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Thread: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!

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  1. #1
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! ZRO's Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    Parkersburg, WV, USA
    I r Sort old-skoolin! Been playing FFIV DS, and it's preeettyyy. ^_^

    Makes me a happy camper, when I pry myself away from my MMOs. XD

  2. #2
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Jin's Avatar
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    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ZRO View Post
    I r Sort old-skoolin! Been playing FFIV DS, and it's preeettyyy. ^_^

    Makes me a happy camper, when I pry myself away from my MMOs. XD
    Truly, FFIV is a game of unspeakable power if it can tear you away from MMOs. This proves it.

    In not so old skool news, I bought myself a PS3. I was planning on waiting a bit before buying one, but I was informed that the backwards compatible models were being discontinued, so I had to make sure I picked up one of those. I'd be suicidal if I couldn't play FFT anymore. I was originally dissapointed with the PS3, but at E3, I saw a lot of great games coming out for it and as all my friends around here have Xboxes, I figured I may as well go for it. Wiis are great, but even I crave a graphic whoring game from time to time. It's going to be an expensive Fall though. Mercenaries 2, The Force Unleashed, Dead Space, Fallout, Little Big Planet, Valkyria Chronicles, etc. My wallet will hurt.

    In old skool news, Shining Force 3 will arrive in a few days time and when it does, I'll be dropping everything to play it. I can't wait.

    Resident Evil (Saturn)
    Devil May Cry 4 (PS3)
    Last edited by Jin; 07-28-2008 at 07:28 AM.

    Until now!

  3. #3
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jin View Post
    In old skool news, Shining Force 3 will arrive in a few days time and when it does, I'll be dropping everything to play it. I can't wait.
    Son of a bitch! I can never get that damn game on ebay cheap, and I'm pretty sure if I got a US version it may not workie.. you guys go NTSC, we got PAL down here ;_; Even with the region-switch on the back of the Saturn I'm not so sure it does the refresh rates, think the Japs run on PAL too I cant really recall..

    Guess I'll always have ye'ol SF1 & 2 ROMs to fall back on for that turn-based marvel.

    On that note, the sprites in the battle sequences really give the old FF's a run for their money aye? got idle animations and the magic visuals when you cast shit is trippy o.o whole field fades to their respective colours. So I am eager to hear your feedback on this Shining Force 3. As old as it is you never see it around, heh, gem in the rough.

    CP: I borked up my Save State in FFIV Advance so I reverted back to a manual save I made long before I owned Zeromus. So in this new Save State I encountered some Mind Flayers in hopes of a Flayer summon dorp item, reloading the state at the start of the battle still leaves the random % chance of items being dropped. I've had many many Gold Hourglasses / Hi-Potions but no Flayer summonz. ;_;



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