Wow... so many people have nearly drowned... actually thinking about it, I almost did too, although I was a strong swimmer. I was at a watersports thing when I was about 10, which was a summer activity run by the local sports centre. We were on a banana boat which capsised. It was going pretty fast, so we went down a bit far, but were wearing buoyancy aids so we wouldn't drown. Irony is that some little shit was panicing and kicking me back down as I tried to reach the surface. I remember reaching the surface gasping so much that it felt like I couldn't get enough air to reoxygenate my body!
The most scary experience, though, was when I almost killed myself on a bike when I was about 9. It was a rainy day and I was coming back from a bike ride with my friends. We were walking over one of those bridges which go over a road. My breaks were a bit dodgey so I insited on walking down the slope with my bike, but my friends mum said that is would be OK if I pump my breaks. So I rode down, pumping the breaks, but they wouldn't slow me down. I went hurtling down full speed, into a ditch, narrowly missing my head on a clay pipe by a couple of inches. Thankfully no bones were broken, but I was very bruised and sore, and I was in a lot of shock!
I've never been much of a cycling fan since, although I do strangely love motorbikes!
