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Thread: scary experiences?!!!

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    scary experiences?!!!

    so have you ever experienced anything before in your life thats really scary and it just happened to you during a certain time or event?
    this is mine!

    so it was a class camping trip and when we arrived there we set up our tents in a forest area. at first i thought it would be fun you know...camping out with classmates and friends and we were very excited about the trip, but this trip led me to encounter my very experience with legends and ghosts!!! so when we arrived there it was about 1:00am at night...we started driving there in the afternoon so it took us about 9-10 hours to get to there. that place immediately spooked the hell out of me. it was a creepy place with high cedar trees and a slight breeze that moves the trees in the back and forth direction. so i thought maybe its just a bit late and everywhere is dark so i thought i was just freakin myself out a little bit.... i later found out that we can rent motorcycles!!!! so we could go anywhere with our friends as long we dont pass the camp area. but screw that! nothing can possibly ruin my mood now!!!!...the teacher said we were going to go out for a quick ice-cream break just pass the street from the forest. so we grabbed our motorbikes and off we went. there were a few a few roads we could take... one is just down the forest, on the road, and across the street. the other one was down the forest, onto the railroad and then across the street. my friend and i took the railroad. (the teacher forgot to warn us not to take this road because there could be a train going by.) we were very hiper and then this was the moment...we were about to cross the railroad...and then we felt like somebody was holding us BACK! WE WERE TRAPPED ON THE RAILROAD...we checked if the bike wheels were stuck but it wasnt... we could actually LIFT the bike up so whats going on? i was the driver and i felt like SOMEBODY was holding our bike back but there wasnt anybody else except me and my friend...whatever it was it WOULDNT LET US GO!!! just then i saw headlights aiming at our direction...A TRAIN WAS friend and i got off the bike and tried to pull it out of the railroad...but it wouldnt we gave it one more try and YES it became loose and can move again...HOOT HOOT..the train went by and we were THIS close to dying...we walked back to our camping site and waited there until the rest of the class got back from their ice-cream break.
    Last edited by LIGHTNING_71013; 03-30-2010 at 04:32 PM.

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