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Thread: Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King

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  1. #1
    The Mad God Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King

    (OOC: I try mate, I try. I always try to add some humor into my roleplays.)

    He watched as a young couple... well, young to him at least, left the small town. "Odd... they ain't headin' out in a direction that leads to any city I've heard of... can't imagine they think they can go around the storm...", he said to himself. He looked around the small town. "They gotta be goin' somewhere, but where? Well, any place is better than here, may as well follow em.", he said, jumping down from the roof. He refilled his jug with water and began tailing them, being areful not to get too close. He didn't know these people, or how they'd react to him.

    He followed for what seemed like mere moments to him, when he noticed a fort that seemed to be their destination. "Who woulda thought, a fort out here... Well, if they let me stay, least I won't be around Flarg to see what that feelin' earlier was.", he mumbled.

    He continued to follow them until they reached the fort. He saw them go inside, and a gate closing behind them. "Shit! I ain't gonna make it in time!", he said, breaking into a run. He couldn't catch up fast enough to beat the closing gate.

    "Damn, locked out... well, now what...", he mumbled. He decided to wait a few hours, just to be certain it wouldn't be obvious he'd followed them. "Well, least there's some shade here, better than nothin'.", he said as he sat down in the hot sand. He only waited about 20 inutes before he became irritated. "Shade's gone, sand in my pants, runnin' outta water, and I gotta piss.", he said to himself. He stood up and walked towards the gate.

    "Well, I certainly ain't breakin' this thing down... Suppose I could try knockin'.", he said. He had no idea what to expect, but he began pounding on the gates with his fist. "Hey! Anyone here?", he yelled.

  2. #2
    Don't mock me! I have a big stick! Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King Magi of Worlds's Avatar
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    Re: Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King

    (OOC: Heartless, you're too clever for your own good!)

    As Arc and Myra were just finishing up in their room and knock came on the door.

    "Just a minute!" Arc called out. he could hear the response of yes sir and went back to their fun. Ten minutes later Arc opened the door fully clothed and asked what was the matter.

    "There's a man outside who wants in my lord."

    Arc considered this and told the guard to let him in and escort him directly to the War Room. The man nodded and set off. When he'd left Arc went back inside to tell Myra. She said ok and turned over to go to sleep. He kissed her cheek and left the room.

    Arc headed down a hallway and down some stairs. At another turn he came upon the door to his War Room. Upon the walls were maps of several of the surrounding kingdoms and even some of the castles. On a table in the middle of the room was a map of Grado. Arc was studying it as he waited for the intruder to be lead in.

  3. #3
    The Mad God Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King

    He back away as the gate began to open. A small group of armed men waited for him. "Well, you gonna let me in? I gotta piss.", he said. They surrounded him, weapons drawn and led him inside. He was led into a room full of maps, with a sword at his back. "Fancy toilet you got here, but I don't think I'll need an armed escort...", he said.

    The man behind him hit Lucian in the back of the head. "Shut up, wise-guy! Arc, this is the one, we found him outside banging on the gate.", the man said.

    "Mind askin' your friend here to lower his weapon?", Lucian asked.

  4. #4
    Don't mock me! I have a big stick! Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King Magi of Worlds's Avatar
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    Re: Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King

    "Mind askin' your friend here to lower his weapon?"

    Arc turned around and gave the soldier the signal to lower his weapon and motioned them all out the room. He was left alone with the stranger.

    "It seems odd how you aren't afraid of my appearance and also came here of all places. Though you don't look like a Grado spy. I have several questions to ask you stranger."

    As Arc decided on which question to ask first he unfurled his wings so that they'd be less cramped and massaged the muscles around his shoulder's. He then preceded to pace back in forth in front of the small table.

    After a few minutes of this he turned back to the stranger.

    "I guess my first question will have to be who are you and please tell me no lies" Arc said staring deep into the man's eyes with his golden ones.

  5. #5
    The Mad God Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King

    "It seems odd how you aren't afraid of my appearance and also came here of all places. Though you don't look like a Grado spy. I have several questions to ask you stranger."

    "No offense intended, but I don't fear much these days.", he said. He took a seat in the room near the map table. "Ask away.", he said. He placed his feet on the table and relaxed.

    "I guess my first question will have to be who are you and please tell me no lies" Arc said staring deep into the man's eyes with his golden ones.

    "Well, since you asked nicely... Name's Lucian. I'm just a wanderer these days. I saw ya back at Flarg. I wanted to leave myself. But there was a sandstorm between me and my destination... and I sensed somethin' I didn't like comin' from the only other city I could get to from there. I saw you and your friend leavin' town, you weren't going to either one, so I decided to follow. Figured there must've been somethin' else in the desert", he said. He stood up and began pacing. "Looks like I was right.", he finished.

  6. #6
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Re: Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King

    It was dusk, and the small brigade of Caius had departed Tai'zel short of a day ago. Caius left the town with the same group he had departed; six brave and strong men, each horse-mounted, and each wielding a lance. Some held swords alongside them; some held axes; however, each of them held a spear made of the finest Gradoan iron.

    Which was enough to say, "as average as iron can be". So were their swords, so were their axes. And their plate armor, as well. Only Caius held the stronger steel, but it wasn't because he was a cheap man. Quite the contrary; it was hard to find steel sent to his keep's blacksmith to handle, which would have been pointless since the blacksmith could only handle iron and wasn't skilled enough to make any steel. Thus, only Caius held the best of equipments. He didn't mind; he held the best group he could.

    A group...made of farmers, sailors and fishermen, trained against all of the incursions towards Southern Grado. They were few and far within, but none had ever truly succeeded. Some of them had seen recent service during the assault at Renais, using their skill at defending the coastline to protect the lakeside of Grado. They were not just farmers, sailors and fishermen; they were farmer-knights, they were sailors in heavy plate, they were fishermen that skewered fish and men with equal skill.

    And...they were doing a good step. Had it not been because someone pointed that the distance between Tai'zel and Flarg was smaller than he thought, and since he was pushing his men to travel as fast as they could. The desert landscape was already showing, the grasslands of Grado paving way for the sandy terrain of Jehanna.

    "Oi, boss, we were lucky that we didn't have to take four days of travel, ain't it?"

    "Of course! And if we move it faster than having the horses walk, we'll reach even faster! How about that for fast, eh!?"
    Caius blurted his order in such a way that even the horses moved faster. Little could be heard from the tapping of the horses in the barren soil, where hints of sand appeared here and there.

    "The boss is a bit cranky today, dont'cha think?"

    "Eh, he be serious for now. Once we finish with this criminal, we return to our homes, rest for a while!"

    "But that's odd...why no one decided to help us?"

    "Our boss is famed in the *southern* part of Grado, that is. In the west, he's no more famous than you and I. They mebbe knowing something we dinnae..."

    "Why couldn't they send General Caellach? He knows this area better than we do, dont'cha think?"

    "Ya think they're gonna bother th' General? Nae, they bother our boss, just like they always do!"
    The back guard of the company engaged in idle chat as they rode upon the horizon, side to side, shouting as much as they could.

    Hours and hours, they rode. Their horses were well-fed, healthy, and willing to go the extra miles. Stepping into the sand was not something they weren't used to; these were horses that were used to see sand along with sea. But not sand lacking any sea. Neither were the fishermen.

    "Oi, I feel like a fish out of water! So much sand, so little water!"

    "Think that you feel like a fish out of water, but when they travel to Grado, they are snakes out of the desert!"

    "Aye, we be the invaders now..."

    Caius' horse halted in midst of gallop, delivering a surprised whinny. The rest of the group followed suit. Out from the helmet there was a loud reprimand, deep from the bowels of sir Erthem.

    "Invaders? INVADERS!? Of course not! We are following a criminal that has escaped Grado towards Jehenna, we are no invaders! We are strong, yes, but we've seen bigger invasion forces! Us? We're just doing our job, we can't be an invasion force! When have you heard of seven people being an invasion force!"

    "Uh, sir...some of the caravans were comprised of seven people. We had to stop them, turn them back...weren't they invaders as well?"

    "Are you daft? Which invasion force has a warrant scroll for pursuing a criminal outside of its borders? They had no document, and they were clearly fleeing; thus, we had to stop them. Why, if one of them rebels of Renais were to enter Grado, where would our prestige be? Not to mention, the situation in which Grado would be?"

    "But sir! Why us?"

    Caius also had the same question. Why them? They were defenders, not bounty hunters. "If I had the answer, Fred, I would, but I don't have it. All I know is that the Prince himself, through the Chancellor, sent us to capture him. Let's do this fast...maybe then, we may be capable of returning home." Caius' voice was not the deep and bellowing voice of before, but one that showed some doubt.

    "Aye, to our wenches!"

    "And to our farms!"

    "And to our nets!"

    "And to our boats! Yohoho, on to the sea we go!"

    "Yea, and to th' wenches!"

    "Are ya daft!? The first thing we spoke were wenches, are ye so desperate to see a woman!?"

    "Aye. The first and the last thing I think of is a woman, lad! Me an' I, enjoying mead and wine! And then, getting married and having some kids, aye?"

    "Then you don't want a wench, you want a fine woman!"

    "Wenches are fine women too!"

    "Silence! Robyrt, you keep speaking of wenches, and I'll tell your wife Sara!"

    "Sir! No speaking that to me wife! She would kill me!"

    "Better her than them, Robyrt! Onward! Before Robyrt's wife comes looking for us and drags his corpse to the motherland! GWAHAHA!!"
    Caius bellowed a hearty laugh, and rode onward, free of the doubt. His men were his support, whenever he had any doubt. He still had that doubt, of whether he was the right man for this mission. To his men, they were merely capturing a criminal, and while they served guard, they were so distraught so as to hear about Prince Stephan. Only Caius knew about their true mission...only Caius and one of the knights, of course, who heard everything while the others were speaking.

  7. #7
    Don't mock me! I have a big stick! Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King Magi of Worlds's Avatar
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    Re: Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King

    Arc listened to Lucian's story and grew calmer by the second. It seems he may very well be able to trust this man. Arc did however realise that there was something he wasn't being told. No matter. It didn't appear that the man would murder anyone in their sleep atleast.

    "Well Lucian. Since you've come so far. I might as well let you spend the night in my home. I will have Captain Vask take you to your room on the second floor."

    With that Arc left the room. He closed the door behind him and turned to the five soldiers who had escorted Lucian inside. He beckoned Captain Vask over and repeated the instructions to him. After that Arc headed back to his room. He motioned for the two seasoned guards, both of which happened to be Assassin's, to step aside and entered.

    Arc undressed and returned to bed. He scootched over to Myra and nuzzled her neck. She woke from her slight nap and kissed him full on the mouth.

    "So what was that about hone?"

    Arc chuckled at the casual question and declined to answer. Instead he kissed her on the neck and pulled the cover's over themselves.

    A little over an hour later, while Myra was asleep, Arc pulled some breeches on. He left the room once again and headed for the third floor balcony. He looked out at the stars for some time before going back to bed.

  8. #8
    The Mad God Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King

    "Come with me. I am to show you your room.", a man said, approaching Lucian.

    "Ah, you must be the captain my new friend mentioned. Lead on, It's been a while since I slept in a decent bed.", he responded, walking next to the man.

    "It's not often we have guests here, so the room isn't really prepared, sorry.", the captain said.

    Lucian laughed. "No big deal, I can make a bed all by myself.", he said. They reached the room, the captain bid him farewell and took his leave. Lucian entered the room and shut the door tightly. "Unprepared? Talk about understatements...", he said, looking around the room. It looked as though a battle had gone on in this very room. furniture was damaged, much of it knocked over and out of place. He looked at the bed, it was mostly intact. He didn't mind the conditions, the bed was all he'd really need anyways. He wasn't quite tired yet though... something about this place didn't feel right to him. He began to wander the halls.

    "What is this feelin'... It's almost worse than the one I had back in Flarg...", he said to himself, absentmindedly wandering upstairs. "Could the two be connected? This place ain't that far away... somethin' big could hit both places...", he tried to convince himself. He knew it wasn't the case. These were independant events. He made his way to a balcony where he could see the sky. He leaned against the wall behind him and looked at the moon. He decided to stay for a while, to try and take his mind off of his feelings.

    About an hour passed until he heard someone else coming outside. He didn't seem to notice Lucian, which was fine by him. Lucian remained silent. After a while, Arc went back inside. "It seems I'm not the only one who looks to the stars for guidance.", he said to himself quietly. The air grew thicker. He felt as though he was suffocating. Whatever was coming, it was approaching fast.

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