(I changed my current location, that's why I am where I am)
He looked across the tavern at the abnoxiously loud man yelling about demons. Lucian chuckled a bit, the man had absoluely no idea just how right he was. Few did, really. Most mortal men today couldn't truly understand what he was. He pounded one fist on his table. "Barkeep! Another round.", he demanded.
The barkeeper walked over to the table, and looked Lucian in the eye. "You gotta be kiddin' me, mate. If I give you any more of that, you'll drop dead!", he said.
Lucian laughed again. "One can only hope; get me another.", he said calmly. He was immortal, of course he had no reason to fear alcohol poisoning... Or anything else really.
The barkeeper shook his head and brought out another tankard of ale. "If you want a decent burial, I recommend leavin' some money with the undertaker.", he said, as he set the tankard down.
Lucian laughed heartily. "I'll do that, thanks.", he said, as he began to down his 12th tankard.