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Thread: Things you don't like in your food

  1. #1
    Certified tech, come at me! Things you don't like in your food SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Things you don't like in your food

    What sort of toppings do you dislike in your food? One of the food types that I don't care for is pineapple when it comes to hot foods. I love eating pineapples just not inside things like burritos, or with Steak, or in Quesadillas.
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    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Things you don't like in your food

    I don't like pineapple. Mum loves it on a pizza though, so when we order out, I end up giving my pineapple parts to my dog.

    I don't like tomatoes in a store-bought sandwich. Sometimes I'll eat them, but a lot of the time I take it out. I always end up with really shitty tomatoes, like someone has scooped out all the jelly/seed/wet part of them, and left me with the outer ring part of a slice. I don't like tomatoes on the best of days, and that just makes it worse.

    I don't like coriander that much either. When we make soup at home, mum likes putting LOADS of this herb in it. To me, it smells pretty strong, and the taste is so strong that you can't taste the other ingredients.

    I remember really hating gherkins in my burgers. But I like them now, so they don't count. xD

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  3. #3
    Death Before Dishonor Things you don't like in your food Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Things you don't like in your food

    I love eating chili, but I am not a big fan of biting into a pepper, tomato, or onion. I like those three things just not in my chili. I would much rather enjoy the taste of beans, meat.

    Another is anything to do with lettuce. I hate that shit with a passion. I will not eat anything that has lettuce in it, or around it.

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  4. #4
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: Things you don't like in your food

    Mayonnaise. I just don't like it. Will not touch anything that I even suspect has had contact with slimy white death.

    I'm not all that fond of coconut, either. It's one of those things I'll tolerate if I absolutely must but I just prefer not to have it at all if I can help it.

    And the other big one is anise flavoring. Blech. Can't stomach that taste at all.

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  5. #5
    Death Before Dishonor Things you don't like in your food Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Things you don't like in your food

    Quote Originally Posted by DragonHeart View Post
    Mayonnaise. I just don't like it. Will not touch anything that I even suspect has had contact with slimy white death.

    I'm not all that fond of coconut, either. It's one of those things I'll tolerate if I absolutely must but I just prefer not to have it at all if I can help it.
    I despise mayo. I hate that shit. Can't believe that I forgot about it. The mere thought of it makes me cringe.

    Coconut I can stomach depending on what it is. If it is coconut flavored candies or something, then I am good. But if it something where the main flavor is coconut then it is overload.

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  6. #6
    This ain't no place for no hero Things you don't like in your food Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Things you don't like in your food

    Anything fish. Bleh... gross. I can't tell you how many times I've had someone be all "Oh, just try it prepared like THIS" or "Oh, that's a real 'fishy' tasting fish... try Halibut!" and sick sick sick sick sick to all of them.

    The best I can do is a cold shrimp ring, so long as there is plenty of seafood sauce. /puke.

  7. #7
    Things you don't like in your food Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Things you don't like in your food

    I generally dislike other people's spit in my food.

    Maybe in the right context though.

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  8. #8

    Re: Things you don't like in your food

    I'm not very picky with my food,I eat most everything except I don't like pecans and cashews so things like pecan pie are a no go. I also am not a fan of blueberry.I wouldn't die if I had to eat them I just avoid them.

    EDIT: ayee how could I forget peas. Ewww they're the one thing I REFUSE to eat. If they're in my food, depending on how many, I'm either eating around them, picking them out, or not eating at all -_-;

    So long as there isn't jizz in my pizza I think I'm okay... Ragna knows what I'm talking about
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 09-06-2010 at 09:46 AM.

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  9. #9
    Registered User Things you don't like in your food kupo's Avatar
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    Re: Things you don't like in your food

    bugs, spit and miscellaneous bodily fluid is a no go.

    ...and feta cheese. its the smell and aftertaste that really gets to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sabin Rene Figaro View Post
    I love eating pineapples just not inside things like burritos, or with Steak, or in Quesadillas.
    ive never even heard of someone putting pineapple in their burrito. gross.

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  10. #10
    Crash Boom Bang Things you don't like in your food Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Things you don't like in your food

    pineapple on pizza. I mean, the **** i that all about? Olives as well, they are just vile. the one and only time i tried an olive it got spat across a table. Pecks head when Im ordering a pizza and the one I want always seems to have chuffing olives on it. pepperoni as well, normally iM content enough to just pick the stuff I dont want off, but theres just summat about pepperoni

    i used to be spazzy over mushrooms in things, but I like those now, which saves alot of picking out

    Ohhhh and summat thats really been annoying me recently, anything chicken related Ive wanted recently, burger, smothered chicken, whatever, seems to come with a topping of bacon. DO. NOT. ****ING. WANT

  11. #11
    The Bad Boy of TFF Things you don't like in your food Block's Avatar
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    Re: Things you don't like in your food

    Mushrooms.... Chocolate... Man Goo.

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  12. #12
    Gingersnap Things you don't like in your food OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Things you don't like in your food


    I actually like dairy. But with lactose intolerance, I have to say no most of the time. And I hate when I don't think there's dairy in something, but SURPRISE, there is and I find out like thirty minutes later. It's actually kind of funny when it happens, but still, just.... ****ing... I worked hard to eat all that food, come on.

    Other than that... bring it ooooon. Well, okay, I avoid veal. But other than that too, I will probably eat it (don't talk to me about dicks, you assholes, I hate you. Preemptively). I love pineapples. All the time. Coconuts are my favorite nuts (don't talk to me about nuts, you assholes, I hate you). Fish is great (don't talk to me about....). Using coriander and cayenne pepper to spice some browned onions, okra, and tomatoes... mmm. Pickles are one of the best sandwich additives ever. Peas are great in curry, I like the texture. Mayo is disgusting in large quantities, but I have learned to enjoy a small amount spread thinly on certain sandwiches. Pecans, cashews... yum. Blueberries are amazing AND good for you. I love olives on salads, pizza, breakfast burritos, etc etc. Mushrooms are so good, are you kidding? Shiitake and/or portobello mushrooms are great with steak. And bacon?! Holy hell. I don't buy bacon because I know I'll damn eat it all. And of course chocolate is good.

    Any of you guys would make great roommates because you wouldn't want any of my food.
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 09-06-2010 at 12:18 PM.

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  13. #13
    Registered User Things you don't like in your food winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Things you don't like in your food

    Whenever I cook chilli I always pick out the beans, I can't stand the texture of them, same with mushrooms and bacon, I always pick those bits of of food I eat.

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  14. #14
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Things you don't like in your food Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Things you don't like in your food

    Carrots, love them fresh, not cooked though. They get all mushy, and taste like shit. Mushrooms also, though I'll eat them if they're prepared they way I want, still, I'll rather avoid having mushrooms on my plate.

    I'm also not fond of ketchup, which is tricky since my family and friends can't imagine pizza without the ketchup. What can I say, I prefer mayo and mustard.

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  15. #15
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    Re: Things you don't like in your food

    I'm not that picky when it comes to food either. About the only things I don't particularly like would be cilantro and ginger dressing, and even then I'll still eat the stuff if there's not a lot of it in my food.

    But of course, I don't like anything that's just not supposed to be there...but I think that's a given for pretty much everyone.
    Last edited by Dodie16; 09-06-2010 at 03:17 PM.
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  16. #16
    Memento Rhapso Things you don't like in your food Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Things you don't like in your food

    Onions, mushrooms, and pickles. They do not belong anywhere but by themselves lol
    Oh, and mayonnaise is mass quantity, like using it as a dip. Which reminds me, I hate ranch dressing on or near any kind of food, salad included lol

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  17. #17
    Bananarama Things you don't like in your food Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Things you don't like in your food

    Olives, unless they're on Domino's pizza. Otherwise, I can't eat them, no matter what they're in.

    I used to not be able to eat eggs, but **** it, they're amazing with some hot sauce.

    I'd also have to say that things like spit and semen would be turn offs in my food.
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  18. #18
    Crash Boom Bang Things you don't like in your food Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Things you don't like in your food

    I forgot about cinnamon, I probably hate that more than I hate any other food ever. It's disgusting. Only reason I hae it in my cupboard is baking sometimes requires it, I resenthaving to ue it and will keep the spoon full of it needed to a minimum

  19. #19
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Things you don't like in your food

    Things I haven't really liked?

    Raspberries...I only like them fresh right off the vine.
    Blueberries...Never liked them...they just taste so bland.

    Olives and Mushrooms...these 2 are nasty and I hate them...if I know there is 1 on something I will general hate it. Sometimes I bite the bullet and deal with them.

    Generally all type of seafood and fish. I only like shrimp, crab and calamari. As well as sushi but I usually get my rolls fried.

    I am not that real picky with what I don't like...I am just picky in what I feel like eating.
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  20. #20
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Things you don't like in your food Polk's Avatar
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    Re: Things you don't like in your food

    Pubic hair.

    Nah, just playing. I always ask for extra.
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  21. #21
    #LOCKE4GOD Things you don't like in your food Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Things you don't like in your food

    I can't stand mayonnaise. Like DragonHeart, if the food has even been near mayonnaise, I can't eat it.

    I'm allergic to tomatoes to some extent; they give me hives if they are fresh. I won't die or anything from eating them, though. In sauce form, it seems less of a problem, but I suspect that tomato sauce has contributed to some other phantom reactions.

    But I don't like tomatoes anyway.

    These in combination always piss me off, because store bought sandwiches, if they don't have both mayonnaise and tomatoes, they will have one and not the other. Great.

    Raw/canned fish. That tuna crap that comes in a Sealord tin? If someone opens one of those within 500m of me, I will get up and leave. Dear Lord that is disgusting. Can't eat sushi, based on this fear. Though I don't actually mind it, strangely enough.

    Everything else? Give me moar.

  22. #22
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Things you don't like in your food

    - Most green vegetables (apart from broccoli, which is a fave vegetable of mine).
    - Mayonnaise
    - Cheap, taste ruining sauces
    - Anything that has either an out of place taste/texture for whatever the meal it's in is (large pieces of carrot in my lasagna totally ruin it for me).
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