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Thread: Smoking

  1. #61
    Warrior Ninja Smoking Led Zeppelin's Avatar
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    Im also a non smoker... I keep coughing if someone is smoking right next to me because it irritates my throat and makes it feel all scratchy >.>...I don't really mind people that do smoke though as long as you're not right next to me and all because the fumes of the cigarette is really harmful towards other peoples health including your own...

    I also don't like it when people smoke in the car especially if they have small children with them... I get stuck with it sometimes and you feel trapped by the fumes because it just stays in the car and you can't get out of it... I would never jump out of a moving car to avoid it since it'd probably hurt... But even if the window is down next to you it still stays in the car and makes you feel sick after sometime...

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean View Post
    Every time I quit smoking I get more than just a nicotine craving, I get a craving for everything involved in smoking. The inhaling and exhaling, the movement of the cigarette to and fro my lips, and then the effect nicotine has on the brain...

    I've quit for a day, then gone back for a day, then quit for two, then back for a week, then quit for 3.... I haven't stayed consistent in quitting because my resolve fades after a few days, I always lose track of the reason which I'm trying to quit, which by this point... I don't have one, besides the fact I'm dating a nonsmoker atm.
    Well Sean hanging out with people who don't smoke can help since they won't influence you into it :]... Another thing is that Nicorette gum it could help with the craving and it's less harmful to your health... And if you really like the feeling of moving a cigarette to and from your lips you can maybe try buying those Pop Eye candy it might help since it has the same shape but it's just candy =D... That's not guaranteed though >.> I hope though if you really want to stop that you become successful it's a hard path to try and quit once you've started but it's managable just will take sometime (:
    Last edited by Led Zeppelin; 05-31-2009 at 11:55 AM.

  2. #62
    I will finish the hunt Smoking Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    I just quit smoking cold turkey April 19th. 2009 at 11:30..exactly one hour before my wedding. LOL I still crave it so bad. I never could imagine myself living like this. Constantly wanting a smoke. I hear no matter how long it's been you always crave a cigarette. I believe it !!
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  3. #63
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesevixen View Post
    I just quit smoking cold turkey April 19th. 2009 at 11:30..exactly one hour before my wedding. LOL I still crave it so bad. I never could imagine myself living like this. Constantly wanting a smoke. I hear no matter how long it's been you always crave a cigarette. I believe it !!
    My mother quit 24 years ago and she said she quit having cravings after four months.

    My dad just stopped smoking, because he has shadows over both lungs and is in and out of hospital for them now. This was caused by smoking, and a good incentive to stop. He says he hasn't craved it at all because he fears more for his life now.

    My grandmother died due to smoking related illnesses.

    My auntie is also heading down the same route.

    I also knew another man who died two years ago from a similar illness, all because of smoking.

    Hopefully, this will scare you enough to give you a better lookout to continue down the smoke-free path.

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  4. #64
    Registered User Smoking streaml1ned's Avatar
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    I've tried quitting a couple of times but it never worked. I turn bi-polar when I do it I swear! I tried using gum, patches and other "home remedies" but I cant seem to kick the habit.

    As for smoking around other people, I try and keep it to a minimum. I figure they don't smoke so why should I be around them when I do? I know it may sound hypocritical but I tell people never to start smoking. Even when they ask me for a cigarette and it would be their first one. I know its their choice but I have refused some people because I know they don't know the long term effects that cigarettes cause.

    If I could change the past, I would have never have took that first cigarette. I'll quit some day but I'm trying to smoke a lot less for now. One day at a time I guess.

  5. #65
    Tsuna Feesh Smoking Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    My dad quit so many years ago, and it was for one of the most bittersweet moment. My oldest sister was born, and one day, my dad was holding her in his arms. He lit a cigarette, and he began to smoke. Then, he heard my sister coughing. He thought that she was coughing due to the smoke that the cigarette was giving off. So my dad didn't want to hurt and suffocate my sister, and he just quit like that.

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  6. #66
    Registered User Smoking streaml1ned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feyz View Post
    My dad quit so many years ago, and it was for one of the most bittersweet moment. My oldest sister was born, and one day, my dad was holding her in his arms. He lit a cigarette, and he began to smoke. Then, he heard my sister coughing. He thought that she was coughing due to the smoke that the cigarette was giving off. So my dad didn't want to hurt and suffocate my sister, and he just quit like that.
    Not to shatter your bittersweet moment but what in the hell was your dad doing smoking around a newborn infant? That's just wrong IMO...
    Last edited by streaml1ned; 06-07-2009 at 11:58 AM.

  7. #67
    The Final Fantasy's Offical Emo Smoking Lithium's Avatar
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    Myself, I was a smoker. (Yes I'm only 15, get over it)
    It just made me feel really good, considering I was going through a tough break-up.
    But after about 3 days of doing it, I stopped right on the spot.
    No one told me the withdrawls were as bad as they were.
    OMG I felt like I was going to die!
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  8. #68
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    I personally am trying to cut back again in preperation to quit, I want to be done with it for good by the first week in December. I have reason enough to quit with out 100 people throwing other reasons at me.

    Alot of non smokers do not understand it is not something you can just do over night because after 10 years of smoking it takes alot. It takes proper motivation to actually want to quit and it is a choice that one makes for themselves not one that another can make for you.

    The thing that gets me is when a nonsmoker walks up to a smoker then looks discusted an starts coughing and acting like a fool and that the smoker is in the wrong when they knowingly walked up on a smoker in the first place. It is even more insulting when they drag their kids through it and have them cough.
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  9. #69
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    I personally am trying to cut back again in preperation to quit, I want to be done with it for good by the first week in December. I have reason enough to quit with out 100 people throwing other reasons at me.

    Alot of non smokers do not understand it is not something you can just do over night because after 10 years of smoking it takes alot. It takes proper motivation to actually want to quit and it is a choice that one makes for themselves not one that another can make for you.

    The thing that gets me is when a nonsmoker walks up to a smoker then looks discusted an starts coughing and acting like a fool and that the smoker is in the wrong when they knowingly walked up on a smoker in the first place. It is even more insulting when they drag their kids through it and have them cough.
    My dads' quitting actually did happen overnight... And that was because they told him he'd die if he continued, it literally scared the habit out of him. And he says he hasn't had one cigarette since (which I believe, because he used to reek of that horrible stuff whenever he came home). I think it's feasible enough, to be honest. And he smoked for 32 years out of 56. Not to say everybody can do that... I understand where you're coming from, but sometimes I think it takes the threat of death by smoking to get some people to stop.

    One thing about your post bothered me a little.

    My sister is a severe astmatic. When she walks up a highstreet, sometimes she can't help but pass a smoker, and it does make her cough. She has astmatic attacks due to smokers in the streets. Please don't try to say that everybody just false coughs because there's a smoker around; she has an actual problem that she can't help. I'm glad they've banned smoking in buildings at least; now she doesn't have to come home from work early because she's exhausted from coughing and breathing fits.

    I'm glad to hear you're cutting back!

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  10. #70
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Smoking RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by streaml1ned View Post
    I've tried quitting a couple of times but it never worked. I turn bi-polar when I do it I swear! I tried using gum, patches and other "home remedies" but I cant seem to kick the habit.
    That's probably cause you lose a certain habit which gives you something to hold on to. (Which is why most people don't know what to do with themselves when they don't have their cigarettes anymore.)

    Of course the nicotine doesn't make it easier to quit, but I'm talking about your state of mind when you have actually quit.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  11. #71
    Registered User Smoking streaml1ned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RagnaToad View Post
    That's probably cause you lose a certain habit which gives you something to hold on to. (Which is why most people don't know what to do with themselves when they don't have their cigarettes anymore.)

    Of course the nicotine doesn't make it easier to quit, but I'm talking about your state of mind when you have actually quit.
    I think its not just nicotine. I think it also has to do with the "oral" fixation that most people have a problem with. I know I do.
    Last edited by streaml1ned; 06-07-2009 at 11:59 AM.

  12. #72
    Insanity is a girls best friend. Smoking Fearless's Avatar
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    Cigarettes are the spawn of Satan.
    I know this because I am friends with Satan.

    But seriously, my sister smokes and I can barely get in the car with her. Her excuse is that if she doesn't smoke she'll snap and have anger issues.
    And my Dad smokes, though not as much as my sister.
    I keep telling them they should quit, but they just make excuses.
    Thank god, my brother just quit.
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  13. #73
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    My dads' quitting actually did happen overnight... And that was because they told him he'd die if he continued, it literally scared the habit out of him. And he says he hasn't had one cigarette since (which I believe, because he used to reek of that horrible stuff whenever he came home). I think it's feasible enough, to be honest. And he smoked for 32 years out of 56. Not to say everybody can do that... I understand where you're coming from, but sometimes I think it takes the threat of death by smoking to get some people to stop.
    I think the better choice would be a "life changing event" not limited to "threat of death". Generally in these style instances it makes one more prone to want to quit smoking. And with the motivation of one of these events behind them it makes it a tad bit easier.

    One thing about your post bothered me a little.

    My sister is a severe astmatic. When she walks up a highstreet, sometimes she can't help but pass a smoker, and it does make her cough. She has astmatic attacks due to smokers in the streets. Please don't try to say that everybody just false coughs because there's a smoker around; she has an actual problem that she can't help. I'm glad they've banned smoking in buildings at least; now she doesn't have to come home from work early because she's exhausted from coughing and breathing fits.
    Ah you mistook what I was trying to say and maybe I should of been more clearer. I understand that some people do have coughs around smoke seeing I had asthma at one time in my life I know what you are talking about. I was refering to the parents that teach their children that is something they should do. I did not beleive this was happening until one of my friends told me he had trained his child to do so and that he had other friends that did so also. That is the kind of instance that I am refering too.

    Another instance that could be used is someone walking through a known smoke hole and bitching about the smoke and griping that it needs to be shut down. Or when you are at a supermarket standing off the beaten path taking a quick smoke break and someone walks across the parking lot avvoiding the 50+ feet of sidewalk space to walk by and make a sny remark. Beleive it or not this happens quite often to me.

    I'm glad to hear you're cutting back!
    Thanks I know my dead line is still far away but I want to have time just incase I need it.

    Cigarettes are the spawn of Satan.
    I know this because I am friends with Satan.
    Really, I am sitting here with him right now smoke in red 100 and he has no clue who the hell you are.

    But seriously, my sister smokes and I can barely get in the car with her. Her excuse is that if she doesn't smoke she'll snap and have anger issues.
    And my Dad smokes, though not as much as my sister.
    I keep telling them they should quit, but they just make excuses.
    Thank god, my brother just quit
    Seriously give them time, they will have to quit on their own accord. I don't know them but when someone nags at me about quiting it makes me want to light up another one.
    Last edited by Meier Link; 06-02-2009 at 07:26 PM.
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

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  14. #74
    I will finish the hunt Smoking Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    I didn't quit because I feared anything. I quit because I wanted to start feeling better. I wanted to breathe out of both my nostrils again, have more energy, and stop getting sick all the time. Smoking WAS NOT enjoyable at all to me. In fact it was quite the opposite. At times it made me dizzy, and so tired I could barely get up from a sitting position. It was not fear in any way. Smoking was truly pure was a habit and had a sexual appeal to me.

    There are so many things in this world that will eventually kill us. the air we breathe, the soda we drink, the steaks we enjoy....anything and everything kills us. It's natural....our bodies are meant to wear down, and everything we do helps that along. I believe everything in moderation is the key to happiness. I don't want to care if someone doesn't approve of my smoking, or drinking....I just want to live my own life regardless of anyone else. As long as those things do not control you they are perfectly OK to indulge in every once in awhile. Although, like an alcoholic I cannot have just one cigarettes. It is morally wrong for me to let such a trivial connection to a overwhelming action have so much control over my life. I suggest people drink, smoke, enjoy red meat, have that piece of chocolate, and just live, but never let anything own you.
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  15. #75
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Amen to that last post.
    I'll do whatever I like and won't mind others doing the same.
    Yes, it's selfish and all, but I think those who point out the selfishness of others when they cannot see it in themselves are selfish in an even worse way. Regardless of reasoning, that shit ain't cool.

    Also I love the taste of Captain Black. Both of the varieties we get here. =D
    Yeah it'll likely attribute to my death, but death's not that big a deal to me and I like both the taste AND the burning feeling in my lungs beats that freezing feeling I feel on late night shifts, especially at this time of year down here.
    victoria aut mors

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