I have a predisposition to heart disease, considering that most of my dead relatives died from it, so by smoking, I would be increasing my chances of dying of heart disease as well. I'm not very suicidal, so I stay away from the stuff.
I'm a non-smoker. My family all smoke and several of my friends smoke. A few of my friends smoke something other than cigarettes. I see it as lifestyle choice. Personal preference. Some people do it, some people don't, like pretty much everything else. Nobody is better or worse, except for the irritating people who try to make everyone follow their way. That's normally former smokers and the odd non-smoker.
PSN username: Raikujaku
A meow-ed member of PRK9
I have a predisposition to heart disease, considering that most of my dead relatives died from it, so by smoking, I would be increasing my chances of dying of heart disease as well. I'm not very suicidal, so I stay away from the stuff.
I've been smoking for almost 2 years now? I am more of a social smoker but I do smoke at my house alone every now and then, maybe 2 at the most. I smoke Camel Filters since they are the best! I have taken break multiple times, since I get broke sometimes I can't buy any. It's no big deal, I don't crave them at all.
Although my parents were big smokers most of my life i have never been addicted to smoking, i have tried it but didn't see the need in it although the odd cigar back in the days didn't hurt lol.
A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
--Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.
Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.
The finer details of a signature:
First off, let me just apologize in advance because whenever I have a long, arrogant post, at least one person gets offended by it. So, in advance, I apologize if anyone found my last post or this post offensive in any or every way.
People who want to smoke are just... well... not very... smart. I mean, you are given this wonderful life, and just for some cigarettes that grant you joy, you would cut you life in smaller pieces. "Life's too precious to waste," but I feel that people who chose to smoke just because they want to already wasted a lot of it. Smoking reduces moments from your life, and it speeds up the time till you death. For someone to throw away their life is just a horrible, horrible mistake.
If a person just smokes rarely, that's way better than someone that's addicted to smoking. If, say, my Grandpa smokes a cigar every few months, that wouldn't hurt, but people who smoke every single day are killing themselves literally! When someone smokes almost or more than a pack a day, then you know that they have a problem. It may be hard to stop, but those people know, for a fact before and while they smoke, that it would destroy them.
Yet you say that you want to smoke just because. You should always think three times again about what you really want to do. The choices you make gravely affect your life. Just because you want to smoke doesn't mean you should smoke! I know that you know about all smoking does to you before you started, right? Yet you still intend on smoking. That is a terrible error.
Some of you might say that this is a bad analogy, but it really isn't. If a person gets depressed, you know that they'll think about suicide sometime. They want to kill themselves, isn't that right? But do they in the end? They might, we don't know that, but they do think about whether or not they should commit suicide. Because after the person goes through depression, they will think back about how they wanted to die, and they will regret ever thinking that. The same thing applies for smokers. I don't know if smokers ever regret smoking or not since I am not a smoker, but I do know that after they quit, they will realize how stupid they were to smoke in the first place.
Another thing you can compare this to is a person in jail. Weird, I know, but it fits. Think about it this way: a person gets really mad at someone, and that person is thinking about burning the house of whoever it is that they are mad at. Sure, they'll feel a lot better after they do it, and they might even do it again, but you know that when they get caught and end up in jail, they'll regret it. They'll regret letting their mind take over and not thinking it straight.
If a smoker is lying in his or her deathbed due to lung cancer which they caused by choosing to smoke, so you think that they'll think, "I can't believe how stupid I was! Why did I ever smoke? I knew that this would happen to me, but I didn't think about it straight. Now I'm going to die early because of a single mistake!" or do you think that they'll think, "So what? I smoked, big deal! I chose to do what I felt like, and if this is what I get, fine! I don't care; I going to die anyway, right?" I would think that most people would think or the former one.
But here's something that I want to make clear: I don't hate smokers! You might think I do after what I said, but don't get me wrong! I have family and friends who smoke, but that doesn't mean I hate them; I still love them. I don't hate the person; I hate the smoking. If my friend smokes, I wouldn't mind, but I wish that he would quit. However, if he tells me that I have to smoke to stay friends, then I would ditch him. But I would advise him to quit and help him quit. So, we got that cleared? I hate smoking, not smokers!
That's all I have to say now. I just think that smoking is a disgusting habit and a horrible decision to make, and I will never smoke. I know why you people chose to smoke in the first place, but you know that it's bad for you, don't you? Before yo get lung cancer, I would strongly advise you to stop smoking. In all honesty, I'm not trying to be rude; I'm only speaking the truth. I know that this isn't the first time that you've heard this. Once again, I apologize if anyone finds this offensive or patronizing, and once again, I am against smoking!
Thank you! -Fayt
Curiosity Conquers, So Click:
Practically everything causes cancer. Why give a damn if one more thing is increasing your chances?
Personally I don't smoke as I figure just the effects of drinking would be better than the effects of both drinking and smoking especially as I'm not exactly a casual drinker. That and I like having money for alcohol and a load of other stuff, though these days money isn't too big a concern due to my long hours at a decent hourly rate.
And though I tried smoking tobacco, it didn't do shit for me. I don't like things with negative effects that don't seem to do anything for me, so it seems kind of pointless. But that's just me. Maybe it does do something for some people and either way I couldn't give a damn. If a smoker is smoking around me, who cares? A ton of things can give a guy cancer, and being alive past 70 looks like it would suck as far as I'm concerned. Maybe I'll think differently after another milestone.
victoria aut mors
I don't smoke, I'm asthmatic and it's not what I do. End of story really.
You know I don't care about other people smoking though. As Govinda said it's people's choice and just cause someone smokes doesn't mean they're idiots. No I prefer people not to smoke in front of me but I lived in a house with my mom for 17 years who did it everyday day in and day out, so I can tolerate it. No I wouldn't want to ever live with a smoker but when people worry about lighting up in their own house or car I could care less since I'm used to it, and not totally my choice. I'm a big boy and can handle 5 minutes of a smoke near someone.
Again I don't smoke but I'm not like those psycho Truth people who are worse than smokers. Someone needs to tie them up and blow smoke right in their faces, cause since 4 I remember knowing it's bad. So deal with it and realize saying ITZ BAD isn't gonna do squat.
Okay, Fayt, maybe I should have clarified. Your post didn't offend me, it just annoyed me.
Now. I understand that smoking is a stupid habit, and that it is bad. But you're forgetting my age, and a very important part of my post.
I am 19, and I have been smoking for 3 and a half years. I am determined that I will stop before I am 26, because when I reach that age I'll have been smoking for ten years in a row, and that's just horrible. If I stop before I've been at it for 10 years, which is such a long time, my body may be able to curb back some of the negative effects before my body gets too old to recover from them.
I was on the phone to my mother the other night, and we ended up talking about smoking. Turns out she's been smoking for 32 years. That's thirty-two. That's three decades! Her mother, my grandmother, died of emphysema when she was 63; I made it clear that I don't want that end for my mother, and that I want her to stop. She's too old for it now, and she has to realise that. Well, she doesn't have to. I'd just really, really like her to. She's tried a few times before, but she's never really wanted it, so now myself, my brother, and her partner are trying to get her to want to quit.
I don't think that smoking is a life-long right. When I'm older, I might want a family; I could never, ever, ever light up while pregnant, so assuming that I do have a child one day smoking is already a passing thing. The risks of heart problems, blood problems, skin problems will all increase exponentially as I leave behind my youth and settle into adulthood. I know this, and I'll stop before it happens. Hell, I'm 20 in June, and that scares me enough; I don't want to make ageing any scarier for myself. I dread being all saggy. Ew.
But for now, I'm 19, so smoking (while a bad choice) isn't immediately killing me. Moreover, I have decided in myself that smoking is to be a thing I can only indulge in while I'm still young.
Telling a smoker that they should stop smoking is nigh-on impossible to do without pissing them off, because whichever way you choose to do it they'll get pissed off, and at the base of it you're always telling them what to do. British smokers, like me, are particularly defensive because of how our government works. Alcohol is destroying this country; and yet the government rails against tobacco (tax revenue from which more or less keeps the NHS afloat (we're charged 75% tax on all tobacco products)) like it really is the root of all evil. There are adverts on the TV, billboards, pages in magazines, that make smokers out to be these abhorrent junkies who spend their time finding children to blow smoke into the faces of. And yet, they never really make an effort to tell people not to drink. When was the last time someone said, 'Oh, sorry, I wouldn't normally fight with the guy but I'd had one too many cigs, know what I mean?' or the last time someone rammed their car into a family because they had too much nicotine in their system?
I appreciate what you were trying to do, Fayt, but at the end of the day you're a kid. I don't mean you any offence by that. Every kid, except ones who think its cool because their older siblings do it, hates smoking. I did, because I got told how crap it was in class all the time. I'm not saying you'll end up smoking, because you don't seem that way. But maybe with time you'll come to understand why, when life doesn't turn out quite how you'd planned, just wanting to do something is more than enough.
I Don't smoke, and never will what's the point of it?
It's estimated that each cigerette shorten's someones life by 14minutes.
Plus the smell when some one has been smoking is just horrible, it makes me physically sick.
Favourite FF Characters - Tidus, Wakka, Red.Favourite FF Game : FFX
TIDUS EX ZANARKAND ABES!Tidus 'Captain of the Besaid Aurochs'!
10 Years of Blitzball
2 Wins
1 Trophy
XboxLive: Tidus Spira - Add me if you want
Tidus - "Don't break any bones, old man!"
Well, in my 19 years of existence, I have only smoked a cigarette once, when I was 8 years old. I hated it and I have never done it since then. I also don't smoke because a few of my relatives were long time smokers and ended up getting cancer and dying from it. I have a few friends who smoke and who's parents smoke too, and I hang out with them every now and then, so I can put up with my friends smoking, I just don't want to be around them inhaling the air when they are doing it, and I don't let them smoke in my car and stink it up when we go places.
Im a non smoker never tried it never will don't see the point of paying like $20 to kill myself.....Slowly!
I got nothing Against Smokers i mean i work in a industry that practically keeps the smoking empire alive seriously at least 90% or more of Chefs smoke ( not an actualy figure but from my experience thats what i figure)
so yeh
I have to be the worst smoker in the world. I have been smoking since I was 10 years old, and have been around smoke my entire life. I have tried many times to quite. once I quite for almost 2 years when I was 14, and I quite for almost a year when I was expecting my first son.Again I am faced with quitting. I feel as if I will never get there, but my fiance is impressed with my progress. I used to do a pack a day, and I am down to 6. I plan to go cold turkey after my next appointment this month. Hopefully that will go well. I would try the patches again, but they makes me very very ill.
NO NO NO and NOO! I don't like smoking and i'll never do it! here's a sign of what i mean! So put that out NOW!!!![]()
I started smoking about a year and a half ago, right about the time I turned 21. It was a social thing to do while drinking, then I'd go outside with a beer an hour before we'd close at work and have a smoke, and the calming effect of it was what got me hooked.
I've been fighting with quitting for a couple months now, it's a lot harder than I ever expected it to be. I'm on 2 days right now since my last smoke, and the smell of it lingers in my house, I can smell it better than ever, and every time I see my mom, dad, brother, or sister light one up it's been pretty frustrating.
At the moment I've taken my fat ass on a bike ride the past couple days to get my mind off it and get my lungs hurting. It's helped, though I'm really craving one right now. :\
Eh, I said before I don't smoke, right?
Well I'd had the very occasional cigar with mates (likely under 5 in a full year) in the past and now I realise there's few things better than a cigar, especially if on the night shift. It warms you up, you're allowed to smoke (unlike drinking) and it makes you look like more of a badass when you encounter no good punks which can only work in your favour. And yes, by 'your' I really mean 'me' in whatever form, but if anyone ever gets a similar job, I'm almost sure you might be thinking similar.
My fave little trick is that old one you see in various movies. When someone is getting smart, you stare at them almost blankly, suck as much smoke as you can and then blow it into their face. Very intimidating I've found.![]()
victoria aut mors
Went back to smoking Djarum Blacks...A pack of Pall Mall. And a half pouch of Latakia Shag with a dash of perique. Plus one cigar. That's it for me for at least a year if not three or four.
I really don't like smoking, it just seems that I get worked into it for some reason.
You know I have no real problem with smokers. What I hate worse is those got forsaken Truth ads. They're worse than a million smokers breathing in my face. I can't stand when you see commercials and they're protesting on the streets. Smokers know it's wrong, telling them you'll die doesn't make them go OMG RLY?!?! I have nothing else to add I just can't stand those ****ers, they're like 5 year olds who say it's bad to their parents, they're just an annoyance.
I smoke alot and ive been smoking a long time, ive quit multiple times in the passed decade and always end up back on the nicotine wagon. I'm addicted to an extent, and i also smoke alot of weed and heck i even have a Cuban on the shelf above my bed which i will smoke when i go binge drinking next.
For the non smokers: YouTube - WPS-6: Bill Hicks on Smoking
EDIT: Oh and i smoke John player blue![]()
Last edited by nix; 04-09-2009 at 10:16 AM.
I smoke like a goddamn chimney. Pall Mall 100's are the poison of choice, Drum Halfzware Shag rollies if I'm broke.
It may be stupid, it may give me cancer, but the hell with it. Tobacco is yummy, goddamn it. I enjoy it. Plus, they taste really good after tacos.
You sound a bit like me. I was never addicted to them either and had them very sparingly. A pack would last me several weeks to months. Djarum Blacks are my weakness. I just love the smell and taste of clove. You know, chai tea is heavy in cloves. Good for when you crave that taste but don't want to start wheezing.
It's been almost a year since I smoked any cigs. Last time I did, I had some Newports and my gums swelled up in response. It was not fun. If I do smoke again, I'm sticking to the Djarum Blacks. I'm sure I'll find them somewhere around here.
I think smoking has appealed to me because I have this bizarre oral fixation. When I was a kid, I used to suck my thumb. Then I chewed on pens and pencils. Then I chewed on my mouth. Then I was introduced to pot, but most of the time, I would just let the pipe sit on my lips. I was never a fan of the way cigarettes smelled until I tried Djarum Blacks. Did that for a bit, and now I am back to chewing on my mouth/lips.
Interesting... Before I stopped here I just read an article and watched a video on electronic cigarettes. It was kinda cool. It uses water vapor rather than smoke.
Last edited by Sarah; 04-11-2009 at 11:39 AM.
Why the hell is everyone's sig so long? Be polite and use a freakin' spoiler tag!:
Smoking? Heck, if half of Earth started smoking at once, at least half of my brain will die, and I'll have mental emotion problems, as the emo I am, and I'll never be happy. Again.
I hate it. I hatehatehatehatehatehatehateHATE it. I hate myself.
And I hate half of the peps on the world who smoked ONCE. I'll kill them, but nooooo, I don't have a huge traditional sword, or a gun.
Haha, jk. not gonna kill anyone, but might bless their heads off.
*sobers in dark corner* Why must the world be so ugly and mean???? WHY DOTH KARMA CONSUME US???
.....And I also stole that cupcake.
TFF Family~:
I smoke marlboro reds since I was twelve and it's annoying when other 16 year olds smoke because they always want to bum off of you
I've seen those electronic cigarettes and have always been interested to see/try them. But I doubt they would taste as enjoyable as Djarum Blacks. Cloves are heads above regular cigarettes and common joe coffin-nails. The smell, particularly. I never have enjoyed the smell that cigarette's leave on you. And Blacks taste cleaner in some respect, not to say that they are.
I imagine I have the same oral fixation as I have to be constantly occupying my fingers and mouth. Cloves accomplish both with a nice spicy taste. But I never was big on the physiological or so called "Calming" properties of nicotine and quite often never inhaled as smokers do.
Can u even get nicotine out of those electonic I've never herd of them if u can't then what's the point
I hate smoking. Second boyfriend smoked and it was absolutely disgusting kissing him. I tried it out a few times while I was drinking during my emo alchy phase, but stopped soon after. It's ****ing disgusting having the taste stuck in your throat and waking up to it. Nothing would get rid of it, not even gum. Ughhh makes me sick thinking about it :<
i do not smoke,but if someone gave me cigar,i'd like to ,i dont prefer second-hand smoking,i will get away far from them,why do people spend money on those things that destroy their health
What can i say i can't say anything
Sarah, that's a bit of what keeps dragging me back to smoking every time I quit, a bit of an oral fixation.
I sucked my thumb until I was a teenager, I always did and still do chew on pens, I bite my nails frequently, I bite my lips and chew the skin off frequently. To occupy my hands when I'm bored I pull at chin hairs, often resulting in pulling them out repeatedly until I have patches in my beard.
Every time I quit smoking I get more than just a nicotine craving, I get a craving for everything involved in smoking. The inhaling and exhaling, the movement of the cigarette to and fro my lips, and then the effect nicotine has on the brain...
I've quit for a day, then gone back for a day, then quit for two, then back for a week, then quit for 3.... I haven't stayed consistent in quitting because my resolve fades after a few days, I always lose track of the reason which I'm trying to quit, which by this point... I don't have one, besides the fact I'm dating a nonsmoker atm.
I can't beleive i ever smoked those things.
Not ganja though. It was my friend for a good while.
-My Tee Eff Eff Family-
Unknown Entity, My recipe trading, PS3 playing cousin.
And then just like that i'm gone again.
I smoke. I wish I didn't. I agree with Govinda that every time I light up I know what I'm putting my body through. I feel self-conscious when I'm around people who don't smoke. I know my clothes stink, my breath smells like an ashtray, and I'm killing the earth by exhaling smoke and trashing filters. I started smoking at the ripe old age of 14.25 years and I have been a smoker for 13.16 years. I wanted to be a smoker because all my friends smoked and I didn't want to be the odd man out. They didn't pressure me; they just asked and I said, "Okay." Twas just as easy as saying, "No thanks", but I chose the former. Plus it probably didn't help too much that EVERYBODY in my family is a smoker.
Currently I'm about a pack-a-day guy. I tend to smoke more when I'm at work or when I'm geting f***ed up in some way or another. If I keep my mind occupied then that number comes way down, whether it be from playing video games, reading posts, or hanging out with friends who don't smoke. Sure I've tried to quit, but every time I tried I ended up averaging a few more cigarettes per day. I think Mark Twain said it best:There is a problem, though, that I have with nonsmokers. They all like to talk like it's soooooooo easy for a smoker to just not have a cigarette. Tis just too bad they don't have a single ounce of experience to back it up.Originally Posted by Mark Twain
Oh, and I smoke Basic full-flavored shorts from a box. Best combo of taste and price.
Last edited by dimmufan; 05-23-2009 at 12:16 PM.
2% of teens haven't tried smoking pot or drinking, if you're one of the 98% who has, then post this in your signature.
I'm a non-smoker...
As a general rule I don't mind smoking. Just as long as I'm not intoxicated in the fumes or something.
Everybody knows what effects that smoking has on your health, and if they don't mind running the risk then go for it. It's like alcohol as well. Okay I know maybe it's not as severe... but many an accident is caused by being 'drunk'.
We all know the dangers, and it's all in our control. If taken under moderation it should be alright. But of course I don't know xD.
Following the path for truth...
and ending the dream.