Well, since nobody else is going to say anything and because what I've seen of you is cult material, I'm going to say yes, you can join, pending the customary quiz that Cesar or Dawezy gives whenever they decide to get around to it. I'm too...tired now. ;! Until then, you can at least act like you're a member.
Holy crap, so for some reason the EB near me has Littlebigplanet on retail today instead of Tuesday when it's supposed to come out. I can't get access to the online servers yet (which I'm really hoping is simply because they're not online yet due to the aforementioned), but even the single player stint is helluva fun (helluva is apparently an actual word that doesn't get the red line of misspelling under it...huh). It's too bad that Fallout is out on Tuesday, because I'll be spending all my time with that instead of this awesome game, but I'll have to come back to it at some point to check the awesome network stuff.
Little Big Planet (PS3)
Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Wii:N64)
Morrowind (PC)