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Thread: Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King

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  1. #1
    The Mad God Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King

    The door to the war room was flung open, and an obviously inebriated Lucian entered the room, sword in hand. "I come to offer you my sword, my friend.", he said seriously, but with an unmistakable slur. Some of the other men stationed here may have already noticed that their supplies of alcohol had dwindled to almost nothing in the past few hours. Any left wondering would now know exactly where it had gone. He walked towards the map table, stumbling a time or two on his way. "General Lucian Valeth, reporting for... for... duty! Reporting for duty sir!", he said, introducing himself with the rank he'd earned centuries ago in a now forgotten Kingdom. He put one of his large boots on the table, leaning in as he attempted to sheathe his weapon. In his drunkenness, he missed the sheath entirely and carelessly allowed the blade to fall to the ground, not even aware of the fact. "So, who exactly is our enemy? Where is he? And when do we kick some ass?", he asked, his slur getting worse by the minute.

  2. #2
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King Treize's Avatar
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    in the land of twilight

    Re: Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King

    Ray had been working for what seemed like an eternity under the brilliant sun in the capital of Frelia. She had just arrived here a little over a week ago, but she felt as if she had been working nonstop for months. Ray was a cleric sent here by the Church to do some mission work; however, she didn’t know how tough it would be when she first arrived. The days here were long, and there was never a lapse in the work that needed to be done. There were not very many missionaries sent here because the capital, located on the edge of the continent, was a long journey from the Church’s headquarters. There were also many people in need because the majority of the populace was quite poor. As a result, there were always more things that needed to be done than time permitted.

    “Why did I have to come here,” Ray thought to herself. “The work here is never-ending, and I’m not even that good at this kind of work. If it was spying or an assassination, I would be fine, but I hate having to keep up this cleric façade. It was fine in the beginning when the work was easy and I was given plenty of time to hone my skills, but I don’t know if I can take this much longer. I’m now strong enough to survive on my own.”

    Even though Ray felt slightly indebted to the Church for taking care of her and giving her an easy life for all these years, she decided it was finally time to cut her ties with them and live for herself. Unfortunately, now that the Church wouldn’t provide for her any longer, Ray needed to look for some work to survive. She, however, knew that she could make it easily with her skills, and, if nothing else, she could always take advantage of some unsuspecting noble.

    Ray looked around the city for work that looked both easy and paid a hefty sum. This was not an easy task, but soon enough Ray came across the Frelian colosseum.

    Ray thought, “This’ll be perfect! The prize is pretty high, and who would suspect an innocent looking cleric like me to be a trained assassin? I’m sure they’ll go easy on me and won’t see me coming. I’ll be able to make a fortune! Who knows? If I win the grand prize, I might not even have to work for quite a while.”

    Before Ray entered the arena, she looked up into the sky. It was a radiant day in the capital of Frelia. It appeared to be almost too nice of a day. Ray was still fretful, however, because she knew that the weather here could change in seemingly no time at all.
    Last edited by Treize; 06-11-2010 at 07:09 PM.

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