I don't like pineapple. Mum loves it on a pizza though, so when we order out, I end up giving my pineapple parts to my dog.
I don't like tomatoes in a store-bought sandwich. Sometimes I'll eat them, but a lot of the time I take it out. I always end up with really shitty tomatoes, like someone has scooped out all the jelly/seed/wet part of them, and left me with the outer ring part of a slice. I don't like tomatoes on the best of days, and that just makes it worse.
I don't like coriander that much either. When we make soup at home, mum likes putting LOADS of this herb in it. To me, it smells pretty strong, and the taste is so strong that you can't taste the other ingredients.
I remember really hating gherkins in my burgers. But I like them now, so they don't count. xD