The door to the war room was flung open, and an obviously inebriated Lucian entered the room, sword in hand. "I come to offer you my sword, my friend.", he said seriously, but with an unmistakable slur. Some of the other men stationed here may have already noticed that their supplies of alcohol had dwindled to almost nothing in the past few hours. Any left wondering would now know exactly where it had gone. He walked towards the map table, stumbling a time or two on his way. "General Lucian Valeth, reporting for... for... duty! Reporting for duty sir!", he said, introducing himself with the rank he'd earned centuries ago in a now forgotten Kingdom. He put one of his large boots on the table, leaning in as he attempted to sheathe his weapon. In his drunkenness, he missed the sheath entirely and carelessly allowed the blade to fall to the ground, not even aware of the fact. "So, who exactly is our enemy? Where is he? And when do we kick some ass?", he asked, his slur getting worse by the minute.