"It seems odd how you aren't afraid of my appearance and also came here of all places. Though you don't look like a Grado spy. I have several questions to ask you stranger."

"No offense intended, but I don't fear much these days.", he said. He took a seat in the room near the map table. "Ask away.", he said. He placed his feet on the table and relaxed.

"I guess my first question will have to be who are you and please tell me no lies" Arc said staring deep into the man's eyes with his golden ones.

"Well, since you asked nicely... Name's Lucian. I'm just a wanderer these days. I saw ya back at Flarg. I wanted to leave myself. But there was a sandstorm between me and my destination... and I sensed somethin' I didn't like comin' from the only other city I could get to from there. I saw you and your friend leavin' town, you weren't going to either one, so I decided to follow. Figured there must've been somethin' else in the desert", he said. He stood up and began pacing. "Looks like I was right.", he finished.