Protestant?
I must be old school -- I believe in freedom of speech.I'm somewhat postmodernist in that I believe in the power of words.
So a black person can do it, but a white person cannot, and you call that a "very little" double standard? There's nothing "little" about that double standard.Though there is very little double standard. A black person using it on another black person is different because is does not carry the same historical charge as if a white person uses it. It's like white people have forfeited their right to it by using it negatively.
As Chris Rock put it, there are black people, and then there are niggers. Just like there are Mexicans/Latinos, and there are spics. Just like there are white people, and there are white trash.
But to say, "they say it all the time but they get mad when we say it, so we shouldn't say it" is quite a bit too much "tolerance" for me. If they want to accept it, accept it. If they don't, don't. But it's racist to tolerate something from your own race, but not from another.