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Thread: Smoking

  1. #1


    What is your favorite brand... Are you a smoker or are you a social smoker or are you a non smoker share your thoughts here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  2. #2
    Registered User Smoking winterborn86's Avatar
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    I haven't smoked for 5 years now, but when i did, i was a social smoker always in the pub with a cigarette in one hand and and a glass of whisky in the other lol.

    I was only smoking for about a year but i had to stop cos smoking made me feel sick all the time, as for the brands i just smoked what i could get, i didn't have ID back then so i gave money to other people to get cigarettes for me, and just had whatever they came back with.

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  3. #3
    Banned Smoking Jesus Christ's Avatar
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    I've been smoking since I was 16. Pretty heavily.

    Favorite brand is Players, or the illegal smokes you get off the native reserves in bags of 200 for $25 bucks if you know the right people.

  4. #4
    Air from my lungs. Smoking Violet's Avatar
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    I'm against smoking. If someone wants to smoke, fine, but I'd prefer not around me as I'd be second-hand smoking. If any of my friends or people I loved and cared about smoked, I'd try to get them off it as well. See, it's not an urban myth that you can die from Cancer if you smoke. It's happened, and it's happened a lot. Some may be immune to that, but not everyone is that lucky.. you can get it in the later years of your life if you haven't gotten it yet.

  5. #5
    I dont smoke and never will if I can help it My mum used to smoke and so did my older sister, but they both quit ages ago. My dad still smokes, but he's trying to give up too, so Ive been encouraged not to start for my whole life XD
    ~I just keep on laughing, hiding the tears in my eyes~

  6. #6
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    My dad smokes and the smell of it makes me utterly sick. Not only that, but female smokers look even tackier than male smokers do, and I don't really want to embarrass myself like that... I'd be ashamed to see people I know smoking and would probably pretend not to know them until they chucked that cancerstick away.
    Call it childish, but I don't need anymore health difficulties.

    The smell and second hand smoking is disgusting, and death via smoking runs down both sides of my family. (Mothers' mum, fathers' brother, fathers' sister is currently dying due to smoking.)

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  7. #7
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I can't stand smoking. Lots of people at school used to smoke around the back of the PE block at break and lunch, and they'd always stink of it. No matter how much perfume or gum they chewed would stop them from stinking like fags. I don't know what brand they smoked, but it stunck worse than most brands too. My friend has a few a day - maybe one or two. But its still very bad for you, no matter how much you smoke.

    My mum and step-dad both smoke. Its... sad that they need to smoke to be relaxed, or in a sociable mood. Yeah, your relaxed and sociable, but is it worth it if you know its going to kill you? Ha, my mum smokes and really shouts at me if I only joke about the idea of me smoking. I don't get it: if its THAT bad, then why do you do it in the first place?

    My mums friends mum smokes more than a few packets a day, and... Well. She just looks so tiny, and ill. Smoking has pretty much taken her already - shes been in and out more times than I've had hot dinners in the last few years. She says she doesn't care, which to me is a little selfish - think of all the people you are going to leave and upset. No one wants to die by that kind of choice.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  8. #8
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Yes I smoke and I smoke way more then I should. Right now I have cut back to 3/4 of a pack a day. Heck its better then the pack and a half I was smoking a few months ago and the 2 packs a year ago. So yes I want to say "I am a social smoker" but there I do not fit. So in turn to your second question (actually your first) Malboro Red 100s, the ultimant cowboy killer...
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  9. #9
    Just kind of there. Smoking Calvan's Avatar
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    Well. I quit smoking at the start of this year and have been tobacco free for 7 months now.

    But back when i did i used to chain smoke Marlboros(Yay cowboy killers!). Smooth shorts and Red 100s. usually back to back or a the same time.

    (I feel healthier since i quit. )
    Last edited by Calvan; 08-04-2008 at 10:24 AM.
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    And then just like that i'm gone again.

  10. #10
    Tsuna Feesh Smoking Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    I'm still young, but I will never smoke. Not only is it bad for you, but the smell is just horrible! Thankfully, no one in my family smokes because they're all against it. I don't know how people can put up with that awful smell! When someone around me smokes, I get far away as possible!

  11. #11
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thief View Post
    I'm still young, but I will never smoke. Not only is it bad for you, but the smell is just horrible! Thankfully, no one in my family smokes because they're all against it. I don't know how people can put up with that awful smell! When someone around me smokes, I get far away as possible!
    Yeah, my mum banned my dad from smoking in the house, which I'm grateful for! He smokes about tweleve a day and he always stinks! Not only that, but his teeth were brown from tar and long-term alcohol use. After he gave up alcohol, he's taken more care of his teeth, but he still needs them bleached if he wants to get rid of the yellow/browny tar crap jammed up them. Yuuuck!

    Smoking is banned in a lot of places here, thankfully.

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  12. #12
    Smoking Cearo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    Yes I smoke and I smoke way more then I should. Right now I have cut back to 3/4 of a pack a day. Heck its better then the pack and a half I was smoking a few months ago and the 2 packs a year ago. So yes I want to say "I am a social smoker" but there I do not fit. So in turn to your second question (actually your first) Malboro Red 100s, the ultimant cowboy killer...
    Ahhhh..... a guy after my own heart... or should a say with the same lungs as me? Either way, Yes, I smoke, bout half to 3/4 a pack a day, sometimes less, sometimes more... depends on if I'm drunk or in the process of getting there.... Marlboro 100's baby... that's flavor country... and coincidentally, my arch-nemisis in the FF realms.... damn over grown plants with bad breath...
    It's ok.... I know I still rock...
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  13. #13
    Sir Prize Smoking Sinister's Avatar
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    I quit smoking about two months ago. But see, saying something like that poses a problem... Saying I've quit implies that I will not smoke in the future. I generally smoke perhaps a pack of cigarettes once a year. I tend to quit for large periods of time until I feel compelled, either by a fit of ill humor or by fancy, to buy a packet and enjoy.

    Smoking is something that should be practiced lightly if at all. For people who inhale those noxious fumes day in and day out for as long as a year, are cutting their lives down by pieces.

    BUT, I do LOVE a tin of Latakia Turkish Rollcake tobacco with a little hint of Perique stuffed into pipe and smoked. A cigar once every two or three years isn't bad. But the bread and butter of this bad habit of mine is just a pack of Djarum Blacks. Light them in frustrating or trying times and they breeze you right through with a nice spicy taste that doesn't smell like a Men's bathroom.


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  14. #14
    Just kind of there. Smoking Calvan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thief View Post
    I'm still young, but I will never smoke. Not only is it bad for you, but the smell is just horrible! Thankfully, no one in my family smokes because they're all against it. I don't know how people can put up with that awful smell! When someone around me smokes, I get far away as possible!
    I never noticed said smell till after i quit. I agree. And you can smell it from the other end of the house.

    Oh yes i forgot to mention my current brand is mary jaynes. They make you float. ;3
    Last edited by Calvan; 08-04-2008 at 12:04 PM.
    -My Tee Eff Eff Family-
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    And then just like that i'm gone again.

  15. #15
    Smoking Cearo's Avatar
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    The things you notice without the scent present eh? Kinda understand, we don't smoke in the house anymore, but my grandmother occasionally walks through with one, and it does kinda reek...
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  16. #16
    Bananarama Smoking Pete's Avatar
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    I don't touch cigarettes. Not a fan of the smell at all. Plus, with the whole inhaling deal, not so much my thing.

    Cigars on the other hand; I'm a big fan of cigars, especially after a fine night of drinking. We usually go cheap and get Phillies or some Black n Mild's. We'll light em up and walk around Central Park South, by the Plaza Hotel, looking like assholes. It's good fun.

    One other thing that's just great is hookah/ shisha. It's flavored tobacco smoked through a filtered water pipe. It's delicious, but probably worse for you than cigarettes, tobacco-wise. However, compared to cigs, you're getting only flavor- cured tobacco and no rat poison or arsenic or whatever's in cigs. It's incredibly relaxing and gives you a little headrush, which is pretty nice once in a blue moon.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  17. #17
    I'm a chain smoker.
    I only smoke Kool XL Milds.
    I've been smoking for about 3 years now.
    And I've tried to quit multiple times.
    Never seems to work.
    But I've come to realize that I was only trying to quit because other people wanted me to.
    But smoking is something that I wanna do.
    It passes the time.
    And gives me something to do when I'm bored.
    [CENTER]<img src="" ></a>

  18. #18
    right o my friend...Right o

    I smoke not alot but not a little i like lucky strike unfiltered or camel unfiltered that gets my gears going..

    Take a break from work.. smoke...

    Beat a part in a game or keep on dying what do ya do...smoke...
    Drink all night and smoke some herb what do you do after that...smoke...

    Its a great way to pass the time like my friend above me says and i don't mind it much.. I like the smell... man i wish i could smoke in resturants... Damn hippy Arcata...CA

    MMMM nevada is nice smoking i would love to blow smoke into some poor saps face while he's eating I would say SUCKKAAAA!!!
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  19. #19
    Godsmack Worshipper Smoking Omega Weapon's Avatar
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    Lived by the rules you that you gave me and fell apart. All the wrong turns down a dead end street so far. I stretched my wings and breath in different day. Alone and broken is the price I pay but that's ok...
    I have nothing against smokers but I always hated being around cigarette smoke as a child so I am one of those who don't smoke and always will be. Can someone please tell me how does smoking will benefit me? Ruin my health? Have bad breath? Burn my lungs? Cancer? No thanks! I want to live a long and healthy life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Changrules
    Its a great way to pass the time like my friend above me says and i don't mind it much.. I like the smell... man i wish i could smoke in resturants... Damn hippy Arcata...CA
    Haha, and a great way to kill yourself slowly!

    V @Changrules: Will you please shut up and get a life, already?

    EDIT 2:
    V @Jesus Christ: Who the **** cares if you believe me or not? You think I am lying? Fine, I am ok with that, Now beat it.
    Last edited by Omega Weapon; 08-05-2008 at 04:28 AM.

  20. #20
    Atleast i will die doing something i enjoy right??

    I'm not shoving fags in your face right???

    haha I thought so you chocobo brush
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  21. #21
    Banned Smoking Jesus Christ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demon Hunter View Post
    V @Changrules: Will you please shut up and get a life, already?
    Sounds like you do have a problem with smokers. Liar.

  22. #22
    Tsuna Feesh Smoking Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    Well, most people are against smoking after all. It's bad for your health and bad for the people who are around you. What about you, JC?

  23. #23
    Smoking Cearo's Avatar
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    Be nice people... this is supposed to be a conversation / discussion... not flinging insults or names at one another....
    It's ok.... I know I still rock...
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  24. #24
    Banned Smoking Jesus Christ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thief View Post
    Well, most people are against smoking after all. It's bad for your health and bad for the people who are around you. What about you, JC?
    I already posted in this thread. Like, the second or third post. So go read it if you want to know.

    I just found it funny how people go "Oh, I don't really have a problem with smokers themselves" when that's exactly what they have a problem with. I could care less if they do, but come on, at least ****ing admit it without trying to be all "progressive" and accepting through lying about it.

  25. #25
    Smoking Cearo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jesus Christ View Post
    I already posted in this thread. Like, the second or third post. So go read it if you want to know.

    I just found it funny how people go "Oh, I don't really have a problem with smokers themselves" when that's exactly what they have a problem with. I could care less if they do, but come on, at least ****ing admit it without trying to be all "progressive" and accepting through lying about it.
    Nobody should ever have to lie to seem cool, but it happens, and alot... what can be said. You gotta get over it and realize that as long as there is free will, people will be "progressive" and act as such.
    It's ok.... I know I still rock...
    <table border="0" align=center><tr><td valign="top"><b><a href=""><img src="" border=0 align=left hspace=12 alt="Which Final Fantasy 8 Character Are You?"></a></b></td><td width="100%"><p><font face="Arial" size="2"><b>You are Squall! </b><br>A lone wolf with the weight of the world on your shoulders, you<br>may not communicate your feelings to your friends, but you<br>are a true friend to those you are close to. In spite of your<br>hesitance to warm up to people, you're likely one hot number in<br>the eyes of the opposite sex.</font></p><p><a href=""><font face="Arial" size="2">Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here!</font></a></p></td></tr></table>

  26. #26
    Gingersnap Smoking OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Ehh. A lot of people I love and care about smoke. I still love them and want to spend time with them, but I do get a little resentful when I come home smelling like smoke and when I have to inhale it. It dries out my eyes, my skin, and it makes my throat tighten up. That, and my uncle is dead because of the habit.

    I don't mind if people smoke as much as I mind when smokers are inconsiderate of non-smokers.

    Also, Changrules, Demon Hunter... don't start.

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  27. #27
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Smoking Polk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I don't touch cigarettes. Not a fan of the smell at all. Plus, with the whole inhaling deal, not so much my thing.

    Cigars on the other hand; I'm a big fan of cigars, especially after a fine night of drinking. We usually go cheap and get Phillies or some Black n Mild's. We'll light em up and walk around Central Park South, by the Plaza Hotel, looking like assholes. It's good fun.

    One other thing that's just great is hookah/ shisha. It's flavored tobacco smoked through a filtered water pipe. It's delicious, but probably worse for you than cigarettes, tobacco-wise. However, compared to cigs, you're getting only flavor- cured tobacco and no rat poison or arsenic or whatever's in cigs. It's incredibly relaxing and gives you a little headrush, which is pretty nice once in a blue moon.
    Have you tried the Black n Mild Creams? I swear to god, like smoking a pint of half and half. Which is nicer than it sounds. And hookahs are great. The only time I've ever been to a hookah bar though (there's one right by my school), we got this strawberry stuff, and for some reason it messed me up pretty bad. I felt pretty shitty for the rest of the night and basically passed out in my bed when I got home. I enjoyed it while it was happening though.

    But back to cigarettes. I don't smoke. I enjoy the occasional cigar, though. I also have a corn cob pipe that I bought at a Pharmacy a while back. I bought it then so I could chew on it and say classy things like "Indubitably". Then a couple of friends and I decided to have a pipe night, where we just sit around and be super classy. Maybe poker. Maybe Spongebob. It depends on where the wind takes us. Aw yeahz.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  28. #28
    Tsuna Feesh Smoking Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    I hear this saying time and time again, and the more I think about it, the more I realize how true it is: "Smoking is the worst decision that a person can make in life. There are just so many sever "side-effects" that come from this one mistake. The worst would have to be death. Smoking a cigarette drains your life away. It keeps doing that as you keep smoking until you are lying down in your coffin, dead from a decision that you chose to make.
    Smoking slowly robs you of your ability to breathe; it makes your lungs "tainted." Soon after, you will have lung cancer, and they will have to cut a hole in your throat for you to breathe through. Even after this, some people continue to smoke though the hole in their throat which I think is just plain stupid! Like a other types of cancers or even deadly diseases, it will lead to an early death. What's different from lung cancer than some other types of cancer is that the other types of cancers are unpredictable; you don't know when they'll strike. However, lung cancer is one that you can cause simply by smoking. It's like a lottery ticket; more types than not, you'll lose, and if you're lucky, you'll win. In lung cancer, it'll be more times than not, you'll get lung cancer, and if you're lucky, you won't. See what I mean?
    Not only is it bad for the people who smoke, it's also bad for those around them. Second-hand smoking is just as bad. I can't stand the disgusting smell of a cigarette when it gets lit. Sometimes, I want to throw up, but I didn't. Haven't you noticed why people advise smokers to go outside when they smoke and not do it inside the house? How smokers can even stand that bitter, horrible smell that's about half a centimeter away from them in every direction, I don't know.
    Smokers smoke; that's why they are called "smokers," right? But the question here is "why?" Why did they suddenly start smoking? Was it because it seemed interesting, and they just wanted to try it once? Then did they get addicted to it and smoke endlessly? Or perhaps it was because they were bored? Maybe they had nothing better to do with their life and just decided to kill some time by smoking. Most of the time, it's because of peer pressure. Kids or teens actually encourage their fiends to smoke, and they do because they want to seem "cool." Well, here's what I say to each of those three, especially the last.
    My whole life, I have never ever seemed interested in smoking from the moment that I first experienced how bad the smoke smelled. When I get bored, do I think of smoking? Of course not; I'm not an idiot! If I get bored, I just go play something, find something to eat and relax, talk to my friends or family, or just get tired and take a little nap. I wouldn't just smoke because I wanted to kill time! Now, if my friends ever decided that it was "cool" to smoke and told me that if I wanted to hang around with them and be their friends, I would have to smoke, do you know what I would do? I would grab the cigarette box, and I would throw it straight at their faces, and then yell out, "Go get a life, you stupid idiots because I sure as hell am not stupid enough to kill myself!!" And after saying that, I would turn around, walk away, and find some friends who doesn't tell me to smoke. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind if my friends smoke, but I do mind if they tell me to smoke is I wanted to stay friends with them. If they did smoke, I would try every which way to get them to quit.
    I'm only thirteen years-old, and I don't smoke. I don't intend to either; it's an absolutely disgusting habit! People who smoke know, for a fact, that these things will happen to them sooner or later; they are inevitable. They try to quit, but most of the time, they fail. Those people are the "decent" ones. The "indecent" ones are the ones who think, "Oh, I'm going to die anyway! What's the point of not enjoying it while I still can?" At least the "decent" ones try to quit. At least they value life a little more and try to live a better life by giving up smoking!
    If you are reading this right now, and you are a smoker, please listen to what I'm about to say. Please try to be one of the "decent" people, and try to quit smoking! I know that you know how bad it is for you. Though it's really hard to quit something so addictive, at least make an attempt to. When you do, you'll thank me! I know that's it's possible because I have several family members who have succeeded in giving up smoking! By doing so, they now have a better, healthier life. Trust me, it's for the best! Don't give up, and don't become one of those "indecent" people who waste their life! I know that you can do it; I'm rooting for you!

    EDIT - Ahh! Stupid thing won't indent!
    Last edited by Fate; 03-26-2009 at 11:57 AM.

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  29. #29
    Right, boy. That post has to be one of the most patronising ****ing things I've ever read.

    Now, here's something a lot of people, and the British government, seem to fail to notice: people who smoke have brains. I know what I am doing to myself every time I light up a cigarette. I know it makes me stink, I know it's slowly turning my lungs black. I know that it is causing my skin to age far faster than it should be doing, I know it's thinning my hair. I know that it's a drain on my purse, and it's making my teeth yellow.

    But I still do it. Amber Leaf rolling tobacco, or Marlboro Red if I'm celebrating something.

    Would you like to know why I do it?

    It is because I want to. I don't need any more validation than that. I started smoking when I was 16, and I don't regret it. It relaxes me. Did you know that in the 50's doctors prescribed tobacco for stress? It really does help. My family life was spiralling out of control, I hated my school life, so I sought out the eternal combination of cigarettes and alcohol. It was that, or ****ing ketamine or something. I think I made a pretty okay choice, all things considered. These days I'm a full-time student who works 22 hours a week in an airport; smoking is both a social activity (most of my friends enjoy a rollie) and also something to take the edge off when I'm working, or doing an essay. I like it, because it makes me feel good.

    Now, one thing I never do is smoke around children. I can go for a day without a smoke if I'm babysitting, and I always stub out or move away if I'm having a cigarette and there's a child or a mother with a pram nearby. Kids shouldn't be around smoke.

    I know when I'm going to quit - it's going to be when I no longer want to smoke. I've heard stories from people who quit, and they say that for every smoker there comes a tipping point when desire comes second to need. I am watchful for that moment. I know it's not far off; recently I've been wandering more and more what life would be like if I could enjoy reading a book outside without having to smoke. It's a creeping thought.

    But not wanting to give up right now does not make me 'indecent' in any way at all. You're 13, and maybe a little too young to properly understand the reasons why a person might start smoking beyond peer pressure. I personally have never met a person who started smoking, and lasted as a smoker, because of peer pressure. Or maybe that's because I don't hang around with people who would let themselves be forced into that kind of decision.

    Smoking is a choice, a decision. It's a heavy one too. But it is completely my right to make that choice, and it is my right to smoke if I so choose. I really do like the taste of it.

    This does not mean I advise others to smoke. I don't. ****'s sake, it's not easy to cut down, or to quit. Smoking is entirely a personal choice.

    I am fed up of people telling me what to do. It's my body. I know perfectly well what I'm doing to it. I'm 19, and I can choose to do this. I will one day quit, because old women with rollups hanging from their mouths just don't look cool, and when wrinkles become a proper worry I don't want to speed up their progress. I have more important things to be concentrating on just now (like the essay I am pointedly not writing just now) than quitting.

    So, I'm off to have a fag. I've opened the window and lit the oil burner so that the house won't reek of it. There are no children present. I'm hurting nobody except myself, and nobody has the right to tell me not to do that.

    Besides which, something you are too young to understand is the after-cigarette. Now that will be hard to quit.

  30. #30
    Smoking Chickenballz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    With pixies.
    Ah, the smoke is so atmospheric! But unhealthy! What awful decisions we must face.

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