if you call 90 miles away near, then yes ( i reside in Austin ) i am...but i don't do conventions anymore ( not since Trekcon '96....what?...are you laughing at me?!! I'l KILL YOU ALL!!!!) -vanished for another 46574637892 months-
Printable View
if you call 90 miles away near, then yes ( i reside in Austin ) i am...but i don't do conventions anymore ( not since Trekcon '96....what?...are you laughing at me?!! I'l KILL YOU ALL!!!!) -vanished for another 46574637892 months-
The four of us need to get together for a Texas Showdown.
We need to decide on a few games to play, pick a neutral location (since I'd be driving from DFW, assholes), and get the game on. FORREALZ, MANG.
Currently Playing:
• Final Fantasy Tactics A2
• SMT: Digital Devil Saga
• SMT: Persona 3
• Final Fantasy IV (GBA version, prepping for DS version!)
Still jobless.
Went on an uncommon trip to the movie theater to watch The Incredible Hulk. It was sold out, so we watched Hancock. "Meh." The film occasionally amused, but failed to entertain.
Being jobless, I have run low on funds to buy the Lego pieces I need to complete my mosaic project. See below for pictures of the planning stage of the project.
Final Fantasy 1 (GBA): 4 Monks. I shall attempt 4 White Mages next time. I am clearly insane.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Replaying to snag the easter eggs and stuff I missed the first time. I have no adequate words for the emotions this game makes me feel. I am ambiguously-melancholic-fulfilled.
Magic Workstation: Because going to the card shop to play requires expensive gasoline. I'm pleased with my decks. (See picture below for a particularly proud moment.)
Prepping for FFIV DS. I can't wait.
Also jobless.
Though I have an interview for a well paid position doing pretty much nothing tomorrow. :lol:
I've gotten distracted by the Sega Megadrive Collection (Genesis in the US) for PSP. Mostly the old Phantasy Star games...
The highlight of the collection...
Also, just tried Crash of the Titans which I got on sale, also on PSP. The gameplay's alright (though nothing on the PSX classics) but I can barely stand the cutscenes. Cortex seems like Dr. Evil to an extent and Crash collects 'Mojo' ingame. His voice sounds like a rabid Chihuahua on speed...
CP: Phantasy Star II (PSP)
Crash of the Titans (PSP)
Gurumin (PSP)
Donkey Kong Country (SNES)
I bought a Sega Saturn. ;!
I spent waaaay too much money last night. The system itself wasn't too pricey, but Shining Force 3 and Dragon Force cost me a mint...or two.
I also may get a Sega CD, I don't know if I'll win that bid or not. Either way, you could hit me with a shovel and I'd still be in a good mood thanks to this.
Resident Evil 4 (Wii)
Harvest Moon (Wii: Snes)
Neutopia (Wii: Turbo Grafx)
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Wii)
Bastard, I want a Saturn...if for no other reason than to play Nights. That and there were some good games on the Saturn as I recall.
Yeah, I'm still alive, I just rarely post anything anywhere atm. ^^;
CP: WoW...yep, I've become a WoW-tard....
I has a Saturn from long ago, got a small stash of games too but its not a real good setup atm.. when I move back into my bro's place next month I'm gonna rig up my room sweet so I got like, a corner solely for consoles or something lol. Think I need to put a new battery in the'ol Saturn too, the memory is dependant on those slim lithium batteries to maintain the save data.. though it has a bit of dust on it it still works like a charm.
Need to eGay a few items in the near future, or atleast, when I move to bro's place.
Gonna be so epicsauce without having to put up with lou's constant bull-****ing-shit and drama.. my bro is cool, a bit paranoid, but cool lol :3 CP: Your mo.... lol FFXI and Oblivion been about the extent of my library atm, random ROM here and there also.
Actually, speaking of the system storage on that thing (I had to replace my battery as well), I was curious if you know of a way to manage what's saved on there, Dawezy. Is there a way to go in and find out what's saved there and delete it or does it have to be deleted in game, leaving us to guess what takes up the most space? The latter is kind of silly considering Myst, for example, doesn't even have a delete feature that I could see.
Empart your wisdom, oh great DD. :D
Certainly sir!
Was a bit of trial and error, but I found that everytime I played a round of C&C, or Destruction Derby.. my previous scores werent there, which made me frown ;_; so I went out and read over some documentaion and came across this in a Saturn vs PSX debate.
* Greater amount of VRAM for texture storage and the frame buffers.
This often leads to a drastic improvement in 2D applications, although
it has helped where bitmaps in 3D games as concerned (ie. Grandia).
* 32KB of battery backed up RAM for saving games without the need for
an external storage device.
* Clock, date, language, and audio settings. Supported by a number
of games, and maintained by the same lithium battery as the save RAM.
* Versatile cartridge port allows support for memory carts, RAM
expansion, telecommunication devices, ect.
* Internal expansion port for upgrade to MPEG-1 standard video.
* A more logical and conservative space allocation system for save
This wasnt reffering to the PSX, as you use Memory Cards for them. So I tried it out for myself and bam, my scores were in place. There are some expansion cartridge's that can be installed in the spare spot on the top of the console, which I need to get around to purchasing which further pump the memory capacity (albeit from a tiny pump, its better then shooting it yar?.) it'll make the Saturn look like a modern-day toaster! w/ that nostalgic Genesis black colour.
:D woot
What about being able to manage the data (actual save game files I mean)? Can I delete what's on the system memory via the hardware or do I have to manually delete files from games? In other words, is there a Wii like interface that allows me to see what I have saved and delete said files?
Yar, I booted my old Saturn up a moment ago and went around the bios. Smack-bang on the first screen where the 9-grid of options are, poke the top/center one with "System Settings".. when your in there it shows you a heap of crap (well, not alot, but what you need) to tinker with, check the clock and tell me what the time is? lol, I think the default is 1994 or something.
- Engrish
- Deutsch
- French
- Espanol
- Italiano
- Japanese
Memory Manager
- Remove Item
- Clear
Other Settings
- Button Labels
- Audio
- Sound Effects
If you have no battery for the ram, you shouldnt have any options past the Remove Item screen.. I got a few items, but I need to watch it because this thing has such tiny tiny memory in it. 4 saved items (Worms, Sega Rally, VF2, Manx TT) and I got like, 53k free.. ;_; I might nuke that VF2 or Sega Rally data since I'm not overly into them..
EDIT: Forgot to add too, alot of this documentation can be seen here;
Saturn FAQs - Saturn Walkthroughs - Saturn Guides
EDIT2: http://www.electricquarter.com/ebaypics/battery.jpg
Thats the sorta of battery you gotta look for, take note of the 2032 on the end of the text. You *must* get those kind, the first 2 letter dont really matter as they will vary from company to company.
Oh for ****'s sake. I never even thought to turn the power on while there was no game in there. Can you tell I've never owned a PSX? xD
There are a lot of settings there, holy shit. The CD options blow the PSX out of the water.
VF2 is a big game I imagine. Something like Myst takes up only 4 of the 461 blocks, so I guess it's not too bad, depending on what you play. I like how files differ in size instead of everything taking up a block a la PSX.
Thanks for the info, sir.
I was hit with the Pokemon bug again! It started when I was browsing fanfiction.net like I usually do when I looked in this one guy's profile and saw he had a Pokemon fic as a favorite. Now long ago when I started reading fanfiction I stayed away from the pokemon ones because they were written by ten year olds who did not know how to write but wrote them anyway, so I mostly stayed in the Inu yasha, Ranma, Naruto and Bleach sections. Anyway i tried it out and it turned out to be decent and not kidish but more mature. That fic started the whole thing so now Im downloading the 500+ episodes I haven't seen so I can catch up with the story. Im waiting for my next paycheck so I can buy a DS and get the games Diamond and Pearl. I want to catch them all! Luckily I don't have any interest in collectiong the cards.
Now if you would excuse me Im going to look for some misty hentai.
Pokemon Gold, Silver, Leaf Green, Fire Red (emulators)
Wow, it's been a while. I haven't done anything too old school for a while is the main reason. I just got a swell 60$ haul at Best Buy including Assassin's Creed PS3, Ratchet and Clank up your Arsenal, Sly Cooper 2 and 3 and No More Heroes.
What's funny is, they forgot to charge my copy of NMH (not complaining here), the cashier was a bit of a ditz, it was 20 dollars anyway.
Oh and have to do my awesome bit of hardcore fighting game recommendations here. I saw KoF XI for 9.99 at Best Buy, if you haven't picked it up, now's a good time. Also, Fatal Fury Battle Archives 2. Featuring the EXCELLENT Real Bout Series (Real Bout Special ranks up there as one of my favorite fighters, and overall best 16 bit games of all time, definitely). Been playing my import copy of KoF 98 Ultimate Match too, really great, too bad we won't see it until next year.
I have a WHOLE ton of games in my playlist now. I would get FFIV for the DS, except my little brother is letting me borrow FFIII DS, which I haven't played yet. I'm really proud of him, he's really come into his own as a gamer. Showing me incredible skill in Metroid Zero Mission with those hard as hell, tricky Speed Booster jumps (I'm talking about those ones you do in Chozodia for those familiar with the game)
Anyway, to prepare for MM9, I'm tackling all the oldschool MM games via the Anniversary collection. I beat MM1 Tuesday and MM2 last night. The rest will be a cakewalk. MM1, MAN what a bitch that was, but if you can get past Guts Man, Ice Man, and the Yellow Devil, you're pretty much in the clear. And MM2, I had to worry about having no E-Tanks for the final Dr. Wily fight. The alien part is easy, the cheap as hell UFO part after beating the Robot Masters again, THAT'S hard.
I r Sort old-skoolin! Been playing FFIV DS, and it's preeettyyy. ^_^
Makes me a happy camper, when I pry myself away from my MMOs. XD
I've been having fun with the classics on Xbox Live's arcade.
Think Contra, a couple of Sonic games, Metal Slug 3, Golden Axe, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night etc...
The selection is pretty small compared to the Wii's, but as much as I like the Wii's classic controller, extended play makes my hand go slighty numb. It's just that little bit too small for my big giant man-hands. ;D
I'd almost forgotten just how fun Contra was... ;!
Truly, FFIV is a game of unspeakable power if it can tear you away from MMOs. This proves it. :p
In not so old skool news, I bought myself a PS3. I was planning on waiting a bit before buying one, but I was informed that the backwards compatible models were being discontinued, so I had to make sure I picked up one of those. I'd be suicidal if I couldn't play FFT anymore. I was originally dissapointed with the PS3, but at E3, I saw a lot of great games coming out for it and as all my friends around here have Xboxes, I figured I may as well go for it. Wiis are great, but even I crave a graphic whoring game from time to time. It's going to be an expensive Fall though. Mercenaries 2, The Force Unleashed, Dead Space, Fallout, Little Big Planet, Valkyria Chronicles, etc. My wallet will hurt. ;!
In old skool news, Shining Force 3 will arrive in a few days time and when it does, I'll be dropping everything to play it. I can't wait. :D
Resident Evil (Saturn)
Devil May Cry 4 (PS3)
Son of a bitch! I can never get that damn game on ebay cheap, and I'm pretty sure if I got a US version it may not workie.. you guys go NTSC, we got PAL down here ;_; Even with the region-switch on the back of the Saturn I'm not so sure it does the refresh rates, think the Japs run on PAL too I cant really recall..
Guess I'll always have ye'ol SF1 & 2 ROMs to fall back on for that turn-based marvel.
On that note, the sprites in the battle sequences really give the old FF's a run for their money aye? got idle animations and the magic visuals when you cast shit is trippy o.o whole field fades to their respective colours. So I am eager to hear your feedback on this Shining Force 3. As old as it is you never see it around, heh, gem in the rough.
CP: I borked up my Save State in FFIV Advance so I reverted back to a manual save I made long before I owned Zeromus. So in this new Save State I encountered some Mind Flayers in hopes of a Flayer summon dorp item, reloading the state at the start of the battle still leaves the random % chance of items being dropped. I've had many many Gold Hourglasses / Hi-Potions but no Flayer summonz. ;_;
You won't get it cheap. Disks without cases go for at least $50 USD. I paid $110 plus shipping for my copy (with a case and manual, or so it says), so you can bet I'll be telling you how it is when I get it.
Good Saturn games aren't cheap. Dragon Force goes for about $100 USD for a complete version and all the Panzer Dragoon games are pricey. Trilogy sets of the latter can easily go for over $300 and be a not bad price compared to buying each individually. I'm not sure how bad the first two are individually, but Panzer Dragoon Saga can easily go for $200 or so on its own. I nearly got my hands on all 3 for about $230 USD, but some twat outbid me by about $2.50. Mind you, considering I was forced to buy a PS3 earlier than I had anticipated, it was probably for the best. Still, I'll probably never find them for that cheap again.
Well, I was going to wait until someone else posted before relaying the scoop on SF3, but it's been over a month, so screw it, I'll double post. :P
Shining Force 3, simply put, is reason enough to buy a Saturn. It really is one of the best games I have ever played. Granted, I'm a bit biased as I'm a complete Shining Force fanboy, but nonetheless, this game is a gem. The only issue to state is that you will be unsatisfied with the ending. The game is the first of a three part trinity revolving around this story, but only the first scenario was ever translated (Sega should be destroyed for this). The only way to play the others is via import and let me tell you, it's annoying as hell trying to read a script on my laptop while playing on the Saturn. At any rate, despite the cut off, great game. Shining force 2 is still my favourite, but this was definitely worth the $100 I paid.
In other gaming, virtual console has had a great month. Ys I and II, Megaman and Super Mario RPG have all graced my little white box and I couldn't be happier. I just finished Resident Evil: Code Veronica for PS2 and have started another file on Resident Evil 4. I'm also thinking of starting a Breath of Fire II file as well.
I have a lot on my plate. I don't know what I'm going to do come fall when the onslaught of great looking games come out. Fallout, Force Unleashed, Little Big Planet, Dead Space, etc, etc. ;!
Shining Force 3: Scenario 2 (Saturn)
Resident Evil 4 (Wii)
Ys I and II (Wii: PC Engine)
Super Mario RPG (Wii: SNES)
Resistance: Fall of Man (PS3)
GYAHAHAHAHHAAAA! Void crossovers okay? Can I have thrown someone into the Void without any hope of them escaping???
No but in all seriousness, malevolence is my middle name. I strive for some sort of way to achieve a way of even more power. However, working for it is hardly my game...
We all, of course, want control served to us on a silver platter, but none of us wish to pull a few strings to get it. I do. I hardly do anything on my own. However, gluttony s hardly my strong suit either...:lol:
I apologize. I should have read.
Eh >_> there was a post but it was flamebait, deleted, etc.
In related news, since I been offline for the last month or so (occasional visit to parents place to use their DSL on my laptop, oh lawdy the quality is horrid) and in such, 99% of my gaming has been restricted to OFFLINE stuff ;_;. Needless to say I played through SW: Knights of the Old Republic 2 a few times over, experimenting w/ new characters, etc. Dont need to look at the guides anymore to go through the dialog and gain influence w/ other guys in team, heh. Been a mix of ye'ol Oblivion and *ALOT* of ROMs..
Must admit to alot of Theme Park lately, Genesis version. It gets surprisingly addictive once you start making heaps of money and design some frickin hardcore park, lol.
Saturn needs a new battery too ;_; down to the store tomorrow.
CP: Just got back online!
Needs moar Hentai,
Then we game on~
I've been playing through FFIVDS!
*gasp* I know, I pulled my head out of my MMO's to an extent. I also played SoulCalibur4 the other night over at a friend's house. OMFG is that game ever gorgeous. I'm SEVERELY disappointed however in the story mode in it this time. And I'm talking like disgusted disappointed. It's withstandable, but could have been SO much freaking better.
FFIVDS tho... <3
Even if I did have to use 2 Elixirs to beat Lugae's second form and then pray like hell while taking out the Attack Node on the CPU....
I'm posting because ZRO came out of the black hole he has been living for the past like 2 years lol. Stop playing WoW dude that game is boring, at least for me, that game lost any fun long long long time ago. Now War Hammer is gonna be sick but lets not talk about that. FFXI was fun though.
and hey to The Dawezy and Jin/Jarad.
It hasn't been THAT long since I posted last. D:
And as for WoW, I play it because I got burnt out and/or irritated as hell at FFXI. Besides, my druid is fun, and if I get tired of playing her one way, I turn around and try her out a different way. XD
oh my that sounds dirty. >.<;
I'm still repeat playin FFVAdv. Also playin FF Anthology that includes V and VI! :lol:
Hey exdeath, can you do me a favor and stop posting in this thread? You still have not properly asked to join. You can not just resume posting here randomly, and on top of that, post with spam. >_>;
You have to post more than just a play list. Your apology post was also kind of uncalled for, as that could have easily been sent as a Private Message or a Visitor Message.
I don't expect to have to tell you this again, so if you want to keep posting in this thread, properly ask to join and wait to be accepted or denied; and as the first post dictates, if you're denied, then that's that and stop posting in here. >_>;